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  • Writer's pictureJOY A COLLURA

To Post Or Not To Post The Prescott FD Crew 7 - GMIHC End of Season Reports? That Is The Question.

Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern"

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I want to thank the Granite Mountain Hotshots ( GMHS ) (GMIHC) (CREW 7 - PFD) Alumni for having faith and hope in this long journey.

When we spend time together, I see the face of your child in all the actions I do as well as the men who died June 30, 2013, and the many people from our communities and Wildland Firefighters (WFs ) / Firefighters ( FFs ) who have died since. We all matter.

"Always remembering" as well these fine men for their assistance on the aftermath of the Yarnell Hill Fire ( YHF ) and what they offered and contributed to my extensive research - You all are greatly missed - ADOSH Investigator Dave Larsen ( RiP ), WildCAD Program Subject Matter Expert (SME) - SQL Server (NAS), MS Access, and MS SQL Expertise/RETIRED - Div Chief - Silver City Interagency Dispatch Center/Capt. Monte Vista Emergency Command Center/GySgt

United States Marine Corps Pete Masiel ( RiP ), our co-author on papers and presentations Lance Honda ( RiP ), and retired Gila Hot Shot Superintendent Dewey Rebbe

( RiP ).

Let us begin to honor the 19 GMHS men by showing with redactions to protect the Alumni Roster list if they have not come public thus far so they do not get emails, calls or texts just because I placed the documents out. I will place copies of the original informative GMHS End of Season reports (2004-2012). I do this since no book - no movie - no authors / journalists have done such thus far and these reports tell a story of the GMHS, unknown to the general public and others.

I will know if this information ends up in a "made-for-profit" book(s) or film(s). I, Joy A Collura, should get the proper credit. It does require my written permission for any and all commercial use of my material(s) presented on this post and Yarnell Hill Fire Revelations ( YHFR ) blog.

In prior Presentations where one receives an income to speak -that fire author, John N. MacLean, used my material and never gave me the proper credit. Instead, he was inappropriately and unethically using my material. Let us refrain from that kind of manners, people.

There is much more data that I have not yet released because I am awaiting the publication of their "made-for-profit" book that has John N. MacLean, Holly Neill, and Eric Shane Marsh's close friend Alan Sinclair, who was on the Yarnell Hill Fire. I will refrain from showing my source(s) to protect these people.

I will share that I sought in 2016 these Granite Mountain Hotshot End of Season Reports.

Incredibly, it took a total of 1,886 days or five (5) years and two (2) months, to finally receive them March 5, 2021.

And then I asked for them again on July 26, 2020, via technology. The GMHS reports I sought finally came back 221 days, 21 hours, 17 minutes.

Usually I get a notification and I did not see the records until I manually looked for them thanks to "Super Dave" and that area of looking for records on another area. ( 316 days, 22 hours, 17 minutes and 53 seconds since I asked for it- which meant since I was not properly notified it sat never looked at for 95 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes and 53 seconds. This request had a total time before going "live" to the world from time I requested to this day: 5 years, 5 months, 10 days.

I just want people to comprehend the "waiting" game of PRRs and FOIAs and really just first hand folks who sit right now with evidence that could have changed the entire SAIT - SAIR / ADOSH reports and the Media / Book / Article coverages. Very sad but true.

I will remain at this until at least one of you "Speak Up" especially some of you right now laid heavily with PTSD and or Cancer or other ailments. It is time. You know after I place these reports out today, what better Season 2013 Report than your evidence showing the true form of the last 18 minutes.

When you see media / authors / etc. speak or type on the men- has any of them took their time to offer what I do over time? I think not. I give you the documents to make your own assessment.

If you want to know something, I for sure thought the internal labelled "Mom" to these GMHS men and she knows who she is would have done what I am about to do but I place these documents in her honor here because I know from my Public Records Request ( PRRs ) and FOIAs you were treated wrong on the aftermath of all this.

There are people who truly treasure you for all the hard work you did for the men and thank you for doing all the hard work you did. I will not place your name here and we never met but I know if I did place your name - the naysayers and the ones who have created all this harm and chaos and disruptions would attempt to continue to do so. You deserve better.

I want to thank all the GMHS Alumni for their time with this Crew. I am so sorry some of you had to face this tragic news in your lifetime especially the lies being shown but here are some documents to help bring you and the crew to the front for all the hard work and still to this day I know from my PRRs and FOIAs there are some never given the proper credit for their hard work to make this Crew happen. Thank you to those folks - you know who you are.

These documents have been helpful to some when they go to do their resumes because they did not have their own record-keeping of their Seasons and what fires and what roles. So now it is here for them versus having to drive to me to read it and obtain it.

However you want to label it- here is the copy of the original Granite Mountain INTERAGENCY HOTSHOT CREW (TRAINEE), PRESCOTT FIRE DEPARTMENT CREW 7, Granite Mountain Hotshot Crew, Crew 7 End of Season Reports for the entire history of this Crew tied to City of Prescott as both Crew 7 and Granite Mountain INTERAGENCY HOTSHOT CREW (TRAINEE), PRESCOTT FIRE DEPARTMENT CREW 7, Granite Mountain Hotshot Crew.

"Super Dave" gets full credit for these documents to be made "live" because I had to gather documents to prove DJ Helm lied to him and others about me ( the underlined sentence above is a link to this former YHFR post ) God, You Here? You Well Understand Betrayals & Defamations Better Than I- Help Me Through This... ( - the records that were unseen laid there waiting for so long so thank you "Super Dave."


Here are the Granite Mountain Hotshots End of Season Reports starting with 2004 and ending in 2012:

Figure 1. Prescott Fire Dept. ( PFD ) Crew 7 Highlights 2004 Fire Season - page one Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 2. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2004 Fire Season - page two Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 3. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2004 Fire Season - page three Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 4. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2004 Fire Season - page four Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 5. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2004 Fire Season - page five Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 6. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2004 Fire Season - page six Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 7. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2004 Fire Season - page seven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 8. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2004 Fire Season - page eight Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 9. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2004 Fire Season - page nine Source. Anonymous for this post


End of Fire Season Report for 2005- Crew 7:

Figure 10. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2005 Fire Season - page one Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 11. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2005 Fire Season - page two Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 12. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2005 Fire Season - page three Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 13. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2005 Fire Season - page four Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 14. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2005 Fire Season - page five Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 15. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2005 Fire Season - page six Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 16. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2005 Fire Season - page seven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 17. PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2005 Fire Season - page eight Source. Anonymous for this post


End of Fire Season Report for 2006- Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - Crew 7:

Figure 18. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page one Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 19. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page two Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 20. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page three Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 21. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page four Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 22. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page five Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 23. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page six Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 24. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page seven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 25. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page eight Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 25a. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page eight Source. Anonymous for this post

Is That Pfingston's Podcast Pal- PFD Doug Harwood in the red leadership helmet in the above photo ( Figure 25a. ) ?

Figure 26. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page nine Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 27. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page ten Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 28. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page eleven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 29. Granite Mountain Type II Initial Attack Crew - PFD Crew 7 Highlights 2006 Fire Season - page twelve Source. Anonymous for this post


End of Fire Season Report for 2007- Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 - this is the year you begin to see the word "Interagency" and Trainee but they are still going by Prescott Fire Dept ( PFD ) Crew 7 along with Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew ( GMIHC ):

Figure 30. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 Highlights 2007 Fire Season - page one Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 31. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 Highlights 2007 Fire Season - page two Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 32. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 Highlights 2007 Fire Season - page three Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 33. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 Highlights 2007 Fire Season - page four Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 34. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 Highlights 2007 Fire Season - page five Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 35. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 Highlights 2007 Fire Season - page six Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 36. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 Highlights 2007 Fire Season - page seven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 37. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 Highlights 2007 Fire Season - page eight Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 38. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 Highlights 2007 Fire Season - page nine Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 39. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (Trainee) - Crew 7 Highlights 2007 Fire Season - page ten Source. Anonymous for this post


End of Fire Season Report for 2008- Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew -R-3 - this is the year you begin to see the word "Interagency" and Trainee but they are still going by Prescott Fire Dept ( PFD ) Crew 7 along with Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew ( GMIHC ):

Figure 40. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page one Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 41. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page two Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 42. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page three Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 43. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page four Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 44. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page five Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 45. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page six Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 46. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page seven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 47. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page eight Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 48. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page nine Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 49. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page ten Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 50. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page eleven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 51. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page twelve Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 52. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew R-3 Highlights 2008 Fire Season - page thirteen Source. Anonymous for this post

RiP- Dewey Rebbe is in above photo; left.


