Jon Jones is Deputy Emergency Manager at Yavapai County Office of Emergency Management- I never met him nor know him just DENNIS FOULK was our area during the fire, 2013. So maybe the email address for Emergency Management went to him...web.EM@yavapaiaz.gov?

I suggest off highway 89 in this specific area is seeing a growing number of fire only in recent times- when there was none before ---then toss a game trail camera to capture the ORIGIN data...and what/who/when is causing it---"common sense"- aiming in the direction of the desert vs the road so the camera does not always go off---I want to avoid incidents and so have the fire dept be proactive vs. come in with mutual aid agreements wasting our tax paying dollars placing fire on the ground where we have a long history of pockets of cess pool poisons from the old mining days.

Also, this is my public statement-
if ever I fall under
for a tort claim
for a fire in my town-
this is facts-
I will ask for a change of venue first
so, it can be filed elsewhere-
backed up with valid reasons why, in documents.
I will bring up
not only Yarnell 2013-YHF13' evidence
in court but many other fires.
Be smart about fighting fires
in an old mining community.
Refrain from placing fire on the ground.
I will also bring out in court
YHF13' truth teller DONNA GORDON vs YCSO evidence.
I refuse to tolerate
this push
for Wildland Urban Interface - WUI
in my community
and I have already proved we do not have an issue
until we see the new way of things...
I am well documented there.
Just allow me to have my last moments
--- my poor health --- in peace.
You see a fire, suppress it quick. Amen.
Are we lacking common sense...???
In closing, common sense isn't common anymore, especially when it comes to managing fires in a town with more history than common sense.
Let's not turn our old mining community
into the next Yarnell Hill tragedy.
Suppress fires swiftly,
Amen to that.
Remember, I'm here to enjoy my peace,
not to fight fires or court battles.
But if push comes to shove, I'll push back with documented facts, evidence, and a change of venue.
Peace be with you,
but don't mistake my peace for passivity.
We've got enough history here
with the Indians and miners;
we don't need to add 'fire mismanagement' to our legacy.
If you can't handle fire
in a place where the earth
itself tells tales,
maybe you should stick
to managing a campfire in your backyard.
Let's not make our history a cautionary tale of modern folly.
Keep the flames out of our stories,
or I'll make sure the courtroom hears about every spark that was mishandled.
Peace, please –
in my health and in our hills.
If you're going to let our highways burn,
at least have the decency to watch the spectacle with cameras.
After all, if we're going to turn
our scenic routes
into a live-action disaster movie,
we might as well document it.
But remember, every camera installed
is one less excuse for negligence.
Let's not make the only thing growing on our historic roads be smoke signals of possible incompetence.
And for the love of all that's sacred in this land,
think of our kids.
They shouldn't grow up learning about our history from the ashes of what was once here
from watching wildfires on highway cams.
Let's not teach them that the only legacy we leave is one of preventable fires.
Do your job, or the next generation will have to fight fires before they can even drive.
Peace, for the sake of our children's future.
If the highways are having increased
centroids - incidents
than install cameras
on certain parts
that are getting
in recent years
repetitive incidents
on highway 89 in Congress
and over north of 71 on highway 93
---- we have them already in our state, see;
that can help with fire origin
as well to quickly
suppress fires
to our area
acreage burned methods...

website service, Streamline, to create an ADA-compliant website ??? Congress Fire District.
high winds with dry fuel- documenting the weather just in case we see any fire incident during high winds:
