Oct 29 data---putting setting to OCt 1 so FJS links are first
34.167393, -113.013701
I have other areas I am attending-
I will save all data back channel for this fire
and watch it from behind
to see what they do---
so all fire weather stuff
I will not post public
but I will have it...
looked up Cptn 5-1= showed "out of service":
no heat shows today
and let's look the past 7 days:
We had rain yesterday-
This was actually very sad
to see this "Controlled Burn"
if one knew the back story to it
...very sad for me...
I came back from FJS in 2020
and learned my long-time friend's home
was put into this guy's name
and took over her land-
which had appx $40,000
of my belongings
stored there
for safe keeping.
We were very close
her and I
for many decades-
she is even on my blog here
I never thought while
I was away someone went in
and did this to someone in their 90's
and I felt very safe
to store items there.
I only knew the guy as her Bingo driver to the Valley.
So, eventually
I thought I would buy the land
after the guy died
but this year
it was sold
when I was very ill
and not paying attention to over there.
and this morning
I just watched
if I thought my stuff was still possibly there...
it just burned down.
All my tears left when Lois died
and I
along with water co. folks
Lois' family
did our best to stop what took place...it was wrong...
someone told me to check out these links, but they went nowhere and no time to Google it:
24.10.09-Ltr-to-Chief-Moore-USFS - Adobe cloud storage
PowerPoint Presentation
Frank Carroll: The Profound Issues With Wildfire Policy And Leadership.
Frank Carroll - Professional Forest Management
The Wildfire Policy Windows are Shaking: Guest Post by Frank Carroll | The Smokey Wire : National Forest News and Views
Smokey Wire Version 1.0 10.12.2024.pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint Online
I googled a few:
side note: incoming wildfire data shown my way: