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Page 4- These are my City of Prescott Public Records Requests- (descending order)


Author- Joy A. Collura


Views expressed to "the public at largeand "of public concern" DISCLAIMER: Please fully read the front page of the website (link below) before reading any of the posts ( ) The authors and the blog are not responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others. The content even though we are presenting it public if being reused must get written permission in doing so due to copyrighted material. Thank you. If you just came here with revenge and hate in your mind and heart, then click off to another site- This blog is for people who want to learn not take the data to gossip and cause harm.

There may be images below watermarked with hidden trace so that I may know where the image was saved. All my posts must have written permission to use any content. Get your PRR or FOIA or ask permission by us. I gave the sources so you can ask for your own. Mine are non-commercial so remember that is for people not making a cent-

I do it for the Public at Large. No "made-for-profit" book like others.

This is the link you will keep coming back to as I will keep loading this section with the City of Prescott Public Records Requests ( PRRs ) and eventually break them into Part One, Two, etc. as they increase in volume size so the posts are kept reasonable in size. Page three was 152 pages when saving to PDF area so time for new page- page four here.

Good night ( 7/25/20 9:08 PM ) .... work on this tomorrow afternoon 7/26/20


Good Morning ( 7/26/20 9:41AM )

in this post four I am going to "pause" PRR 19-438 to peak into Darrell Willis 20-036 PRR.

PRR 20-036 opening the request "live" with you but I am sharing I feel unwell. Each day I feel like I got my butt whooped bad. I went to bed late and got up at 8:30 AM so almost six hours sleep. Here we go- let me go scan the City of Prescott letter and thumb drive.


Finally made it back, that vomiting is killing my chest area...ugh.

Okay on to this request...The next item in the PRR request is the letter first and its envelope contents:

( paused - published - 7/26/20 11:04 AM- gotta rest for a moment - not well but as the day unfolds I will keep coming here - )

( back - as I went to rest - never happened - ended up eating an egg and 1 slice of spelt and here I am again 11:27 AM )


Before I begin- I am "skimming" the PRR to see for YHF stuff---any other areas can wait- or you can pull your own and see since I offered the PRR#. It is always funny though the ones who have caused me harm, having inappropriate mannerisms and defamation so far in this path are the ones in the index logs pulling what I pulled - no one else.

The next item in the PRR request is 20-036. see:

Below are the documents from file folder 0004_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Beams - Subject_BIO, cadre travel form - 01-07-2015 containing Biographical Sketch Darrell Willis.pdf and Pacific Northwest Training Center Cadre Registration.pdf

Biographical Sketch Darrell Willis.pdf:

Pacific Northwest Training Center Cadre Registration.pdf:

The initials online show: YWNSA - You Will Not Stand Alone:


I enclosed the first in the PRR because of the BIO section on Willis and it is important to keep that to the forefront as we open up more records.

The next item in the PRR request of 20-036 are the documents from file folder "0010_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Willis. Judy ICE - Subject_Thank you for allowing me to stand next to you that day! - 06-25-2014 ' are ATT00001.htm [EMPTY-show below] and The Story of the Hill.pdf (JP Vicente Family Support Services):

The Story of the Hill.pdf (JP Vicente Family Support Services):


( paused - published - 7/26/20 12:34 PM - just publishing as I go - no break - just trying to keep this "live" as I see it you are right there with me seeing it too.)


The next item in the PRR request of 20-036 are the documents from file folder "0031_Sender_Willis,Darrell - - Subject_Prescott_Yavapai County Risk Assessment - 02-09-2015" is "YCWPP 2014.pdf":

I converted the PDF to JPG to place the entire plan here except it is almost 90 pages and in mixed up order but there is stuff worthy to do it but not now- I am focused to YHF....BIOs / Credentials and such. There is plenty of good stuff in this PDF and does have YHF yet it is a huge PDF and maybe later I can add it. Just time consuming and tedious.

Plus, see the out of order - so for me to do this I would have to look at original plan until the end to make sure I upload it and enter it here in order and that takes too much time:


The next item in the PRR request of 20-036 are the documents from file folder 0164_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Harwood - Subject_End of season reports - 05-02-2014 which contains GMIHC 2007 End of Season Report.pdf and GMIHC 2008 End of Season Report.pdf:


Now I had a document that not only showed what I asked for in 2016 but again in recent PRRs so maybe now we can get somewhere but either way City of Prescott never fulfilled those PRRs correctly.


The next item in the PRR request is 0207_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_[redacted for the blog] - Subject_GMIHC Crew History Bullets 2013.doc - 03-16-2015 file folder with GMIHC Crew History Bullets 2013.pdf in it:


The next item in the PRR request is 0019_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Moser - Subject_Meeting with State Attorney General and Ops from Yarnell Hill - 07-11-2014.pdf:



InvestigativeMedia (John E Dougherty- there are many John Doughertys so specifically the one who has a B.S. JOURNALISM-Jan 1, 1974 - Dec 31, 1978 from ASU and originally from VA- that one. The one was once tied to Phoenix Gazette, Phoenix New Times, Southwest Sage and own InvestigativeMEDIA has my permission to use any content on my blog for any non-commercial or for his own commercial purpose use if it is legally allowed without having to pull his own because John pulled the right FOIAs and PRRs long before I ever knew what they were and he asked and tried to get the answers A.S.A.P. better than any other journalist and I am saying AZCENTRAL are near his level of digging but due to them never fixing Shaun McKinnon's article - photo of our hike with Shaun:

they lost any right to my story and materials and if I spent more in person time with Anne Ryman and got a feel for any story she was to do- she and Eddi Trevino have always laid on my 'maybe' list and Morgan Loew lost me when he lost our footage that he promised us on our hikes to give us a copy for our records.)

and the other person who can use our material to do a Educational Purpose documentary is Scott E. Briggs ( Into the Black Productions ) to ensure we can lessen the Wildland Firefighter Fatalities and to do our best to discover and share "complete lessons learned" - Dated 7-26-20 5:26 PM.

this man is the man (below) who truly is honoring the men for digging for the truth even in ways I do not comprehend but I know with all my heart it is not with ill intent ...may be hard topics but he is brazen to do it even in sandals in bear wallow brush country:

There is a man sometime this Summer 2020 / Fall 2020 who has a podcast that will interview us but we only permit as we discuss to anybody else; limited. I just want the world to know those two men above (John and Scott) have our permission at anytime to use our blog content. I seen them in my record digging that they both worked very hard in gaining truths on the Yarnell Hill Fire.


The next item in the PRR request is 0210_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Archer - Subject_Web page updates - 10-02-2014.pdf:


7-27-20 7:45 AM - been up since 6:50 AM and slowly again getting going. I will do this PC stuff until 2PM today then go do errands and around the house stuff. That's the plan. So be here "live" until then if you want to 'chat' and discuss any areas. The chat area is that annoying box on the bottom right. Click on it and say hello.


The next item in the PRR request is 0235_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Sarah Yager - Subject_Following up with a few more questions - 04-17-2014.pdf:

Ms. Yager sent the YHF Eyewitness hikers the same "Fact Check and Verify" email but the Atlantic ran with a narrative with not making the corrections we took the time to make. I wonder if the same happened to Willis if they put stuff out that he corrected but they did not correct it. I can state to this day though Brian Mockenhaupt is still talked about locally as the most enjoyable person who spent time in Yarnell and Congress. He is still the "most liked" of all the journalists. When I see people that I have helped they always say tell Brian Mockenhaupt we said hello. So he made a lasting impression.

I also want the world to know Congress Arizona Gas Station Manager Ronda Carnes was the very first person to tell me June 28th, 2013 about the YHF at appx 5:30 PM by phone call and she is also the very first person to mention a man named Brian Mockenhaupt was asking folks in Congress to give his business cards to Joy A Collura- the YHF eyewitness so if he ever did his own story on Yarnell without darn editors but from him- I would be open to him using content from our site but not his editors or who he works for just him on his own.