End of Fire Season Report for 2009- Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew ( GMIHC ) - R-3 - Prescott Fire Dept. ( PFD ):

Figure 53. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page one Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 54. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page two Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 55. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page three Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 56. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page four Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 57. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page five Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 58. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page six Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 59. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page seven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 60. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page eight Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 61. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page nine Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 62. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page ten Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 63. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page eleven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 64. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page twelve Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 65. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page thirteen Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 66. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page fourteen Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 67. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page fifteen Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 68. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2009 Fire Season - page sixteen Source. Anonymous for this post


End of Fire Season Report for 2010- Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew ( GMIHC ) - R-3 - Prescott Fire Dept. ( PFD ):

Figure 69. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page one Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 70. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page two Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 71. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page three Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 72. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page four Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 73. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page five Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 74. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page six Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 75. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page seven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 76. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page eight Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 77. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page nine Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 78. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page ten Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 79. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page eleven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 80. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page twelve Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 81. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2010 Fire Season - page thirteen Source. Anonymous for this post


End of Fire Season Report for 2011- Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew ( GMIHC ) - R-3 - Prescott Fire Dept. ( PFD ):

Figure 82. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page one Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 83. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page two Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 84. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page three Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 85. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page four Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 86. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page five Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 87. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page six Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 88. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page seven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 89. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page eight Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 90. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page nine Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 91. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page ten Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 92. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page eleven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 93. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page twelve Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 94. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page thirteen Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 95. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page fourteen Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 96. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page fifteen Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 97. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2011 Fire Season - page sixteen Source. Anonymous for this post


Please pay particular attention to the GMHS Leadership (or lack thereof) regarding Personal Protective Equipment

( PPE ), i.e. rolled up sleeves and tools over the shoulder like a farmer as shown in Figure 112.

It became evident to many WFs and FFs that the GMHS normalization of deviance intensified in 2012. This was particularly notable on the Holloway Fire in NV and OR,

( i.e. Contract Engine Crew saving the GMHS Crew Buggies in a Vimeo video and having to burn out around themselves and buggies twice due to lack of a lookout )

End of Fire Season Report for 2012- Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew ( GMIHC ) - R-3 - Prescott Fire Dept. ( PFD ):

Figure 98. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page one Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 99. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page two Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 100. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page three Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 101. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page four Source. Anonymous for this post

How was 2013 adding up to be their 10th Anniversary if they formed as a Crew in 2004?

Figure 102. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page five Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 103. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page six Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 104. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page seven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 105. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page eight Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 106. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page nine Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 107. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page ten Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 108. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page eleven Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 109. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page twelve Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 110. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page thirteen Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 111. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page fourteen Source. Anonymous for this post

Figure 112. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew PFD R-3 Highlights 2012 Fire Season - page fifteen Source. Anonymous for this post



End of Fire Season Report for 2013- Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew ( GMIHC ) - R-3 ( PFD ) - RiP

However, the story continues on as we have people out there who still have more evidence and fully know first hand accounts, so please contact me so we can place "The End" for Season 2013 right here on this YHFR blog with your evidence.

Please, we lost 19 men June 30, 2013, yet I can share we lost so many more since the YHFs ( 2013, 2016 ). I know we have a heavy toll of PTSD first-hand folks who know more on the last 18 minutes ( i.e. purported firing operation(s) and more ) - we can only learn true and complete lessons if you share it publicly.

Let me end with a Scripture that suits this post-

GOD is LOVE (Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV))

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

So, we should love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. Also love our neighbor as our self. :) (emphasis added)


I highly recommend to donate ( to Wildfire Today - Date: Sunday, June 27th, 2021 at 10:20 AM - Bill Gabbert does have permission to use this post here to do any non-controversial posts using any material from this post here. Special prayers to Donut. I am truly sorry what has happened in 2021 behind the scenes for ya- think of you always like a younger brother. So sorry, Donut. Also, heads up ... maybe rethink this book series you said in recent times on some podcast dealio.

A GMHS Loved one gave me a book 3-17-21 when I was at the Costa Mesa CA Brain Procedure which he found many good things in this book to guide him through his years in this world and I want you to know Donut I hope you enjoy this insert from the book and truly realize

"The Choice Is Yours -

"to those who think it is enough to know what is right and simply avoid doing anything wrong. Emerson had something important to say. In one of his essays occurs the following profound sentence:

"God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose. Take which you please --- you can never have both."

"Most of us would like to disbelieve this truth: there's no denying that comfort is more pleasant than work. But we have to admit that knowing what is right implies the obligation to spread that knowledge.

"And, as a matter of fact, many people who have fought "the good fight" with unceasing zeal testify to the rewarding satisfaction, the deep contentment that is the reward of the struggle.

"It is better to wear out than to rust out." (Richard Cumberland)

"Pray for the grace to keep pushing on when it would be easier to stop trying." ( emphasis added ) (James Keller)


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