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PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru2014-Pt 8g


Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern"

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PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru2014 This is a release of the PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014- continues on from: PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru2014-Pt 8c ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru2014-Pt 8b ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 8 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 7 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 6 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 5 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 4 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 3 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 2 ( RECORD REQUESTS - CITY OF PRESCOTT - Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014 (

Joy A Collura "Live" Journal- the last post kept rebooting so start a new post. When will I get back to actually having the time to do City of Prescott records actual documents here? ---- I am pretty solid in my calendar being full for this year into 2023. I will always do my best, but it is always my life and health and medical first then post records - been a real struggle the past few years.

I feel so torn because I want to get the records out but there are just days, I wish the medical healthcare would do their part --- 2021 was more headaches than care being shown to me as I have shown all you here plus the whole YCSO Sgt Ashby and her Superior stating they are building a Criminal case against me has been bogus but still a causal stress factor as well as the whole bogus actions and manners of Basden and that whole bunch up there every time I went to do a professional task.

My high school pals are more than willing to let me "chill" there, but I have a full plate of activities to do here. I am in whistleblowing phase. Roller skating helps me relieve stress and meditation and breathing exercises. I am not myself for a long while now. I would like to have an area that flows...

Sad, I had to go to Idaho to get a good solid sleep last Fall 2021.

Remember these moments --- God works --- we lose sight sometimes--- but remember when we are down or ill --- remember this --- in quiet times, look around and see who really cares ---

I have my husband, family and friends but I also am so thankful to Carol Conti for what she did for me 2-2-2022. I was blown away by the generosity and she saw how I was been treated by the medical people around me and she did something extraordinary - she is making sure I get immediate attention on areas needing it. - Thank you.

February 2, 2022, Update 6:18pm:

Recap since 12-31-22 what I have to share:

I am very sad by the 12-31-21 news and at times wondering what the best way is to reach the GMHS loved ones especially during these pandemic times, but I saw the records and I will post that area on another post

( "Calling all "Prayer Warriors"- JOY A COLLURA is officially in "whistleblowing" phase in 2022-" ) about what I plan to do and its process.

The local clinic / hospital stated to me in a certified letter that I require a higher level of care that they feel they are unable to provide. Wow. When I am ill. ??? The same folks who I have been patiently waiting for them to do the referral and PCP precertification since November 19, 2021, just out of the blue send me that letter down below. I think THANK YOU for letting me know referrals and precertifications is out of your scope and Womens Wellness and Ear Infections --- ???? The advance care I was waiting for you to do your role - so I could go see them so please understand my frustration ---

Meanwhile, I was beating a rash and fever in January so if you knew me in January or even today---I am not me. I am going to make errors. Please pray for all the people who have COVID 19 in 2022. I am saddened to see this happening to people I care about.

my rash / inflammation up close:

I had fever and was clammy in this video:

heading to Candyland Rollerskating:

this is me and my dark hair nowadays --- it does change the hue of my eyes I noticed.

Thank you to the seven kids who came up to me and thanked me. I say anytime I am there I will help you for free to learn how to skate and the fun of 'criss crossing' 70's style.

This was my childhood/teen skating rink so it was odd to run into 2 people I use to skate with back in the 1980's

play some 'Staying Alive' while on this page.

I made sure to get Valentine's Day gifts accordingly and so some kids who have 'crappy' attitudes did not get candy from me - they got:



Never heard back from them---let me go look in my Spam box...

Please help me spread the word.

Mother Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu said it right ... I compare Vicki Minor to Mother Theresa ... "Small things done with great love will change the world."

I was on the initial roster, and I memorized the part- I did not go to Idaho due to health. Fred J. Schoeffler took my spot. I am only a writer / editor on this blog and papers and presentations not for the Documentary.

Current Campaign:

Scottie Briggs:

That is Fred J. Schoeffler in image above talking to the Hotshots on a Dude Fire Site Visit June 2020.

thank you, Fred, for taking my part - I know looking back I would not been able to do the part even though I had it memorized.

Jared Welsh also did not make it to Idaho so somehow, we both have honorable mention on IMDB but I formally withdrew even after doing all the contracts due to health, so I am not on current roster so I would not be shown here. Jared got two Honorable mentions ;) -

I kept this "quiet" and only allowed "Custom" list on Facebook to see-



I think I watch "Caught in Providence" because the Judge reminds me of my father-in-law (RiP)

We Miss You Dad-


see this part of my spine hurts but really it is the C1 to scapula to T-T5 areas:

see how my spine goes the other direction---


how my spine is:

2-3-22 1:13am: quick look at GTS for my name to see what sites pop up: IMDB---last week it did not show up but now it does... ???


My internet has been slow for months now - I think this month I need to cut off Caught in Providence watching- good night-- 2/3/22 4am


Today, 2-3-22 3pm I will be away from the pc-


I forgot I told my husband I would work on the health papers today and the other link ( Archiving YHFR Front Page From 2021 - Health Updates for 2022. ( keeps "rebooting" so I will be here for a couple hours with adding medical so I can finally store my banker boxes versus be all around the house. It is overwhelming to have all the medical boxes around but with having to do a whole new PCP- (Thanks Wickenburg Clinic for ....??? your timing stinks)

what does that mean for me and my world - new freaking paperwork to fill out and I am not carrying around all these boxes to fill out their documents. I can bring a cell and CTRL F and get the data right off my cell.

Now, my ENT gave me a new thought to ponder--- do the $1000.02 sleep studies and it is just hard for me to dish it out because Dec. 28th I had that appt. and it would not cost me and so now there is some new suggestion, but I am stubborn on why I should dish out a grand because we started all this talk to do study when deductible was met last Summer 2021.

To me, since I have to start over with PCP- may have to rethink how I want this year to unfold - I ordered almost a grand in labs for 2022 so far so I am just like watching those areas... and do my thermogram soon.

if every firefighter gave one dollar to the project above - I bet we would meet goal in one day - one dollar ---- just sayin ;)


I will be at this:


Let me do current measurements: 2-3-22 10:30pm:

2022 Monitoring Edema / Fluid Buildup (Lymphatic) Measurement Chart

  • Ear to Ear: December 2021 - 10, 1/1/22 - 10, 1/16/22 - 11.5 (swelling) --> 7-7.5 is my normal, 2-4-22 - 12 (swelling)

  • Temple to Temple: December 2021 - 7, 1/1/22 - 7, 1/16/22 - 7, 2-4-22 - 7 5-5.5 is my normal

  • Widows Peak to Chin: December 2021 - 8, 1/1/22 - 8, 1/16/22 - 8 with swelling 3d by chin area with fluid draining in T-Zone/ears, 2-4-22 -8 with swelling 3d by chin area with fluid draining in T-Zone/ears 6-6.5 is my normal

  • Forehead all the way around: December 2021 - 24, 1/1/22 - 22.5( reduced swelling 1.5 inches), 1/16/22 - 21( reduced swelling 1.5 inches), 2-4-22 -21 18.5 is my normal

  • Shoulder to Shoulder: December 2021 - 16, 1/1/22 - 16, 1/16/22 - 17.5 (swelling) 2-4-22 - 17 13-13.5 is my normal

  • Upper Arm: December 2021- l13r14, 1/1/22 -l13r14, 1/16/22 -l15r14 (swelling l 2 inches r 1 inch), 2-4-22 - same 9-9.5 is my normal

  • Wrist: December 2021 - 7, 1/1/22 - 7, 1/16/22 - 7, 2-4-22 - 6.5, 5-5.5 is my normal

  • Neck: December 2021 - 16, 1/1/22 - 16, 1/16/22 - 14.5 ( reduced swelling 1.5 inches) , 2-4-22 - 15, 11-12 is my normal

  • Chest: (which all my young life was 34 :( (sad)December 2021 - 41, 1/1/22 - 43.5 (swelling), 1/16/22 - 40 ( reduced swelling 3.5 inches) 2-4-22 - 46 (much inflammation and swelling) 34 is my normal

  • Upper Thigh: December 2021 - 24l24r, 1/1/22 - 24l23.5r,( reduced swelling .5 inch r) 1/16/22 - 22l25r( reduced L 2/increased R 1- swelling ), 2-4-22 - 23.5l23r, 16.5 is my normal

  • Fattest area of stomach: December 2020 I was almost 70in. and dangerously congested all over December 2021 - 46 but was 36in Sept 2021 (a concern but I also had 3 seizures into unconscious state, medical delays/babysit bs with ins./pcp/specialists, DJ/Lee/Pat/Ashby/Basden BS, DJ over by me and her cease bs on an area I have been solid with DCJ for decades- very agenda feel and uncool, and my head pain bilateral ear infection which I am still not over that ), 1/1/22 -42, 1/16/22 - 51(swelling), 2-4-22 -40 (swelling going down) 30-31 is my normal

  • Calves: December 2021 - l17r17, 1/1/22 - l16r17, 1/16/22 - l15r15.5 ( reduced swelling 2-2.5 inches), 2-4-22 -l15.5r1710-11.5 is my normal

  • Feet: December 2021 - l 8 r 10 , 1/1/22 - 9.5both, 1/16/22 - l almost 10 r 10 (swelling), 2-4-22 - l almost 11 (much painful swelling),r 10, 7-7.5 is my normal

  • Ankles: December 2021 - 10, 1/1/22 - 9, 1/16/22 - r 9 l 10 (fluctuating), 2-4-22 - r 9 l 9 5-5.5 is my normal

Watching always where the edema/ fluid pools systematically in my body - maybe some day a health care provider will actually CARE for my health fully and they can read the journal notes that I am pro-active to get to the origin even if small town health care say I am too advanced and require better qualified --- it is no way to treat a person while they are down and ill - I guarantee you though "God is watching them all" - My lab for self-pay and Carol Conti and my medical massage people have been 100% consistent to give me excellent care not the Medical field even the ones I like at the ENT back pedaled recently and to me "common sense" - an order is done last Summer 2021 than I should have had completed the studies for sure by the appt December 28th - if someone has floating around a grand - send it to the sleep studies folks and I will be at next visit but not if it has to be where I have to slowly build the income to even get into study then to me I rather get blood labs and see the heat map (thermogram) because those tell a story too.


Hey mom- saw your snapchat pics of you and Maria (bunny ears, eh) ---here are mine:



The other day it said it was cancelled but now it open:


my FB timeline:



  • Thermographic Findings Anterior Head Patterns in the anterior head are similar to the previous study of 8/27/2021. There is bilateral hyperthermia with vertical orientation seen in the forehead. These patterns are often seen with environmental allergies or sinus inflammation, with or even without symptoms. It's been shown that more than 27% of chronic sinus infections could be related to fungal infection. This finding is consistent with the reported sinus and/or environmental related issues. Forehead hyperthermia may also be related to pinched nerves of the posterior head or neck due to muscle spasm. This may affect the nerves and muscles over the back of the head, which can radiate to the forehead and may be related to the reported neck pain. Further evaluation is recommended. There is bilateral hyperthermia evident in the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses, located below the eyes. Maxillary sinuses are affected by environmental allergies and or sinus issues. The most common symptoms are pain in the cheekbones, and feelings of pressure. Further evaluation is recommended as these findings may be related to the reported environmental allergies or sinus issues. There is intense, extensive, increased hyperthermia in the area surrounding the mouth, bilaterally extending into the submandibular area and neck. Perioral hyperthermia is often related to ... amalgam fillings or ... in the mouth and can be an indication of dental/periodontal inflammation or pathology. ... Recommend special attention to oral care as bacteria in the blood stream can circulate to other areas of the body, including joints, the thyroid, other soft tissue and the cardiovascular system. Unresolved dental issues are often related to a variety of unresolved health problems. Recommend evaluation with a Biological Dentist familiar with cavitations, Electrodermal Screening and Ozone Therapy.The nose is expected to be colder than the rest of the face, but it presents here as warmer than expected. This is most often seen with environmental allergies or cold symptoms. However, this can sometimes be associated with skin disorders such as rosacea or dermatitis. In the absence of these symptoms, this may be an indication of cardiovascular stress or possibly thyroid disorder. Further evaluation is recommended

  • Lateral Head and Vasculature. There is bilateral focal hyperthermia with intensity at the temporomandibular joints with a corresponding hyperthermia in the temporalis muscle. These patterns can be an indication of TMJ dysfunction and may correlate with such symptoms as headache, neck pain, earache and jaw clicking and and may be related to the reported TMJ, headaches and neck pain. Increased bilateral thermal patterns are seen in the posterior lower jaw. These patterns can be a possible indication of dental conditions, teeth grinding or TMJ disorder. General muscular related hyperthermia is observed in the lateral posterior neck bilaterally. This muscle extends from under the ear and jaw down to the collarbone. Muscular tension in the neck can cause neck tenderness and headaches. This finding may be related to the reported neck pain.

  • Anterior Neck. There is a pattern of hyperthermia observed in the anatomical region of the thyroid gland in the anterior neck. This could suggest a functional concern. Low thyroid function symptoms include fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, mood or brain fog issues, constipation and/or cold hands and feet. Hyper-thyroid function symptoms include fatigue, tremors, anxiety, palpitations and/or diarrhea. If symptoms of thyroid imbalance are indicated, recommend thyroid ultrasound and further clinical evaluation with a healthcare provider. There is bilateral hyperthermic activity seen in the tonsillar, sub-mandibular and sub-mental lymphatic chains of the neck. A primary function of the lymphatic system is to assist in cleaning the cellular environment of bacteria and other toxins, possibly from the sinuses and teeth, to fight infection. Internal toxicity leads to inflammation. Long-term inflammation eventually weakens the immune system. Consider professionally guided protocols to support lymphatic drainage and inflammation.

  • Posterior Head Posterior neck presents with diffuse bilateral hyperthermia which is a typically expected finding.

  • CHEST/ UPPER BACK Chest, Heart & Upper Back Concerns C/o relaxation ventricular function 50 - 55% and tricuspid regurgitation. Has costal chondritis with chest pain above and including both breasts. SOB worse at night, (no asthma). C/o 15mm mass lower left lobe of lung - CT Dec 23rd 2020 showed cavitation in mass. Ct May of this 2021 was negative - NO mass or cavitation. 3 seizures in September 2021 - EMT pressed "hard" on sternum.

  • Thermographic Findings Anterior Chest. A strong personal or family history may warrant additional studies. There is bilateral hyperthermia over the anterior shoulders. These patterns may suggest lymphatic congestion likely related to shortening of the pectoralis muscle and can be improved with better shoulder posture and stretching exercises of the pectoralis muscle group. These findings are consistent with the reported history of shoulder pain. There is bilateral hyperthermia seen below the clavicle. Hyperthermia in the infraclavicular area may be related to discomfort in the shoulder or possible range of motion issues. If these symptoms exist, I recommend further evaluation. Note that this may be related to lymphatic congestion in this area. Scattered mottled patterns of hyperthermia are detected over the chest. These patterns may be caused by a number of conditions including hormone imbalances, myofascial dysfunction, various autoimmune conditions, food sensitivities, toxicities such as alcohol ingestion and smoking, and emotional stress. Professional follow-up assessment is advised. There is bilateral hyperthermia seen in the upper chest. This may be related to a pectoral muscle strain or possibly related to lymph node congestion in the chest.

  • Upper Back.There is mild hyperthermia seen in the scapular area which is not considered thermographically significant at this time and is consistent with the reported upper back pain. There is intense linear hyperthermia in the posterior midline of the thoracic region that radiates laterally into the soft tissue. This is an indication of an inflammatory response to tendons and ligaments connected to the cervical and upper thoracic spine, which provide structural stability and may take an extended time to heal if there has been an injury. Further structural evaluation advised with a chiropractor or acupuncturist if indicated. Scattered mottled patterns of hyperthermia are detected over the upper back. These patterns may be caused by a number of conditions including hormone imbalances, myofascial dysfunction, various autoimmune conditions, food allergies and emotional stress. Follow-up examination is advised if indicated.

  • BREAST. Breast Summary Findings are compared to previous evaluations, the most recent dated 8/27/2021. Mild thermal changes observed in this follow-up study compared to the previous evaluation. There has been an overall increase in the mottling hyperthermic patterns across the breasts and chest. Vascular patterns are similar and stable but more intense. See details of right and left breast below. There are intense and significant thermal patterns or reported findings observed in both breasts. The left breast appears larger as compared to the right. Extensive thermal mottling patterns are seen in the chest/breast area. See comments below. Right Breast General Findings These are notable thermal findings seen in this breast that are commonly seen, but they should always be monitored for change: A diffuse thermal pattern is observed over the breast. There are branching patterns seen over all four quadrants of the breast. There is an intense branching thermovascular pattern originating near the right shoulder and extending into the upper outer quadrant. There is an intense branching horizontal pattern in the inner breast. There is an intense horizontal hazy fragment in the inferior breast. General hyperthermia is seen in the axillary lymphatic region under the arm and lateral to the breast. See comments below.Significant Findings These findings should be addressed. Impression and recommendations will be based on the number of these findings. There is a well-defined thermal-vascular pattern in the inner regions of the breast greater than 1.5°C as compared with the opposite breast at 2-3 o'clock. There is a specifically reported finding (lump 12-1 o'clock) without increased heat, so there are no specific thermal indications for this finding at this time. However, this reported finding raises the level of concern in this breast.Left Breast -General Findings: These are notable thermal findings seen in this breast that are commonly seen, but they should always be monitored for change: A diffuse thermal pattern is observed over the breast. There are branching patterns seen over the upper regions and lower inner quadrant of the breast. There is an intense branching thermovascular pattern originating near the sternum and extending to the nipple. There is an intense diagonal branching thermovascular pattern originating near the sternum with a partially closed loop. There are intense fragments across the upper breast. There are intense diagonal pattern originating in the upper breast and extending into the lateral breast. Fragmented or scattered thermal patterns are seen over the lower outer quadrant of the breast. There is a relatively small area of hypothermia in the lower outer quadrant of the breast. There is a hyperthermic pattern proximal to the nipple. General hyperthermia is seen in the axillary lymphatic region under the arm and lateral to the breast. See comments below. Significant Findings These findings should be addressed. Impression and recommendations will be based on the number of these findings. There is a well-defined thermal-vascular pattern in the upper inner quadrant of the breast greater than 1.5°C as compared with the opposite breast at 10-12 o'clock.Breast Impression Thermal findings are considered to be an impression of: Right Breast: Thermographically significant with a moderate level of concern for thermal irregularities based on two findings. These would include specifically reported concerns, thermal asymmetry, intensity and distribution as listed above. These patterns and or reported findings should always be monitored for change. Left Breast: Low level of concern: equivocal with one significant factor; minimal level of concern for thermal irregularities. This pattern or reported finding should always be monitored for change

  • Comments Note: Thermal mottling and scattered vascular patterns in the chest and breast can be associated with several conditions including ...myofascial issues, and various autoimmune conditions. In some cases, these patterns may also be related to hormonal imbalance. Further evaluation is advise. Thermal mottling patterns are also suggestive of inflammation-related immune system reactions. Immune system health is critical to quality of life. Recommendations to preserve immune health include daily hydration, an antiinflammatory diet and nutritional supplements, plenty of sleep and regular daily exercise. RECOMMENDED BREAST FOLLOW-UP 1. Thermographically significant with moderate level of concern for thermal irregularities with two significant factors as noted above. Recommend bilateral breast ultrasound and restudy in 12 months as comparison over time will further clarify the significance of these patterns and or reported findings and to establish a stable baseline with no significant changes. These patterns and or reported findings should always be monitored for change. 2. In addition to thermal imaging, continue with routine follow-up breast examinations with her physician as indicated or at least annually. 3. Recommend ongoing consultation with her phyysician or qualified health professional regarding dietary, nutritional and lifestyle practices that support breast health

  • Thermographic Findings, Impressions and Recommendations Abdomen There is increased mottling in the anterior abdomen compared to the previous study of 8/27/2021. There are no new vascular patterns. Extensive patterns of scattered thermal mottling are observed in the anterior abdominal view. Mottling patterns extending into the abdominal area can be consistent with hormone imbalances, myofascial dysfunction, various autoimmune conditions, food allergies, toxic conditions related to digestive disorders, and emotional stress. Advise follow-up assessment to investigate these possible conditions. An isolated, focal hyperthermia is observed in the upper epigastric region of the abdomen. This can be associated with the visceral-cutaneous reflex area of the esophagus and stomach and/or duodenum. These patterns may be associated with digestive issues occurring soon after eating. Suggest labs for H. Pylori, SIBO, dysbiosis, candida and parasites. Recommend proper "food combining", digestive enzymes, probiotics and avoiding GMO's. This finding may be related to the reported stomach, acid reflux and/or other lower digestive tract issues.There is a diffuse hyperthermic pattern of horizontal orientation seen in the central umbilical region. The location of this pattern can be associated with the visceral-cutaneous reflex area of the small intestine. Some symptoms of small intestine dysfunction can be bloating, cramping and food intolerances. This finding is consistent with the reported abdominal issues. Recommend further clinical evaluation with a healthcare provider. An intense, horizontal hyperthermic pattern at the level of the umbilicus can be related to a skin fold. Note that the umbilicus itself is typically hyperthermic. A pattern of relative hyperthermia with horizontal orientation is observed in the pelvic region. These patterns may be associated with uterus/bladder issues for women and patterns located in the lateral lower abdominal region can be associated with the visceral-cutaneous reflex area of the colon. Note that in the absence of concerns, intense horizontal and inguinal hyperthermia may be the result of a skinfold.

  • Abdomen, Lateral Right An area of scattered hyperthermia is seen in the upper right region of the abdomen which can be related to emotional stress and/or functional stress in the liver. Liver stress can cause symptoms such as bloating, constipation, skin changes, fatigue, hormonal imbalance, brain fog and elevated cholesterol. This can be the result of toxicity, inflammation or lymphatic congestion and can impact digestion. If there are symptoms of discomfort or unresolved digestive issues, consider dietary changes, parasite cleanse and detoxification with a healthcare provider. Abdomen, Lateral Left A diffuse area of relative hypothermia is seen in the upper left region of the abdomen which can be related to functional stress in the stomach/pancreas and can affect digestion and or sugar metabolism issues. This may be related to the reported pain in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. Note: It is common to see a variety of hot and cold patterns in the region below the breast down to the lower abdominal area. These patterns may not always be directly over the anatomical location of a specific organ. However, these patterns, either hot or cold, may reflect changes on the skin related to the well accepted and documented sympathetic visceral-cutaneous reflex region related to specific visceral organs. This may indicate inflammatory conditions or other signs of possible organ abnormalities. Thermography alone is not diagnostic; however in the presence of symptoms or clinical concerns may justify further evaluation with a healthcare provider trained in functional medicine. Consider that abnormalities in digestive organs are often directly related to stress.

  • Lower Back There is intense hyperthermia observed in the midline of the lower thoracic and lumbar spine. This suggests a chronic or systemic degenerative inflammatory response which over time can result in disc degeneration. These patterns in the presence of sciatica, which causes burning back pain that travels through the buttocks and into the leg, can indicate the source of nerve root compression. This is consistent with the reported lower back pain. Recommend further considerations such as acupuncture, chiropractic, or orthopedic evaluation. There is evidence of horizontal hyperthermia radiating from the spine into related soft tissue. This pattern suggests inflammation of the overlaying soft tissue (ligament, muscle, fascia and facet joint capsule) in the thoracic and lumbar region. This is consistent with the reported lower back pain. Recommend further considerations such as acupuncture, chiropractic, or orthopedic evaluation. Mild patterns of scattered or thermal mottling are observed in the lower back view. Widespread general mottling seen in the lower back and other regions can be related to conditions including hormone imbalances, various autoimmune conditions, food allergies and emotional stress. Sometimes recent alcohol consumption can cause a temporary mottling reaction. Follow-up investigation is advised if symptoms indicate. Immune Summary Immune system health is critical to quality of life and may be reflected especially in the lymphatic system. Thermal indications in multiple regions of your body suggests signs of extensive inflammation justifying evaluation to preserve and strengthen your immune system, lymphatic system and over-all functional health. Lymph nodes can become inflamed and accumulate toxins, debris and infectious organisms. While exercise, deep breathing and hydration are helpful, it is recommended to have professionally guided protocols to support gum and dental health, digestion, lymphatic drainage, detoxification and reduce inflammation. Ask your thermographer for further recommendations to improve inflammation.

  • Thermographic Findings, Impressions and Recommendations Hands, Dorsal Bilateral focal hyperthermia is seen in the joints and/or muscles of the thumbs greater on the left which may be an indication of overuse or possible inflammatory joint disease if accompanied by tenderness, stiffness and/or swelling. Further evaluation is recommended if these symptoms exist. This finding may be related to the reported hand pain. General hyperthermia as seen in both hands may be, in the presence of pain, an indication of bilateral overuse. In the absence of pain, this pattern which appears as a bilateral "glove" effect, may also be an indication of blood sugar issues. Although this pattern is not diagnostic, it does justify recommendation for further testing or glucose tolerance test if symptoms such as anxiety, sweating, palpitations or headaches are present. The fingers are expected to be colder than the rest of the hand. The nail beds are unusually hyperthermic; which, in some cases, could be (but not necessarily) an indication of hypertension. Further evaluation is suggested. Hands, Palmar Symmetric hyperthermia, as seen on the palmar side of the hands, extending into the inner forearms may be incidental, or in the presence of pain, weakness, or numbness in the hand and wrist may be an indication of carpal tunnel syndrome. If these symptoms exist, further evaluation recommended by a specialist. Lateral Arms There is bilateral hyperthermia seen in the upper arm/deltoid region, which can be consistent with injury or over-use syndrome. This may be an indication of inflammation of the soft tissue structures of the shoulder. The biceps, deltoids and other stabilizers of the shoulder may be stressed, suffer overuse syndrome or impingement. This may be related to the reported shoulder pain. Professional assessment by a chiropractor, acupuncturist, orthopedic doctor or physical therapist is advised if this is not being currently addressed. There are bilateral patterns of increased hyperthermia seen in the lateral elbows, considered to be normal or related to general overuse. Note: Expected thermal findings in the upper extremities, by nature of use and design, receive daily use and overuse which may cause bilateral blood perfusion. Expected thermal findings are increased heat in the upper arms with gradual cooling towards the hands, with fingers being the coldest.

  • Thermographic Findings, Impressions and Recommendations Legs There are vascular-type patterns observed in both legs which are consistent with varicose veins, and may or may not be visible on the surface. Varicose veins are not uncommon and most likely caused by extended walking or sitting over a long period of time. Self-care can include exercise, elevating your legs or wearing compression socks or stockings. Aching and discomfort in the legs may be a signal for circulatory problems and may justify professional evaluation and treatment. Patterns of scattered or thermal mottling are observed in the legs. This may be consistent with various autoimmune conditions or emotional stress. However, if visual skin mottling is observed, this may be an indication of a circulation issue and should be assessed by a medical professional. Knees, Anterior There are no abnormal thermal findings seen in the knees. Dorsal Feet and Ankles Patterns in the dorsal feet present as expected with symmetrical gradual cooling from the ankle to the toes on the dorsal (top) side. There are no significant thermal asymmetries seen in the ankles, considered to be expected thermal findings. Feet, Plantar Patterns in the plantar feet present as expected with symmetrical cold patterns, with the exception of the instep. Note: Asymmetrical patterns in the ankles or feet may be an indication of weight transfer, or altered gait stressing the more hyperthermic areas. This may be related to misalignment in the lumbar spine. RECOMMENDED FOLLOW-UP 1. Suggest clinical correlation of thermal findings with health care professional regarding patients history, symptoms and consideration of recommendations mentioned above. Follow-up imaging may be indicated to follow progress of treatment strategy.


2-8-22 4:25pm:

Thank you "Project 10&18 United" done all you are doing ...


2-8-22 10:19pm Update: This week could be exactly the kind of week that bounces me out of my rut, and onto happier and healthier experiences. I have had missed calls from the sleep study place at least every 10 days but every time I call back, I have got a "leave a message" and it is still a grand ($1,000) I feel I am not responsible for because if they did everything as it was to happen then I met my deductible, and I would not be out a grand in 2022. I rather spend the grand on lab work and emergency room visits meeting deductible. I am having many PCPs stating they are not taking new patients on due to pandemic --- thanks Wickenburg Hospital. (just sayin') I wonder if you knew I would be looking for weeks and weeks for a PCP because you all did not want to simply fax the Neurolgist orders to the proper areas Nov. 19, 2021, because that was all you were supposed to be doing for my area and you failed 100%. Anyways. Moving on...

I am going to have harmonious, beautiful and loving Valentine's week with some great people I care about--

I am thinking this week many hot baths with essential oils, massages, and delicious chocolate, or a nice walk-in nature. However, I opted to going to see an old hiking pal before he has his eyeball cancer worked on--- always an adventure with me.

I do have to say my heart has been bad since 12-31-21...I take each day and I am thankful I can walk because in the past year it has been a real struggle.

I keep seeing two snakes spiral between them creating the caduceus symbol in my dream state. Be nice to know what it means.

I had a delicious self-realization of what I want to happen in 2022 and I want to "grow and glow" in that- I also know "Another level, another devil" so as I do this whistleblowing phase I realize there is no turning back, and it is difficult, but it has to be done so I know I did my best to help lessen Wildland Firefighter Fatalities.


so true:

I never heard of a drink called Boba---wow:

2-13-22 8:21pm Update: Just got done with a post with Fred. I want to state I was not home Wed. until today. I went with Scott and spent time with Jackson and him- went to do our declarations over in New Mexico and spent Friday and Saturday out exploring with Tex. The Facebook statement (image below) is accurate and that tomorrow I will be spending Valentine's with my Sleep Clinic for a few days I will be gone again and so PC time will most likely happen in a week. This is the week I work on "whistleblowing" stuff as well. My deceased grandmother's sister sent a check covering some probate check in the amount to cover my sleep studies. I was so firm on principle I did not want to pay it and here I am not paying for it--- my grandma's check will. Thank you for that. Called Boop when I got home to wish them all a sweet Happy Holiday because I will be gone for the Holidays. No answer.

me after a very long hike all sweaty and yuk apologizing, I was not going to NM but Scott showed up Wed. and off we went...

Some of our exploring times this past week with Tex:

Some of my New Mexico snap chat silliness:

loads of love to share:

me bald with a beard and mustache...

Yes, wearing my WFF Hoodie - go get yours here: Foundation Hoodie — Wildland Firefighter Foundation (

Last Monday-Wed., I was dancing in the backyard for hours trying to get this dang edema/fluid retention down---it sucks how one day I look soooo swollen then the next day, getting geared up for the Loop Staff Ride and my Dozer Boss course and just get some natural Vitamin D.

Well, not my kind of nail color but it does match the shirt I will be wearing for my "Whistleblowing" event. RiP all Fallen WFs/ FFs/ Fire Folks. 'One day at a time' ... some use that motto to refrain from using substances ... but for me it is to show for the Public at Large substances of T R U T H.


2-14-22 12am: Happy Valentine's Day everyone ---

on the Yarnell land:

2-14-22- Today I get admitted seeing how I am currently "wired":

I will bring a pen and paper and practice my "10 and 18" ---

I just entered :)

Sorry if I do not share the link - I wanna win this---


The whistleblowing event just got postponed on other end---let's see when it is rescheduled---I was asking for location when the reply email was of the content to cancel on their end...wait and see. Some GMHS/GMIHC family/friends already know but it is how it goes when one follows the "chain of command" ...delays happen.

Meanwhile if you are a family member and eager to know- reach me.

2-16-22 10:22am: I spent on/off 2-15-22 with the Eastwood family- enjoy those Barbies, girls. Good to spend time with you all. Awaiting the Dr call on what happened because I was supposed to do part two and be there still. ???

I want to make it very known and clear that Willis/Abel/Musser/Hall/Cordes/Cougan/Tarr/Clawson and many others who were on the Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 may or may not already know what I have already began "back channel" to present as YCSO official Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 documents which it is crucial to eventually become for the Public at Large.

I am fully prepared for the ill intent of others and God is watching you/us and if you were pondering any of these my way to orchestrate bogus ill-intent times: fights to start for no reason, misunderstandings, illusions to cloud yours/their/my judgement, outside events to sever connections, other people get in your/my business, deceptions of others, create bogus moments to have relationships fall apart, creating snowball disastrous moments, etc...or any ill manners like you seen in these 2021 moments- Joy Collura - YouTube

it will be rebuked because I am going forward in a firm leadership way to bring the light out from the dark ways of what happened on the aftermath of the Yarnell Hill Fire 2013. This is a message to you all who are on that path to do your best to counter my important mission in a negative way- do not think, will Joy A. Collura weather the storm ??? because with God, we are the storm.


Whatever it is that I am attracted to at this time is probably a good bet in terms of a long-term bond, because I am not interested in anything frivolous or unstable. I am very much enamored with the T R U T H of how I almost died June 30, 2013, and any areas pertaining to the Yarnell Hill Fire 2013.

These are my Uncle Bob and Aunt Ann and their message on healing:


this is too large- this post- go here to continue:



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6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 

Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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