Patti the retired Yarnell librarian asked for a pic of the two hikers after our long hike with Brian and in the last second asked Brian to get in the photo...reason I was not even in the middle of the two...he last second entered photo...Brian and the 2 hikers from the YHF:

( paused - published - 7/27/20 9:03 AM )


The next item in the PRR request is 0233_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Glenn Brown - Subject_Lunch after WYFCA - 04-15-2014.pdf:

The reason I find this interesting is I know when I find the other records it was not Ben or Willis who saw "heat" from this moment but Glenn Brown did so much he had to relocate his livelihood. In the start Glenn was doing the difficult right thing but his path has not been treated fairly and just. Thank God Brown has a love for baseball to get lost in...America's National pastime has helped there.

I had to pause and do G5 massager but back- did not publish during pause because it was uploading above so I will now -

( paused - published - 7/27/20 9:43 AM )

( paused - published - back 7/27/20 10:02 AM )


The next item in the PRR request is 0231_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Reid Singer - Subject_Kyle Dickman book fact check - 02-10-2015.pdf.

How many other people after reading Kyle Dickman's book were like??? I went through their publishing legal team and they even said the hikers account is okay to leave even though we said it is wrong but they go by the official SAIT - SAIR and one of the first publications that sparked me to this path of showing the documents that costs me (some record requests do) yet freely sharing them to the world versus these "made for profit" books. Kyle's book is a prime example that we must fact check and verify the YHF.


( paused - published - 7/27/20 10:25 AM )

paused for G5 moment- hernia areas-

( back - 7/27/20 10:40 AM )


The next item in the PRR request is 0230_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Santos - Subject_are you available to meet Aug. 20 or 21_ - 08-12-2014.pdf:


The next item in the PRR request is 0226_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Tony Sciacca - Arizona Wildfire Academy - Subject_Request - 10-22-2014.pdf.


The next item in the PRR request is 0222_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Willis - Subject_Site Visit on Tuesday - 05-02-2014.pdf:


The next item in the PRR request is 0221_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_joy C - Subject_Merry Christmas - 12-24-2014.pdf

The interesting part about this one record is that Willis sent me this and a two weeks later did what he did in the court room- made zero sense and I for sure felt 'hood-winked' by his hearsay comments that were allowed in the court room.


( paused - published - 7/27/20 11:03 AM )


The next item in the PRR request is 0220_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Gordon - Subject_FMWG meeting - 09-02-2014.pdf:


The next item in the PRR request is 0219_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Vicente - Subject_International Recognition for families of 19 Hotshots - 05-20-2014.pdf

In case some of the GMHS family members were never made aware - this is for you:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:24 AM - "The Secretary of the National Fire fighters Union (Australia) has encouraged my organisation to investigate the story of the 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots, and I understand there is no better contact point than you in relation to this.

I also understand that the one year anniversary of the Yarnell Hill tragedy is approaching, and, that there are 19 families who deserve to receive TheSRF Medal; an internationally significant award recognising sacrifice and support by service families (Military and Emergency Services) across all United Nations Member States.

As a registered Charity, The SRF would be willing to source funding to ensure the Medals arrived safely, but would need to first be advised of an appropriate way to engage with the local community and identify that there was interest in these Medals being awarded to local fire fighting families. For example, is there an existing ceremony that families attend, and, would colleagues of the 19 Hotshots be interested in presenting the Medals to family members. And this is why I email you now.

While it certainly appears to us that awarding of the Medals is warranted in relation to the tragedy at Yarnell Hill, we look to you for guidance as to how to proceed in appropriately awarding these 19 families with the international recognition they so deserve.

Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience to ensure we can further understand how to appropriately engage with the local community, and, if there is a ground level desire to see colleagues of the 19 Hotshots ensure that those families who made the ultimate sacrifice receive this international award. ... Kind Regards, Carley Scott The Services Recognition Feather (TheSRF) PO Box 837 Macleod, VIC 3085 AUSTRALIA"

0219_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Vicente - Subject_International Recognition for families of 19 Hotshots - 05-20-2014.pdf:


The next item in the PRR request is 0217_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Robert - Subject_LITIGATION_ - 09-22-2014.pdf.



