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Palisades Fire's Origin- "Junk Journaling" - PT 1

What external force was the Palisades Fire's Origin?
What external force was the Palisades Fire's Origin?

This will be my ongoing thread/rambles

in regard to the Palisades Fires

for my own personal space

but anyone can view it

but meant for myself, family and friends.

Besides talking with Jesus

and asking for forgiveness

for the emotions

I am being doused with

when it comes to this fire-

We need TRUTH to be shown.

may it have (in)directly affected any

Grok 2.0 has many answers to our questions ...

I have been asking all kinds of questions to "X"'s Grok 2.0, see:

my new main media:


in addition to Grok 2.0 and prior discussion about where JOY A COLLURA lays in the online database or just discussion on the topic- re-checked for up-to-date data:

why some think of JOY A COLLURA negatively:
why some think of JOY A COLLURA negatively:

My reply to Grok 2.0 views about me, JOY A COLLURA:

  • not everyone can be around my essence and that is fine with me. It only hurt once and I forgave and moved on from it when I presented a real concern with documents and images to

    K. BURK MINOR July 2021 about the Yarnell Firefighter and the horrific deaths and I wish we had a case study for our fire to then learning July 2022 the very topic I was deeply affected by was draped all over the wall when it was expanded. Hurt. That was WHY I resigned my LIFETIME membership. Felt unheard. Still do in a sense.

  • why certain people seem to harbor resentment toward me? it's about my essence...some just refuse to acknowledge how authentic I unsettles them as they wrestle with their own shadows. My essence exposes their hidden agendas too. Plus, some come by my path to gain data but just to cause harm or hurt my way. I always pray they refrain from doing that because it feeds the boomerang so what you do unto others comes back ten folds my family would tell me as a kid.

  • People who perceive me, JOY A COLLURA, as a threat might go into sabotage mode or gossip about me, throwing shade on my name but that boomerang effect they always fail to remember to life...the energy it took for them to tear me down will eventually circle back around so I just lay quiet- refrain from reacting. They want me to react to say "see, see...see how she is" if I were to react why bother. I have seen too much gaslighting after this fire. It was insane.

  • it is their misunderstandings, not mine. Their projections. Their insecurities. Their negative traits. Go to Jesus is all I can say to that or visit Pastor Irvine in the Valley- I known them since I was a teen- good people.

  • every action there is an equal and opposite reaction...the traps they set....those darts they threw, they sometimes come back other ways to their lives subtle or dramatic and they usually blame me when I never engaged again with them, but I am the target to their bad stuff. ????

  • the world usually is unable to see their downfalls as they have BIG PRIDE/EGO but I humbly expose all of me on my blog. I have zero masks. They for sure do. I am the same to each person where they act one way to this one and that one---appeasing losing their self in it all.

  • I have really saw negative actions done my way unravel in others' lives so bad ---so maybe one should spend their time reading scripture because "gossip" is very bad.

  • their silence speaks volumes if you pay attention...their bitterness grows...their attempts to harm twists into micromanaging their own chaos vs. giving it out. I will refrain from apologizing for my path of gathering documents to lead to a proper conclusion vs buying into decade after decade of heroism/rebuild/resilience campaign(s)/glazed narratives. I am going to keep illuminating in hopes to guide others to think for themselves vs. GROUPTHINK.

 reminds us that every action intention and thought is a seed planted in the soil over time ...these seeds bear fruit ...whether sweet or bitter ...depending on what was sown ...there's no escaping
reminds us that every action intention and thought is a seed planted in the soil over time ...these seeds bear fruit ...whether sweet or bitter ...depending on what was sown ...there's no escaping
  • Those who spoke ill on my name ... gossiped, made lies and or omissions will or have learned SPEAKING TRUTH is the only way...some feel they are so confident to live under the canopy of immunity from law and etc...they will learn Spiritual laws... but their perceived power fails to match to God's Way and God's Timing. Planting seeds now of deceit and malice will sow into something you will never understand unless you speak with Jesus. Watch HOW you cultivate...Harvesting turmoil. That inner chaos...emotional unrest physical ailments

  • I will publicly document any vehicle not normally in my immediate area [day or night] and same goes for the sky: my cameras notify me in real time too...on radar or under radar. It went over my home area and by the time I opened and got out there it was many houses away--- so thank God for cameras...

see how low:
see how low:
  • Some have shared that their "MEAN GIRLS/BOYS" mentality which gave them quick satisfaction then emotional unrest ...physical just for hurting or harming me, they are damaging themselves. Talk to Jesus.

  • I walk in alignment with what God's purpose is for me...maybe just a suggestion that you walk with that understanding so if you think you are attacking me, but I am doing God's you are attacking Him...that is one canopy of immunity YOU will have to face some day, not me.

  • Proverbs 26:27
    Proverbs 26:27

  • It is possible my actions of getting documents to lead to a proper conclusion, takes away from others just doing what they have to do but remember all these folks especially the leaders felt the YHF13' report was sufficient while many other fire folks were coming to me with first hands accounts of the lies and omissions and some even asking me for forgiveness for almost taking my life by their actions and I told them this is between Jesus and their internal ...let Jesus help with that pit of I have solid reason to spend my hobby times doing this...

  • I must admit there have been times I took my entire day delving into the documents affecting my health. It is because I get to January 7, 2025 and I looked minute by minute but 10:30pm through midnight the electric company should tell the world why one specific area that fire shows sparks from your areas then causing with the heavy wind yeah I can get caught up in documenting vs walking...that is because I know on the Yarnell Fire 2013 crucial documents disappeared offline so I know time is of the essence.

  • why did they turn off the data to the public all of a sudden..good thing the forensic weather folks already captured it...right???...those cameras had metadata and should be subpoenaed in court as they serve as concrete evidence. Raw unedited versions only. No pixels or redactions. I watched it minute by did others...why didn't this data make it to the public vs a collaborated video--- tell us why the electric company

  • Here yesterday you can review it: I REDACTED but I did email to ask permission to put snippets on here but got rerouted and just waiting:

    but now not... ???? thank God for other tools...but they were a very helpful tool that gave minute by minute data...versus collaborated YouTube videos...

    it was not available earlier but it is now- then its not
    it was not available earlier but it is now- then its not
    1-16-25 I emailed them direct to get permission just to get it for record keeping but it does state this:
    1-16-25 I emailed them direct to get permission just to get it for record keeping but it does state this:

  • the beauty of the lore of sewing/sowing and reaping is that it works without your interference so if I can teach ANYONE affected by the Palisades Fire- is - remain in alignment with God and He will guide the way...focus to your well-being first. It will be a long process. Feel zero guilt if your home was saved and many others weren't- every one of you matter and your stories matter. Freely share them. It matters. We can take your account to strengthen the timelines.

  • keep all your essence clean and pure and it is okay to FEEL emotions of many kinds...your lives just changed in a blink of an eye and now it is time to document it to see the proper origin vs. possible glazed narratives. Keep your intentions honorable...anyone being or has been disingenuous will be handled by God's law...

  • Grant Scott McKee [2015,2021] and Roger Federwisch [2022]- family members of the Granite mountain Hotshots- GMHS taught me and actually if you watch the junk journaling - it changed and shifted me because they both showed me plants seeds of Love, Peace, and Kindness...and the harvest will be much increased freedom was gained in the moments I had with these two men when they shared their experiences, heartfelt.

  • my undeniable essence- it's not just my actions or words... it's the unique connection to God that is rooted in authenticity. Others wear too many masks...they don't who they are...I know who I am.

  • these attackers are obsessed...even July 2023, in a public setting they expressed such hate, and I never even met the man. He wanted FJS dead and gone. That's sad. That kind of anger will get possible repetitive toxic moments because what they perceive out to the world- they are unable to dim my light...I am good people...I just lack space for external stuff right now...due to poor health. These folks sowed seeds of DOUBT to the world while all I am doing is getting documents to how and why I almost died...that is their issues, not mine. I never sued anyone, and some are close to being slapped a defamation suit even though they think they fall under the canopy of immunity...nope. I just pick my battles and document, document, document. Just leave me alone and that means stop talking to others lies and omissions. Some in a sot spot really have done some damage but I forgive you...just get it right with God is or indirect you may feel you shook my foundation but mine is built with God so you will face judgement someday...

  • my peace comes from within and from God...where does yours come from---gossiping to the world?

  • why does my resilience drive you mad? It is you that has things unresolved. It is all your pain and jelly...not mine...I am focused to my lane as to why I almost died...look inward versus projecting outwards...spiritual warfare is real...your toxicity is not just emotional and mental- it is physical if you had to brutally assault me hoping to end me by where you hit me---but God has my plan...I am sure you noted that by now because I am alive but in poor health.

  • forgiveness it's not about condoning or forgetting...accountability is a must. they attack because they hold fear of something...??? I have every right to call out any leaders when a wildfire happens and if they were negligence and did not keep our communities safe so yes I am gonna call out those areas so get use to it...

  • I am refraining from apologizing that my peace creates things in you internally-that is your turmoil, not mine. I am not here to take on the worlds' issues just mine with the leaders who allow certain lies and omissions to be accepted--- brush it under a rug --- move essence reminds you what you lack...illuminates the uncomfortable truths---some of you abused your oath of office---abuse of powers---think of me like a tall tree in a storm..will ya...I did not fit your narratives you placed out and I knew that when CBS Investigative Journalist MORGAN LOEW did our story and the editors pulled battel scars are proof to the degree you all would take this...I wear the armor of God...

  • The calvary of truth is the side I am on...



Subpoena all cameras that are quickly being shut off for review-

the following are copyrighted but should be subpoena for court for their footage as it has evidence about the explosive moment- it has to do with the temescal trailhead at 38 second mark:  redacted for blog due to their copyright notice:
the following are copyrighted but should be subpoena for court for their footage as it has evidence about the explosive moment- it has to do with the temescal trailhead at 38 second mark: redacted for blog due to their copyright notice:

Footage from a Ring camera showed the back of Marika Erdely’s house yesterday. Photo: Marika Erdely
Footage from a Ring camera showed the back of Marika Erdely’s house yesterday. Photo: Marika Erdely
what is Tom's take on this fire- where is his public statements:
what is Tom's take on this fire- where is his public statements:



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G   O   D



6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 

Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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