PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru2014-Pt 8d Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern"
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This is a release of the PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014- continues on from: PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru2014-Pt 8c ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru2014-Pt 8b ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 8 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 7 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 6 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 5 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 4 ( RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 3 (
PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS-CITY OF PRESCOTT-Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014-Pt 2 ( RECORD REQUESTS - CITY OF PRESCOTT - Record(s) requesting: FISCAL RECORDS for 2007 thru 2014 (
11-17-21- Let us all help another come to the Lord. Live our lives Holy and righteous. If we sin, immediately confess it to Jesus Christ, our Lord and repent.
I am debating to help a local situation because____ always feels others are the toxic ones but ____ just told locals toxic information after helping this year___ life so much when I am ill on top of it --- I think it is nearing to walk away vs pause but it is hard because it may mean the person I truly love and care for may get caught up and it may manifest something ugly because that is how ___ world rolls out.
I guess nothing changes in a positive way when we are dealing with layers of toxicity. It seems like clock work the difficult right thing can bring on external bs and I am not well enough so maybe a pause--- I may tell ____ first then after my brain testing tell ___.
The Spirit in Politics - that defy, defiance...conquer and divide and distract mentality is how I would measure up what I am seeing with ___.
I can perceive Spiritual Warfare or pure Evil---
but too many folks are simply okay to deceive and live Worldly lives. I am one person but with Jesus, we can move mountains.
How many rather look at Happy things on Tik-Tok versus "real" things like right here---my life testimony on a tragic event. Not many.
If you think TV was meant to entertain- I laugh---it was manufactured to distract. I choose to not live in a bubble and I do what God put on my heart.
The only struggles I have is my "Hardy Boys" poster (BM) thoughts time to time.
When I saw what I did on 9/11 2001 --- and YHF 2013 --- and COVID 19--- these "lock ins" are just testing us to create "fear" then subside then loosen the noose then distract ---
watch their smooth slow progressive ways of all the puppeteering of who lays in politics and empowered for the larger agendas...
I had a strong feeling I am going to be asked to lead ... and I wonder when they say "climate change" on our planet --- do they much talk about other planets???? Our entire solar system is affected. Elon Musk I am manifesting you to reach me on all this space stuff. How come we do not talk about the "faults" of the earth/soil versus man. Warming is happening yet question Mars and the volcanoes and etc...Look at our Earthquakes --- look at the Weather --- and I feel when Elon reaches me and he will ---his angle to me will try to draw me to the digital currency. One world currency. Isn't that in the bible???
The page vanished before my own eyes 12-4-21.
I am unwell to rebuild it back up- I was like 'no, way- not again' and no way am I making extra efforts on a 'live' journal - if this was an article post- sure not random misc. stuff.
I had an open tab and saved it as a PDF and will copy and paste verbiage after the PDF is turned into JPG and added here and close this post and begin a new one---
I want you to know down below - it was just a "live" journaling versus article type post--- looking for images for both Fred and Scott for their stuff they are working on and placing it here -
That was just like 2019 and earlier this year- vanished before my eyes. Even WIX tech support looked into it.
It is 12-6-21 1pm- I had my procedure today--- have another one tomorrow --- I mailed out restricted delivery of mail box keys today --- prices gone up at USPS- to mail keys $17.10. I am up for the next 24 hours with an allowed 3-4 sleep. EEG. Seeing the brain activity since the seizures. - unconsious state. Let me review below and just post this as is--- there was nothing too much here for general public just stuff for Fred and his article and Scott with his film stuff.
This is my "live" journal area and this is where I am at 11-26-21 3:10pm. but I have to take a few hours break and go see Dan and do some errands for him. Mail out my Holiday stuff. Catch up here later: Happy Holidays from my home to yours- please enjoy my Celebration of Life remembering my grandmother this Holiday--- as children and teens we were made to Christmas Carol every year, so this was my best way to remember Mary Ruth Spinelli and everyone near and dear to me. God Bless You All. Love, Joyous Kahula
County Inspector:
Below is just the copy and paste verbiage to above images as I was able to save that, but the images and videos did not take-- No need to scroll unless you want to CTRL F for a topic--
Reason it is there - in case when I saved to PDF sometimes writing gets cut off so there it is:
fast forward... almost done looking through 20,000 documents --- still looking for Ms Ashby's recordings. I guess she is blessed I have a needle in a haystack of hundreds of thousands of records to sift through yet I am making such time and rearranged my schedule so I am able to do this- it matters.
When I search my FOIAs / PRRs for HELM- this Llama showed up- I bet this Llama does not see the drama like I do from her owner... "Save your drama for your Llama, Dj."
11-26-21 5pm: Some aspects of my life are beyond my control - people like the HELMS / BASDEN / SANDIFUR / YCSO SGT ASHBY and these dumb actions of theirs is it possibly holding me back from focusing to healthier tasks versus having to document and prove I am not the issue yet these people are making it out like I am some concern to them--- might be time for them to self-reflect???
Remember, it's just love we need to share in life ... I hope by placing the counter documents to prove there is zero case to build and just leave me alone.
You may see misc. items below - just surfing through the documents to find Dec 1 2014 Ms Ashby's recordings and if I get side tracked- post a few that got me side tracked-
Holly Neill on the Helm inquiry Sonny had:
Looking through tens of thousands of records and I saw this and I thought I want this email thread here because InvestigativeMEDIA John Dougherty stated he was in this for the long haul- yes, he is---see:
Colby Drake:
"This video was taken while on the Holloway Fire in northern Nevada. Got to see some extreme fire behavior and we saved the Granite Mt. Hotshot buggies from burning up!"
Eric Shane Marsh's mother was sharing with me June 30, 2021 some fun witty stuff and some great wisdom to carry me through this health path of mine. I have always enjoyed as the years passed by - her witty straight forward manners with me. I also appreciated how she always kept the YHF 2013 separate so we could share and care and enjoy another's company. Sorry for your loss, John. I included you both in this year's Christmas project. I will be sharing that Christmas project soon. I am saddened by her loss. The kitchen humor I will miss.
Let me go place this document on the "Discovery" page ... to show we Ms. Ashby and I were on the same YHF 2013 and so that establishes the only relations I have with her besides her poor manners my way over time in her professional role.
CIB? Criminal Investigation Bureau.?
WFF mentioned here:
11-27-21 5:12pm- I wish I could be over with "AJ" and "DJ" and "GJ" but I am having to ensure not another bogus 2014/2015 happens again so getting my documents out on the posts plus I am currently uncertain on Congress "DJ" (not Yarnell) and what she said to her mom and another- why even put it out there is all I am thinking and so I paused being so willing to be present if that person so at ease to share to others her ill perceptions.
Watched hours of boring Helms Security Camera June 30, 2013 footage that appears to not be raw footage and the metadata shows it was changed on 7-10-13- how come??? who changed it??? see:
The other thing I am finding --- looking at that last hour of footage June 30, 2013 does not fully add up to the actual index log to videos offered to me, see the index log data does not match up to First Hand firefighters accounts but this was the READ ME index log:
1. 13:50:33 Plane heading south (slower movement)
2. 13:56:06 Plane heading south
3. 14:02:10 plane heading south (slow)
4. 14:02:56 plane heading south (faster)
5. 14:03:11 plane heading south (faster)
6. 14:18:55 Plane heading south (slow)
7. 14:25:00 Little more wind/bushes moving
8. 14:26:54 Helms coming in with golfcart
9. 14:26:57 Yellow brush fire engine goes out (one observed coming in at 12:43:15)
10. 14:34:36 Helms jeep leaves
11. 14:44:00 fire getting closer with big black smoke
12. 14:51:14 Plane heading south (going slower)/wind picking up within the bushes
13. 14:54:28 Plane heading south (slow)
14. 15:06:00 Less black smoke/not as bad
15. 15:06:45 very faint plane heading north
16. 15:13:00 Another active fire pulse based on smoke
17. 15:13:02 plane heading north
18. 15:14:46 Helms jeep comes in
19. 15:15:40 to 15:16:35 to 45 Plane heads north (fast) and another slowly comes in from SE
20. 15:16:28 Plane heading NNE
21. 15:21:08 Plane heads north (slow)
22. 15:24:43 Silvery chevy truck goes out (black smoke billowing up)
23. 15:28:54 Red brush engine comes in(looks similar to one that has come in before)
24. 15:30:48 Red brush engine goes back out (heavy black smoke standing up)
25. 15:45:00 to 15:50:00 Getting darker, black smoke
26. 16:00:00 continue with heavy black smoke
27. 16:06:45 small white SUV comes in
28. 16:10:35 small white SUV goes out
29. 16:22:53 2 door white jeep leaves (luggage case on top)
30. 16:30:13 Plane or bird heading south
31. 16:44:00 Plane heading east (could be B33)
32. 16:49:42 to 16:54:33 Interesting plume dynamics. South end sucking in and lifting up (2 pulses of that) and then various inflow-outflow considerations. Need to speed up the video 16x and 32x. Between 23:49:00 to 23:51:00 can see a lift up or pulse upward (smoke).
33. 16:53:52 scene goes to infrared mode because camera thinks it is nighttime (glowing embers and ash show up)…seems to be sucking into the column (coming in from the SW).
34. 16:54:54 Switch ember fall out direction (originally South to North or SW to NE) from North to South
35. 16:54:59 end frame
Did you know Lee and DJ Helm provided 6-30-13 home security videos to Brent Wachter? He was one of the first ones to get them. That man interviewed me August 2013. I wonder what his take away after all these years...
Tony Petrilli, member of the Accident Investigation Team, took photos from the Helm Ranch on July 9, 2013 and I wonder what his takeaway from the time he to[o]k those photos and all the data out there what he thinks about all this-
I would be interested to read that stuff in Brad Mayhew's possibly "made-for-profit" book series on the YHF 2013---what Brent and Tony's takeaways are all these years later.
Shoot I even asked direct questions to the Helms December 2018 after that Yavapai College DJ Helm book signing event where she signed my book:
because in my PRRs Helms are all throughout my records request- much never made it to the Investigation Reports...
One has to remember Lee and DJ Helm, owners of the ranch adjacent to the deployment site where 19 did die and Sonny/I came close it on those Weavers Mountains on June 30, 2013, provided photos to the Investigators and when I got my FOIAs / PRRs -
I then got a copy of that stuff of what they offered. They have no clue what I own. Someday, I may retain a lawyer to see what I can do with some of the areas I own.
Some PRRs and FOIAs are very sensitive material that is labeled DO NOT RELEASE or CIB (Criminal Investigation Bureau) but it was released to me for some reason even some of YCSO's very sensitive materials I own that also says DO NOT RELEASE - so yeah it sucks to have stuff and know stuff but they all act like I am some ignorant person who don't know--
Before the Yarnell Hill Fire, many photos showed the type and density of vegetation in the area that the Helm couple offered to Investigators.
Why did both Investigations refrain from showing those pictures and why not take those dense vegetation pics and do burn scar overlays so you can watch the flow of the fire behavior.
I sure think some photos should have made it to the report and I cannot put it here because they seem to have a beef with me, that they created so I am not putting them on here knowing this is their land and private areas-
Then there is the big question - who's the true ownership of the YHF 2013?
11-27-21 9pm: On December 30th we distribute $100,000 to the #60 Charities with the most votes, including $17,000 just for the Top #10 USA charities. Wildland Firefighter Foundation is in position #92 and only needs 6,124 votes to make the the Top 10 . You can help them get a grant by asking your friends to vote too.
Vote for Wildland Firefighter Foundation to share in $500,000 of grants (
I need every dollar I have for my co-pays (29 more appts until end of year with $65 a pop)
and I was able to use a family member's funds and helped earlier in the year a substantial amount to WFF but to break it down for you---if I had four people donate $20 each then that puts them in the top 10 category???
because my giving circle said they only need 6,124 votes and the way it works YOU DONATE $20 then WFF gets 2000 views? is that just views or votes? I guess I am confused on it but do your best to even donate what you can.