I always find my visits with this lady "top notch" and I support this above link message.

Vote Today!


The next item in the PRR request is 0215_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Don Forsyth - Subject_Foresters & Fire Wardens Program 2015 - 02-09-2015.pdf.


The next item in the PRR request is 0212_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Fernanda Santos - Subject_question on GMIHC reimbursement for state and federal fires - 01-19-2015.pdf.


( paused - published - 7/27/20 1:19 PM )

The next item in the PRR request is 0208_Sender_Willis,Darrell - - Subject_Yarnell Hill Discovery - 05-07-2014.pdf.

I have to tell you this is amazing from our own Willis--- I want it written out in the biggest boldest way:

From: Willis,Darrell

To: CC: Willis Darrell

Date: 5/7/2014 12:55:20 PM

Subject: Yarnell Hill Discovery

Dear Marshall, I would like to inform you of some evidence we have come across that may have an impact on the AZDOSH report and citations relating to Yarnell Hill. We have come across some evidence that we believe is residue and slag from flares in the area of Yarnell along some roads in the area. This evidence, if verified by laboratory tests, would indicate that someone (crew, engine, individual(s) or independent resources may have added to the fire front and increased the intensity of the fire that ultimately over ran the Granite Mountain Hotshot crew, by conducting a backfire. I have found no evidence of this discussion in either the AZDOSH report or the Serious Accident Investigation Report. If this proves to be true, there is a whole new story about what happened on June 30th. I would be glad to discuss this with you at your convenience and provide you with the evidence and documentation for your review. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, DW Darrell Willis,

Division Chief

Prescott Fire Department 333 White Spar Road Prescott, AZ 86303 (928)777-1701 Office (928)776-1890 Fax Notice: My new e-mail address is

Monday, July 27, 2020 2:13 PM I emailed Krotenberg with a CC to Willis-

"...I had more faith in you as an Investigator outside the ADOSH product. Greatly Disappointed. I hope others from ADOSH were not aware of this and it just stayed with you so I can be disappointed to you alone. Sad, Joy A Collura"

Also some informative comments on IM in reply to the above: where Pfingston stated:

Deborah Pfingston: And… uhm… we get out there and that lab called me and they said “Listen, Mrs. Pfingston… we know who you are. We Googled. We know what this is… and we want you to know you are dealing with one of the most corrupt departments in government.”… and I remember the… getting that phone call and saying to my family “They just said this is one of the most corrupt departments in the government”. You’ve got be kidding me. What… this isn’t the CIA… this isn’t the FBI. This is the Forest Service. These are the great Forest Rangers… ya know… I mean… what are… what are talking about?… and this guy said “They are ALWAYS covering their butts.”


Also here is an actual email from a January PRR release which is relatable to the topic here.


( paused - published - 7/27/20 1:46 PM )


I think how disappointed I am in Krotenberg that even if the ADOSH product was done, he did not take it any further 'publicly' since 2014 and this is not even the 'smoking gun' ... we still have the Steinbrinks stuff to go through after Willis' stuff and Deborah's and so on.

You all - the last 18 minutes on the YHF folks - please "Speak Up" now before people learn anything "this" way.

Continuing to the Public at Large Public Records...

How is this looking for Brad Mayhew? Mike Dudley? even Vicki Christiansen and Shawna Legarza...Now that you all know this...will the Arizona State Forestry do something about this?

Or another area to avoid and call it 'conspiracy theories'??? Willis was on that Yarnell Hill Fire with all of us so for him to write that and nothing came of it publicly???? Weird.

The moment the Deployment Zone (the bowel- box canyon) was spoken Psalms 23 after the men passed on, I have been receiving clear messages that in God's time it will all circle around and that comment Corey Moser told Media will not hold weight.

Willis was right July 2013- God has the plans...

The next item in the PRR request is 0118_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Marshall Krotenberg - Subject_Preliminary Lab Results on Evidence Found in Yarnell - 06-03-2014.pdf. I will also place this on post 5.

