The following in my opinion are crucial files missing:
June 28th, 2013, Incident Action Plans- MISSING from Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 Historically Significant Wildland Fire Yarnell 2013 at the Arizona State Archives Library (AZSAL) and DFFM Public Records Staff, Bill Boyd, states all Yarnell records are with AZSAL- then where are they?
June 29th, 2013, Incident Action Plans- MISSING from Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 Historically Significant Wildland Fire Yarnell 2013 at the Arizona State Archives Library (AZSAL) and DFFM Public Records Staff, Bill Boyd, states all Yarnell records are with AZSAL- then where are they?
The day Sonny/I almost died on the Weavers but 19 did die--- June 30th, 2013, Incident Action Plans- MISSING from Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 Historically Significant Wildland Fire Yarnell 2013 at the Arizona State Archives Library (AZSAL) and DFFM Public Records Staff, Bill Boyd, states all Yarnell records are with AZSAL- then where are they?
My birth date- July 1st, 2013, Incident Action Plans- MISSING from Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 Historically Significant Wildland Fire Yarnell 2013 at the Arizona State Archives Library (AZSAL) and DFFM Public Records Staff, Bill Boyd, states all Yarnell records are with AZSAL- then where are they?
July 2nd, 2013, Incident Action Plans- MISSING from Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 Historically Significant Wildland Fire Yarnell 2013 at the Arizona State Archives Library (AZSAL) and DFFM Public Records Staff, Bill Boyd, states all Yarnell records are with AZSAL- then where are they?
July 3rd, 2013, Incident Action Plans- MISSING from Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 Historically Significant Wildland Fire Yarnell 2013 at the Arizona State Archives Library (AZSAL) and DFFM Public Records Staff, Bill Boyd, states all Yarnell records are with AZSAL- then where are they?
{ 7-3-13, DOWN BELOW} -{WAS LOCATED JUNE 23-JUNE 30, 2023, at the Arizona State Archives Library - LAPR}
What was found in LAPR Digital DFFM Records for IAPs:

Here are the records currently stored at the AZSAL -
July 4th and 5th, 2013, Incident Action Plans-

and I am going to publish now 2-18-23 7:49pm but I am still here adding the rest of the Incident Action Plans for this file.
I just want this out there now.
Why are so many dates missing from this file? Where are they? Let me know if you know...

2-18-23 8:20pm publishing it again.

2-18-23 9pm: publishing it again. Add it as I do each day from 2013...

2-18-23 9:33pm: publishing it and do next date.

2-18-23 9:45pm: publishing it and going to next date.

2-18-23 9:57pm: publishing and doing next date.

I have been through / skimmed the eight boxes and why is it the above is in the files but so many are missing- why?
Where is the transparency?
I can tell you this. There is not one person who owns more records than me on the Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 / 2016.
If someone is bad mouthing me or as I heard recently (Jan. 2023) ... mentioning the Desert Walker ... on Government time on official business ...
will "JD" step forward and come directly to me versus "back channel" chatter on Government time.
JD, would your words on Government times be personal and professional perception or possibly defamation on a whistleblower? Which one...let me know...okay.
2-24-23 8:24am: Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 shows you Jake Nuttall on the fire I almost died on but 19 did die... I got this text:

Jake, I want to "fact check and verify"-- are you using your authority position to suppress others "freedom of speech" at the Glendale Regional Public Safety Training Center this week? Fred J. Schoeffler was a planned insert from DM.
What happened?
Why Jake, wouldn't you encourage one to find documents to lead to conclusions --- you were on that fire? Share to me why ... because of Fred J. Schoeffler's moment --- let me share this ... you may not find the July 2-3rd IAP at the Arizona State Archive Library but it is online here:

THAT IS MESSED UP FOLKS!!! This needs to be at the AZSAL. Why does this place have it and I do not and I asked for EVERYTHING pertaining to the YHF13'...???
One of the the Incident Action Plans is online but not stored at AZSAL, see:

Now, because of FJS discussion of why he was not allowed to go to Glendale Regional Public Safety Training Center
2-22-23- I googled "JAKE NUTTALL" and got the above IAP and guess what people --- LOOK AT THE DATE ---that link has MORE data than what is being stored at AZSAL--- whoahhhh....
Here is the complete file from that link:
One of the missing IAPs:
I asked for it all (specific and general) in my FOIAs and PRRs so now I am asking how this firm does have it but I do not---
what is happening, world...
what's going on, people.
missing IAP at AZSAL:

Research | Veritas Research Consulting - Arizona - Inventory Report on Jurisdictional Status of Federal Areas Within the States (
googled the research name on link and it comes back this:

August | 2015 | Veritas Research Consulting - This New World Order Conspiracy Theorist Is Advising Republicans on Environmental Policy – Mother Jones

saw this:

So I spoke to the ladies son because she is out of the country but I did let him know 2-24-23 9:39am- that I would like all the information they stored on Yarnell Fire and the blueprint will be reported to the FBI when they get to my case inquiry- especially when their link is one of the missing IAPs that is not even at the Arizona State Archive Library.
Let me peak at this IAP now:
cover page:

I find it quite interesting that a woman like VICKI MINOR with all her time invested and background and her foundation was lacking on the cover page here but let's see who this link is .... goes to a suspicious page according to my IT team.
I have to look into this more at a later time--- time restrictions today- medical stuff I have to attend...
Okay, interesting...we know Bruce Malloy was Safety Officer ( under Paul Boucher ) on his Crew Time Reports but he is not on this IAP July 2-3rd that way---how come---see:

clerical error?
if so, then a new addendum IAP needs to be there
and remember that AZSAL has "corrected" IAPs and where are the originals that are supposed to be stored there? Hmmm....
My documented proof Malloy should be on this IAP plan, right...:

Wow, Jake ... I think that text I got from FJS --- what was it that was said ---
'Just talked with the SW.... n about R-3 Fire Director Jake Nuttal prohibiting me from attending and presenting at the upcoming SWA HS AAR tomorrow. Because of my First Amendment rights involving my lawsuits, FOIA Requests, and speaking truth to power ...
Pretty messed up'
I am gonna go with this Research outfit and say I speak in fluent documentation lingo not the trash talk that has been done to me...not the lies, omissions and narratives.
"speaking truth to power" --- is that what we label it--- ???
the research link above had it right in one of their titles--- illegitimate power
and my hope is to one day get the documents out and have some that are in authority position either re-trained or demoted for the narratives that were created not just on the fire I almost died on. Tsk. Tsk.
I think at this point- likely, some could go to jail though.
So, let me show you my documented areas on Malloy:

Be back--- doing medical stuff today...
but before I go, let's look at the internet archive 'blueprint' and see what else they have and the date it went online:


what is going on here:

z - Tables 1 - 3 - Inventory PROJECT Report on Jurisdictional Status of Federal Areas Within the States copy (


My essence matters, Jake Nuttall.
I firmly deserve respect.
19 died but I am alive.
Same Weavers. Same afternoon.
What gives...
People can wipe their boots elsewhere....
I value my feelings and emotions and my almost ten years of documented truths. What have you publicly given to what happened on the YHF13'?
Fred can be disappointed in the freedom of his speech but I am floored you allowed it to even take place knowing what I know...tsk.tsk.

Milton Evans Obituary (1929 - 2020) - Flagstaff, AZ - Arizona Daily Sun ( (RiP)- wish Milton was alive still...just saying...
Obituary of Buddy Bristow | Funeral Home & Cremation Services | Des... (
7-3-23 12:55pm: The Paper Form Is Missing In The Boxes but found July 3, 2013, in one of the Disc- RG-247-2- IAPs---

7-3-23 12:55pm: I will wait for the Legal's Team Consultation Call today, but I want to confirm that July 3, 2013, IAP- Incident Action Plan - was not in the eight boxes with the other IAPs but for some reason was stored on a cd labelled . RG-247-2- IAPs--- [temp. location-not processed @ AZSAL] Let me find out how I can place this document here. I want to fact check and verify first.

There are crucial documents I want to place out yet running it by legal team first...

You can take the time to compare to the paper one above:
