Page 8- These are my City of Prescott Public Records Requests- (descending order)(COP PRR)
Jul 31, 2021
Author- Joy A. Collura
Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern" DISCLAIMER: Please fully read the front page of the website (link below) before reading any of the posts ( ) The authors and the blog are not responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others. The content even though we are presenting it public if being reused must get written permission in doing so due to copyrighted material. Thank you. If you just came here with revenge and hate in your mind and heart, then click off to another site-
This blog is for people who want to learn not take the data to gossip and cause harm.
There may be images below watermarked with hidden trace so that I may know where the image was saved. All my posts must have written permission to use any content. Get your PRR or FOIA or ask permission by us. I gave the sources so you can ask for your own. Mine are non-commercial so remember that is for people not making a cent-
I do it for the Public at Large. No "made-for-profit" book like others.
This is the link you will keep coming back to as I will keep loading this section with the City of Prescott Public Records Requests ( PRRs ) and eventually break them into Part One, Two, etc. as they increase in volume size so the posts are kept reasonable in size.
7-31-20 5:22 PM I am just making a link to later come back then post 8 (Showing what I pulled) then post 9 (Jeff Archer PRR)