I could be with my family and friends right now if you all just "speak up"


ANY BigHorn Fire property owners and or the Bush Fire property owners- please reach me if any of you get flooded out by those fires so I can educate what FOIAs and PRRs and who to reach if you want to learn the 'behind the scenes' to those fires this Season 2020 and to help you know from 'point of origin' to the progression to the burn scars to the actual areas that was already considered a flood plain before the fires- let us have a real sit down educative talk.


For the kids in America

not all the adults are failing you ... there are some good truth tellers that have your back, kids


The above three images are from a Smoke Signals (BIA Feb 2014 Vol 27) article retrieved from the Wayback Machine from the "Always Remember" website on the Yarnell Hill Fire.


The next item in the PRR request is 0206_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Everett Warnock - Subject_Support_ - 06-04-2014.pdf.


The next item in the PRR request is 0205_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Harbour - Subject_Out of Office_ Yarnell agenda - 02-13-2015.pdf.

Why is Washington DC Tom Harbour years after the YHfire keeping tabs or in any sort of communications???

- where is the FOIA we have been waiting for way over a year + to see if the Feds helped financially in all of this ...

Why at the conference pretend as we met before ... I think I may have been the topic over the years in others talk with you but we never met before that conference, for the record.


The next item in the PRR request is 0204_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_chris adsit - Subject_Need a Quickie Bio from you for the manual - 11-21-2014.pdf.


I am appx 33 minutes from getting offline for a couple hours to eat breakfast finally and watch one of Kayiden's fav. movies - lunch and dinner blended in - making a popeye scrambler...( paused - published - 7/27/20 5:12 PM )


The next item in the PRR request is 0203_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Fernanda Santos - Subject_quick question re John Percin - 01-26-2015.pdf.

Okay, break back here in a couple of hours.


Interesting Willis. I had plans to be on the Weavers on 1/21/15 and you knew that because Pfingston told you about those plans and you talked about it in the courtroom and yet you had plans to be there same day with Bill too. Is that coincidence? Region 3 Fire Director? Was it you back channel to make sure I would not be on those Weavers? ... I have to ponder that.

The next item in the PRR request is 0192_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_VanBruggen - Subject_January 21 Site Visit - 01-08-2015.pdf.


( paused - published - 7/27/20 8:07 PM )


The next item in the PRR request is 0183_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_James Grasham - Subject_2014 National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) Southern Arizona Benefit Dinner & Golf Tournament - 05-13-2014.pdf.


The next item in the PRR request is 0180_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Lucas - Subject_update - 08-01-2014.pdf.

Ralph Lucas is such a dweeb [foolish].

Brent Wachter is one of the ones along with Richa, Tim, Tom, etc that phone conferenced the hikers during the SAIT SAIR phase in 2013.

Since that day that man Brent knows his Weather and continues to do his part to help lessen Wildland Firefighter deaths- what about you Lucas?

Besides being a part of the layers of omissions and tied to an area that rather keep areas sealed and hidden even when I ask for it direct in a Public Records Request or FOIA.

Do you feel good each day being a part of that bullshit? Do you sleep good knowing that?

Those "scientific guru's out of Missoula" as you call them in that email to Willis... help to keep you all safe. By the way it is not all about Science. As prior Mayor Marlin Kuykendall said about the hikers and what we had on June 30, 2013 - "common sense" - do you have that?

If you do than "Speak Up" about what you know ... tell us exactly where Stations 71-75 where June 30, 2013. Tell us if any of them that were in Yarnell are willing to show their Google History Location before Google swipes it for good. Are you willing to do that?

It is the years of the people like Dr Ted Putnam, Brent Wachter, Bret Butler, Jason Forthofer, Brian Potter, etc. - it those people who help to lessen Fire Fatalities- are you, Lucas?

I pray and hope you are not in any leadership position if you refuse to realize the branches that make up Wildland and Structural and both (the Hybrid) Industry and please, sir, have a deeper respect and understanding for one another.

Also when you do Site Visits to the DZ, do you follow the SAIT SAIR or do you tell the complete true events so that complete lessons are shown?

I hope the City of Prescott is "wise-enough" to keep folks like you out of leadership positions.

It is those people at Missoula Labs doing their part to help lessen the fatalities and again have you done your part sharing all of June 30, 2013 late day thru July 1st, 2013 at noon?

Learn the Labs. Go visit. I was not even a Wildland Firefighter when I did my tour there. It is a very valuable moment.


( paused - published - 7/28/20 8:03 AM )


The next item in the PRR request is 0170_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_sonny gilly - Subject_good evening - 05-19-2014.pdf.

I am not going to put what you said to Mike Dudley on me seven months later from this email but what happened - go pull it yourself and read it, Willis.

But why behave in this manner (below) to me then saying other stuff behind my back like you did to Dudley. You are really not a pure true man. May God work in your life. Not nice what your little circle has done to me behind the scenes.

Oh, Willis- It doesn’t bother me that you talk about me behind my back. What pisses me off is you don’t get all the facts right!


( paused - published - 7/28/20 10:39 AM )


In PRR 20-036, Donald C. Zavala, Jr. LAW OFFICES Boyle, Pecharich, Cline, Whittington & Stallings, p.l.l.c and Willis email thread was not redacted and I really do not know if I can legally state the contents but very interesting I was shown client privileged information.


The next item in the PRR request is 0156_Sender_Willis,Darrell - - Subject_June 30, 2013 Yarnell Hill - 05-20-2014.pdf.

I really wish Alan Sinclair was never tied into John MacLean and this Yarnell Hill Fire book stuff-

I have photos from the moments mentioned above in that email and that man in that photo I will not show that here but I can tell you this - that man shows all the signs that he would want the answers to why Eric and the men died. Pull your own PRRs and FOIAs to see those photos from another entity. Its painful to see the pain in his face and reason I will not show it here. Yet I wish he was on his own doing his own research. You can see earlier on his powerpoint- see on here: / / ...

I also wish Alan Sinclair cared currently even more about Safety and less about Performance Ratings and or Task Books. I get the system I do.

Yet when actual Wildland Firefighters keep facing injuries that never make it to a write-up or even an Investigation and they keep saying the weather changed and the people there are like no Joy- it wasn't. Sorry I digressed. Just tired of these decent Volunteer Firefighters who make the long drives to these fires to have entrapments and I will teach them if it was the Head of the fire or other.

Sinclair, why don't you share this email thread to the world on MacLean's site - it belongs to you from a January PRR of mine and does seem to blend into what Willis states above to Krotenberg:

even though Sinclair had this all these years - did any of you see this yet in the Wildland Industry? (the above documents)

Why is it not posted on MacLean's site under Sinclair's area?

We can see one of Willis' emails to Krotenberg. I wonder where the other two emails are? More to come... or was it omitted?

Heroes make mistakes, people. We need to learn "complete lessons" folks.


Yes today already began with a few cups worth of projectile vomit out of nowhere. I may have to break away from my stubborn ways if it does not let up soon and see a doctor or at minimum draw labs just hate to do it during this COVID 19 phase.


( paused - published - 7/28/20 12:19 PM )


The next item in the PRR request is 0155_Sender_Willis,Darrell - FirstRecipient_Robert - Subject_LITIGATION_ - 09-22-2014.pdf.


it is 1/28/20 1:38PM and this is my fourth round of bad projectile vomiting where I had no control. I just now cancelled any and all plans I had in Scottsdale this week. It is very difficult to breathe and my chest hurts from vomiting and coughing. No fever. Yet clammy. Days ago I thought it was an allergic reaction to a food and still could be but it is rough. My tongue and throat are less swollen then days ago.


Starting a new page:

To Our Long Time Gal Pal

Keesha Smith

We are rooting for you!!!

$500,000 prize :)



Before we go to the next page...

There are men and women who were part of the GMIHC / Crew 7, a few who left on June 15th and June 25/26th, 2013 and a few that were to begin that July 1st, 2013.

You know Donut has been shown much attention but you all matter in my books. You are GMIHC / Crew 7. None of us can take that from you.

For all of you just know I know it is still tough. We need to publicly talk about the mistakes.

