let us look at that area's mapping...
I do want to place out January 1st, 2025, image here...
before I get started for January 7, 2025, images
and go from there.
January 1:

January 7:

I think this is the moment
I need to make a
with timestamps...to show my other maps tools...
I am so up in the air on even wanting to place the energy out when I need to focus to my health...
let me do this mapping first
and since I how I feel health wise
plus, we are playing Scrabble at 7:15pm...
and I use to always do this intel for others
back channel
and I look back
and I do feel that I wasted time and energy
in hopes
is kept to the front
no matter who
has a canopy of immunity
in their career field...
God is always reminding me
to focus to Him versus people, places, and things...
so, I have that too...my prayer time is later.
I use Kenny Luck for my bible study times...
decent material.
January 7:

I still need to look into this deeper from New Year's Eve-

January 8:



Time for Scrabble---
I want to delve into showing all the data I can find
to match it to what they place out to the public
yet my health is poor...
I am going to do my best to play Scrabble...
I try to play Memory, Chess or Scrabble once a day
to help my brain tumors.
Good night.
I am stopping for today at 7:40pm 1-12-25...
anyways...yeah I have all kinds of tools
and between me and others
I know we could do a much better timeline
than what will possibly come out...
I will know once I hear
those names who are investigating it...
if I hear any names that should not be on this...
actually, this is a job for President Trump to do
and the DOGE ASAP---
I mean if they are gathering up
for meetings for other areas these leaders...
I pray President Trump at minimum calls the leaders out publicly for the errors.
January 13, 2025: https://x.com/i/spaces/1OwxWNYBMRZJQ

Starting my day just chilling with my pal GROK 2.0:

I loved the speakers and participants at this conference, and the views but if you go ELON MUSK- try out these two eateries: https://pointlomaseafoods.com/ and https://www.brigantine.com/

In the tiny window frame, I added that above snippets, I noticed more people looked at:

I want show ELON MUSK
that what he just did
bringing STARLINK
and supplies to LA
is/was appreciated
but even more so
for the link above
showing you are ready
to do the
Department of Government Efficiency
before you even start next week- THANK YOU.
It also shows you are a better information officer for the public than what has been shown so again thank you for asking the tough questions.
Now, time for me to fact check and verify
that link's content
to see if the Fire Leaders
are giving you correct data
about HOW LONG
ago fire history was to that areas...
That is my contribution
in poor health
to you and the DOGE.
1-13-25 9am
for CA area fires-
Palisades Fire:
my normal go to for data is interestingly down for today...hmmm...let me peak at other areas...

In case this fire is not giving the SERIOUSNESS it deserves with all these losses...and they possibly "milk" the fire...using unneeded firing strategies, let's go to Friday's:

Fred John Schoeffler may have gifted me these opportunities to be a part of these public presentations here: https://ahfe.org/

yet I went down the rabbit hole of here because as I went to all these areas---the bigger galactic areas were exciting:
Note to Joy: WDA is reporting origin at 34.0702239, -118.5445425. Elon, I gave you many map options so hope one of them helps answer your inquiry-
After I do the mapping stuff, I am making note to self that we are going to refrain from those external areas who plan to do an investigation- I plan to put stuff out ASAP so the public already knows which will make for their investigation to be more focused to specifics vs general or glazed narratives...this will be a hard task for any one taking the role on because this fire is in my radar and historically people will tell you no matter who you are--- I will call you out.
Incident Name | Incident Number | Incident Size (Acres) | Latitude | Longitude | 100 % Contained? | IMT Type Assigned (Highest-level) | Geographic Area 1 | New to IMSR 2 | IRWIN ID | IRWIN Fire Discovery Date Time (GMT) | NWCG UniqueFireIdentifier | Occurrence |
Palisades | CA-LFD-000738 | 23,713 | 34.068 | -118.551 | Type 1 Incident Management Team | |||||||
Eaton | CA-LAC-009087 | 14,117 | 34.192 | -118.106 | Complex Incident Management Team | |||||||
Hurst | CA-LFD-0003294 | 799 | 34.326 | -118.462 | ||||||||
Kenneth | CA-VNC-003155 | 1,052 | 34.186 | -118.669 | c (Contained) | |||||||
Horton | AZ-TNF-001989 | 8,346 | 34.371 | -111.059 |

Elon Musk [ @ElonMusk #ElonMusk ] - Yesterday that fire chief who briefed you... should have on the Fire Weather Maps in a few minutes put up the maps and showed you Wildland / Fire History to his area--- super quick --- no FOIA needed...I just did for you and the DOGE within minutes and I am in poor health...this is what I expect from our leaders that when Elon Musk or any person asks, they as a leader try to give you Elon the tools to comprehend...to say it was what the 90s and or 60 years ago...I already above show you over time to fire history in documents that fire chief briefed you aka projected misinformation or glazed narratives...I will call out any leader who claims to be one...

![you get what I am doing...I am not doing every centroid because I am doing my best to get away from fire data and do genealogy- I have done enough in history to know I am not wasting my time and energy with poor health for we, the people...I am only focused to by immediate area...my voice was suppressed in over 11.5 years and much defamation /brutally assaulted for placing the documents out and now I just want to be left alone. I just wanted to show how our current fire leaders are...no different...same old language that they project they are the best, but lives lost and homes gone forever...I have mixed emotions on B. Fennesssy being on 60 minutes. I just think the airtime should have been used differently. He is an advisor for Watch Duty and well, I may cancel or not renew my membership [May 2025] based on content on Main Media...it is like we are having this never-ending cycle ...when will it end...I like the guy too. I will think on it. I will finish the open tabs I have then play Scrabble. I know from AZ Fire Leaders that the following are on the Palisades Fire in case you do a FOIA/PRR make sure to go to the entity as they are the Custodian of Records and request the Incident Action Plans, Crew Time Reports, Emergency Vehicles, etc: SWA Type 1 IHC Flagstaff and they are committed until the 27th and assigned today. For the Horton Fire it was some I will not list public but have back channel then Lakeside, Crew 6 but left for the Palisades Fire[smp73ttypeiii/tender210, Globe, Kaibab and always remember to request the SIT-209, Incident Action Plans, MASTER RECORDS- RED CARD quals and task books in your requests. Globe Az- Bat4-2, Burrell Teague is on the Eaton Fire- Crew6VerdeIncAZPDC51 is on the Palisades Fire for you FOIA seekers and who else did they mention to me navajoscouts/chf2-crw41&5eng13,23,310,321, 328,332,334,512Doz 10/12hel531-32pat25-32q,smod1-3oak grove-caanf-41wt222-237 is on Eaton Fire, if you need help deciphering gmy codes- they are tag marks what I seen online from ssocial media fo rme to note who I saw present as well](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/dfd594_b0b547ab4fb741d3b940bb69e8f116d5~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_869,h_480,al_c,q_90,enc_avif,quality_auto/dfd594_b0b547ab4fb741d3b940bb69e8f116d5~mv2.png)

AZ:YEAR-TO-DATE INCIDENT TOTALS- Are you ready DOGE to watch AZ Wildland Fires--
Arizona State Forestry 8 total fires 22 acres
New Mexico State Forestry 10 total fires 15 acres
Bureau of Indian Affairs 13 total fires 41 acres
Bureau of Land Management 2 total fires 2 acres
BLM - Arizona Strip District total fires acres
Bureau of Reclamation 0total fires acres
Department of Defense 0total fires acres
Department of Energy 0total fires acres
National Park Service 1total fires 18 acres
U.S. Forest Service 8 total fires 3 acres= 42 fires and 100 acres

https://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/com/d/santa-monica-fire-club-meetup-iso-those/7817648917.html https://www.meetup.com/fire-club/events/305552270/?utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=share-btn_savedevents_share_modal&utm_source=link

https://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/com/d/pasadena-supplies-for-victims-of-la-fire/7817487225.html - dd432c1875ee3a0bae55ac644e1d49fd@comm.craigslist.org

Entity for Public Records Requests: The Los Angeles Fire Department's Risk Management Section, Records Unit, handles requests for records. You can mail your request to:
LAFD Records Unit, 201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1250, Los Angeles, CA 90012
For questions, you can call or email: Phone: (213) 202-9880, Email: lafd.records
Original Jurisdiction: The original jurisdiction for handling public records requests for the LAFD falls under the Los Angeles Fire Department itself, as they are responsible for maintaining their own records.
Delegation of Authority: There is no specific mention in the provided sources of a change in the delegation of authority regarding FOIA or public records requests for the LAFD. The responsibility seems to remain with the LAFD, overseen by the Fire Commission, which is appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Fire Commission sets goals and provides direction to the department through the Fire Chief .

OBJECTID | 93513 |
Latitude | 34.068000 |
Longitude | -118.551000 |
Initial Source SIT209 Record Date | 1/7/2025 |
Incident Size (Acres) | 23713 |
Incident Name | Palisades |
Incident Number | CA-LFD-000738 |
100% Contained? | |
IMT Type Assigned (Highest-level) | Type 1 Incident Management Team |
Geographic Area | OSCC (Southern California Area) |
New to IMSR | |
IMSR Post Date (ISO Format) | 20250113 |
IRWIN ID | a7ea5d21-f882-44b8-bf64-44ab11059dc1 |
IRWIN Fire Discovery Date Time | 1/7/2025 6:38:00 PM |
NWCG UniqueFireIdentifier | 2025-CALFD-000738 |
Most Recent Date Posted Flag | x (most recent IMSR PDF Incident) |
Occurrence | LAST - Last 'post_date_isoformat' instance of the incident. |