11-28-21 10am:
When I went through the PRR last night, I reached out to people who were CC'd important first few day email threads and so far, only one replied---this is what was written:
(Thank you, JR)
Sat 10:17 PM
I wasn't on that fire but my big takeaway was don't go through the green with no safety islands or an ATGS watching from above.
The past few days - I do not know if it is because I am reading sensitive material and what I know and wish others would "speak up" or this whole bogus land scenario orchestrated in the PRRs and its origin falls with Willis / Pfingston / Dj Helm April 2021 - I am physically affected by it and I paused my times with the kids to find my evidence but also for the facts I am hurting / paining --- when looking in records I saw this photo below and thought every time I was away at the Academies or Conferences, I brought fun stuff back for the kids in the neighborhood. This was a Mardi Gras moment all covered in beads:
I would have the firefighters at the academies sign the barbie box for the girls:
Sorry for the random misc. pics and I can digress but easy to do when sifting through as many files as I have been- this photo was a month after Grant saved me (Sept 2017) and I was walking 5-7 days a week from Mountainair Gas Station Peeples Valley to home (Congress) because I had almost reached 300 pounds and I busted ass to get it off as it was way too much weight on me...I was always promoting InvestigativeMEDIA, see:
and yes, once I washed my legs - the legs were white as can be and said InvestigativeMEDIA but I did not care- I live in a tiny ghost town visiting kids and elders so who cares...this shirt usually was the shirt people would engage and want to talk "fire" with me---so this shirt below got me loads of YHF 2013 data from my hikes plus I was losing the weight:
Someday I will get back to putting my City of Prescott records here--- but just placing misc. random stuff I want on this post:
This email thread below may just be yet another one of hundreds of thousands but reach me back channel because there is a deeper story to this email that God led me to since the YHF 2013. I am unable to share it publicly. Has zip to do with being 100% transparent. It has all to do with contracts I signed.
11-29-21 12pm: I am doing tele-med a lot this month vs. in person- anyways today will be looking at documents in between those appts and doing my medical and my medical massage. 8PM: I stopped by and saw "AJ" / "GJ" and did "fashion show" for school week. Just getting back...did a lot of typing today vs here...
check out this cool house:
Joyous Kahula | Facebook
Thank you all to those who reached me back channel to get my medical massagers and Johnny G's contact information. Looks like it is going well. Just got notified my reviews for them got 3,001 views
I was never satisfied with all that was placed out on you, Gary. Please reach me, if you would be willing to answer my 2013 YHF questions.
this was in a PRR:
I should ask Brent if when Helms handed him their videos---then where did it go to? It shows they were modified. Was he there for that phase? I also would ask the origin in 2019 when it was rumored, I was dating Fred- who placed that in Brent's ears? Also, why did it matter to Brent if I was married to Tex? The investigation was way over.
It all matters if one is watching this onion layered debacle on who is speaking what. For the formal record.
No, I never dated Fred and no I was never married to Tex. I have been with the same person since 1988 and I am married to that person. Very rare, in my entire knowing my husband have I even had an external outlet of knowing anyone outside my local kids and elders. I am very boring that way.
I like me, yet when my old Hollywood pals said 'Congress' - and they come visit - never saw them again unless I went their areas. This town is not for everyone.
I will call people out if I see lies.
Like recently, I paused knowing someone and unsure if it perm. or temp. but it was not an isolated time and I think "trash talk" is unnecessary when I have enough on my plate to have someone I know say when they were first around me, they thought I was a cover-up and my husband was gay. I ask the Lord --- who are these people to even think and speak aloud such garbage? With ill thoughts and mouths like that - who wants or needs friends. This was the weather take from Brent for the YHF 2013:
11-30-21 9am: This is doctor day so I will not be online much today.
Loads of documents going through...logs, data, images, videos...the lists carry is overwhelming ...
Thank you J. Paulic for the vote and share. It's #GivingTuesday and they're giving an extra $3,000 to the #6 Charities that get the most new votes today. Let's make Wildland Firefighter Foundation one of the #6 charities by Voting or Donating now on #GivingTuesday.
welcome to my world if you get tired of seeing misc random stuff. I have so much data that for me to organize what I was given would take a lot of solid software because as I present it here- it is far worse back channel- a true needle in a haystack....yet I remember this day, many times we locals talk about the simple times where I was just the desert walker before Sonny and the YHF 2013 times. I miss your dog:
There are a select few who have seen my skill up close- Kat, you said my dog is running off and chasing the cattle and I said I can bring her back to you and you said "how" - "dogs run faster than humans" and right there you saw your dog obediently return to you. It reminds me of the time Scott Briggs was filming me and he asked me to call in my buddies- the elk. He said what noises do I make? None. And "live" on film he witnessed on more than one occasion, the beauties of that gift. I have something with animals. It is what it is. This photo to the left I just remember how Kat recollect those hiking days with me. It was a special moment to my life. I am at a phase of limitations and I am struggling. Fred J. Schoeffler bought me "Your body believes every word you say" by Bernie S. Siegel, M.D. - Barbara Hoberman Levine. I read it back decades ago but nice to spend time refreshing my thoughts. I have a lot on my plate. To be referred to a rare disease specialist and autonomic specialist - it just never ends... it does get old so even though the book title says "Your body believes every word you say" ... it is very difficult to ignore the pain and current limitations - It just reminds me when Frank Serros went to the ER for what he said was a headache ... anyone remember his journey --- well, I am enjoying the Thanksgiving gift from Fred- thank you.
June 31st, eh ??? see:
where was Bruce's vehicle when it broke down, Chris?
still looking for 2014 Sgt Ashby's recordings--- just loads to sift through:
11-30-21 9pm: Thank you Scott for taking me to the hospital and spending so much time helping me out and super thanks for allowing me to pick ANYTHING off the menu at Tara Thai Fine Thai Cuisine – American Style Thai Cuisine ( I love my teddy bear, IM participant.
Also thank you Scott for being there for me. You helped my pure soul tonight. I wish life was just simple and I get areas I saw happen this year that I wish it could "just be" (chilling factor- just to chill) but due to the politics of fire I miss out on areas I wish could happen because "it blew me away" .... but with their social schedule and my health---just better for me to settle with a Hardy Boy poster on the back of my door and call it a day because the other area just ain't fitting to current life and my screwed-up health but very thankful it even happened in my lifetime.
Hey "Super Dave"- when our project is legally finished, I will make sure to make you famous for your ill intent pouty mouth towards me over time and I will suggest this canvas photo below be a part of the foyer entrance to show our neighborly "Super Dave" and how he loves to spread out how he plans to do all he can to stop us.
You can speak but so far, I have proved areas you speak, I provided all of you are capable of telling stories even whopper lies and defamations...I heard this week you are still at it - trying to tell a local your ill intent. Tsk. Tsk. Also heard one of the cameras need to be inspected so working on getting there to fix it so I am sure you can get your cameras ready. Super Dave on his patio taking loads of pics so I wanted to time stamp his ill intent rubbish ways, see:
also, YCSO, your entity took damaged signs done by Helms and stored it so if we called you would you store these signs on the Basden's easement---what made you think it was legal to do that on a civil matter??? Just wondering:
I get a weird pink screen the past few days for the "live" surveillance on one of the cameras so I have to fix that and see what is going on-
maybe Fred can go check it our with Gordi-
also during daylight - you get to see the deer in mid air so "something" was "active" in this area- learn soon what???
The weird thing is 8-3-21 a lot of the PRRs show the Helms called YCSO
and no activity all Summer 2021 of people but this specific night 8-3-21 ON THE LAND - we seen flash light activities and deer scattering away so no camera showed any one clearly but I find it interesting this documented fact because if you hear "Super Dave" he clearly states he takes photos all over our land so if we find any of your cameras on our land- YCSO will be called ASAP so truly stay off the land and that includes YCSO as signs say and look at the bright light on the land 8-3-21 8:40pm---interesting:
The last time I was there at the cemetery was October 2017:
Happy December 1st, 2021 7am: This is my Christmas Project film day. Pretty exciting.
Thank you, locals for allowing me to know the fence appears to be--- being removed up there---that needs to be formally documented so thanks for the heads up. Again, my goal of the entitlement concern would be resolved with the fence and gate gone ... plus I provided enough public evidence on that area that I was correct they wrongly damaged the signs- it was all along a 'civil matter'--- they just feel entitled to do what they want to do.
Hey Fred, remember all the bogus crap that came from this pic that was hung up--- all these years later I still never lost the weight like when I first arrived in Pine - just takes "endurance - hard work" for me to get that belly swelling reduced and consistancy.
I just ran into my selfies file and I am going to place some here just to let me know for myself there is hope because I went from 286# to this in less than a year back in 2017---"stay the course":
I liked that hair cut I had here:
this is when I started to wear orange mauve shadows versus browns.
It was all the lion's den times and less focus to my endurance walks - I just have to build back up to that stamina - been here many times in my lifetime --- I just have to have faith I can do it again.
I have to leave soon - so let me add misc. YHF 2013 documents then later we can come here as a resource page and make articles using these images and documents.
miss ya kitty- yoyo
look at locals' fire behavior pics
Sesame to Shrine
the local had setting on AM vs PM so pretty heavy images to see---(read disclaimer on front page)
this one need to be out there in a film so the world can really see ---
YCSO Sgt Ashby and your band wagon groupies: look below---the more paperwork I place out- the more it shows I am RESPECTFUL to areas I walk (even with the formal investigators) --- you all owe me an apology for your shenanigans.
I was hoping since the fence is currently being removed and gate is gone already that you would cease but you Super Dave told a local you plan to keep being a thorn and just note I am all for you taking pics in a non-invasive manner but the moment I see you doing it in your circus manner- it will be placed here for a chronological order because I unfortunately have to counter since you made the claims on the body cam your target is me to get me in trouble even though all I do is law abiding actions.
Saw this image in a file---cute:
this photo may mean zip to others but to me it has solid fire behavior with Yavapai County Supervisor Rowle Simmons (left) (our district) and Yavapai County Emergency ManagerCounty Emergency ManagerDates Employed Aug 2011 – Apr 2018 Denny Foulk (right) ( I like Denny- good fella)-
so why was there photos not entered into EVIDENCE ever when so many died and so many affected when it is CLEAR in this image the documentation took place- "just saying"- seems very odd also how Denny Foulk ended being our (YHF eyewitness hikers) person of contact in the YHF 2013 evacuation and Rowle ended up placing my legal letter sealed envelope in the hands of Kathleen Stowe--- weird. So, to me these images matter because I never saw any of their accounts/images/videos in any investigation reports yet here they are---did their images and accounts differ from the narratives of the investigation reports? World, it has to be a perm. record so I went ahead and did a formal PRR 12-2-21 - Denny has since left that position. Keep ya posted.
as of noon today 12-1-21, one landowner confirmed he physically saw gate gone and partial fence removed. He will document it for the land lawyer. Again, I say it is a civil matter - unsure hey can just go rip areas out without handling in the courts, but they did- see how that flows ... if they are even allowed legally to remove it. The whole thing is odd.
12-2-21---Celebration of Life...
Happy Holidays from my home to yours- please enjoy my Celebration of Life remembering my grandmother this Holiday--- as children and teens we were made to Christmas Carol every year, so this was my best way to remember Mary Ruth Spinelli and everyone near and dear to me. God Bless You All. Love, Joy
thank you for squeezing me in with your heavy schedule:
12-3-21 1am:
did CDC say wear a mask ??? hee hee
12-1-21 night (8:33pm) after El Gato Azul's:
I have to catch some zzzzzs--- fading for tonight or this morning...start up later- time to sleep. The above image is the driveway to the home where we plan to plant some nice trees so it may seem wide, but it will be trees and flora planted.
12-3-21 Noon: I slept hard, and I awoke at 11am feeling like I got hit by a big rig. I addressed a small thin layer to "DJ" via messenger why I paused with her down here not Yarnell "DJ"- but I am going to focus on the photos taking this week then work on cleaning my garage getting ready for a full week of medical appts.
Thank you, Sandifur, for the LIKE- you know the hard work it took to do this Carol Time- thumbs up was appreciated by you, Ma'am. Please share and like:
this is where I had the three seizures into unconscious state and was in this wash for hours:
I have dealt with every aspect of life, including hatred, love, conflicts, compromise, success, and failure yet I am still the only person I know that say "Super Dave" woke up one day and said I think Pat and I should go hike with Joy-
I would go.
I am a very forgiven person.
The stuff and documentation would still remain here as it is a time stamp of the aftermaths of the 2013 / 2016 YHF but we can make pleasant new memories.
As for local Congress lady - All I was doing and needed to do it- was take a break to re-energize. I got some heavy stuff to do health wise in the next 7 days. What you are doing calling around and asking advice ---it is so unnecessary because I was straight to the point.
Allow me until all my procedures are done this week and catch up on the 11th. Seems like a simple request. You are the one who is trying to tell me that was ages ago about your ideas / notions and my reply is why waste any energy bringing it up in today's time if it's the past of your unhealthy ill thoughts that had zero foundation and or logic to begin with especially when you had not spent time with me, and it was your own mind creations - no factual realities.
It is one thing to "think" it, but you are telling others what you thought long ago so you may want to question how you process thoughts---I have enough external rubbish that I surely did not need to hear that silliness especially as hard as I helped ya that day and this year. I was floored.
Remember this, I can handle anything life throws at me, but I still need to step back and gain some perspective from time to time. It's human nature. It's my time for contemplation and reflection on 2021 and see areas I need to "pause" or shed for 2022. Your irrational manners today were disrespectful. It is not December 11th---I am able to mingle later, but for now, I am taking stock and appreciate the peace that comes with isolation.
There may be some irritation or dissatisfaction along the way of others trying to leak in, but in the end, clarity and light will be achieved. It is time to fuel the fires of my lantern and shine my inner light for all to see. Sonny has seen me at a weak spot, and he saw me do the hard work. He was there when what I did inspired others to help in their life too.
It is always about togetherness and bridging but there are going to be times we all are hit the same time with ughs so hopefully any person that takes that chance to be in my space get just that--- I do not need or desire people in my space 24/7 --- I am willing to help balance and clear up chaos but that is all temporary not long term. I am floored a "C&D" was emailed today. Ridiculous. I just think it is...
I tested all the cameras to see if they would ping to the phone. I can tell you I was supposed to be the only one on the cameras but that local was already formally notified yesterday by me and Fred to stay in designated areas when Fred is present only. They were allowed the one-time grace mistake / accident. We take this area very serious so even if you have been with us on the land - due to liability and current ongoing neighboring concerns --- please contact the front page if any of you see anyone out there, they must all have written permission or YCSO already knows who is allowed to be on the land without the owners. Here I am in my WFF hoodie walking all over the land making sure all is functioning out there:
I was able to identify who's this belong to by asking Crew member, this was the foot tracks and that was how I identified because he came on the land to do contract work and I said this belong to ya ;) and he smiled to my sleuth skills and said 'yep' --- I wipe tracks and I know our shoes so wasn't too hard.
Max and Gordi working hard:
This County Inspector just approved this land for structure to go up - probably not what "Super Dave" - Sgt Ashby - and the Helms wanted to hear but yep ... it took a while but finally the structure can be done.
the property line shows how close the property is to the GMHS Deployment Zone area:
I have not been able to find this jacket - did I leave it at your place, M.C.? Thanks for checking for me.