The Ted Turner event with the horn and chainsaw and other times.

We need it out there.

Do you know right now a Crew right this second is being told what many on the YHF were told to do and it was this unexpected winds. It is infuriating. They should not be in that boat but if they do not listen they will be blackballed and people need their job more than ever during this COVID 19 phase. Right now. On a current Wildfire ... right now...with rookies just like YHF.

Is that leadership? What if you are just an engine locally or from out of state on your first Wildfire and you are going down your 10 and 18s and see so many being broken on the ten and failed to mitigate the situations and the boss looks at you as he knows better and should talk but if he does he knows his job and many folks jobs are on the line. He already gets the "go along to get along" ways of this Fire Industry.

The controlled throwing of dice is a physical skill which requires hours of practice to master. I am willing to take the time out and teach you when you sit in an engine that has melted hose lays and "that" smell when people on the fire tell you "no big deal, meteorologist made a bad ... unexpected wind ... just let it roll." You ready people ... "let it roll" ... let me take the time to teach you how to just do that as you just inhaled a harmful amount of smoke that can inflame your lungs and airway, causing them to swell and block oxygen. Those poisonous vapors. This can lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome and respiratory failure. As your skin hairs smell because they just burned off along with some of your own skin. People make mistakes. We need to start owning them. Not pretending what you just went through was no big deal. Avoiding an Investigation and After Action Review (AAR) just to stay on that roster for calls to come...fires to go to...

Let us make a new style of rolling those dice. Let's stand up for our actions may they be 'dumb shit' mistakes. Let's do it.

Rolling Sevens is not always good...I want to have a solid experience with you on the fireline and go shoot pool and have a good time or go hike the tallest mountains with you and know we have one another's back. Let's build stronger leaders and not use the roll of the dice to then "crap out" -

Stand today and tell you story no matter if it was in 2000 or 1995 or 1981 or just in the past 24 hours.

It matters!

You Matter!


A message from a fellow Wildland Firefighter Supervisor's feedback on the release of the records and recent postings:

"After having had time to read a good deal of the Yarnell postings, I have to wonder how the message will ever reach the masses.

What I feel certain about is that firefighters are definitely NOT being trained in truly understanding fire behavior or even basic tactics.

S-130/190 "on-line" is a joke and should not be allowed.

We would never hire someone to work on our vehicle who only had a few days with on-line videos yet it is OK to hire firefighters and put them in harm's way with minimal training.


Then, in regard to the 10 & 18, while I appreciate your concern to have firefighters memorize them, if they are not gaining a true understanding (through experienced explanation and application) those who memorize will simply be "parroting" what they read.

When teaching, I often refer to our African Grey Parrot and let the students know that I am not seeking more parrots (in a human form).

What I see on fires are actions/orders with no explanation to the newer firefighters.

The majority of new firefighters (my opinion) are just excited to be out in the thick of action and have a desire to take pictures to share with everyone their glory and all the cool stuff they saw (i.e. big flames, air shows, etc.).

If we asked them to explain what they based actions on, or if they were aware of any watch outs, I'd be surprised if there were any constructive comments.

Too often AARs are simply an obligatory gesture and don't truly dig into what happened. 

For the many firefighters who do not spend time on a hand crew, where do they gain good experience, if they are not at a busy wildland station?

Many simply go out with their respective fire departments to make money and the majority of the time they are in structure protection or mop-up and not seeing real fire behavior.

For those in structure protection, is there ever really the discussion that they are out in front of the fire with unburned fuel between them and the fire? 

I don't know that there is a simple solution, but do know that the quality of firefighters will only continue to degrade as experienced people continue to retire out.

One thing that should happen is to implement an emphasis on situational/scenario based simulations that transition from sand tables to hands on real world scenarios.

Some of this could be accomplished during prescribed burning, but I'm sure many will say it's too much work.

How many of these months-long managed fires are limited to a small contingent of USFS personnel?

What about involving more fire department personnel.....and not just for holding forces. How about providing some real hands-on education? Sure it will mean a "change" in business, but would it not be beneficial on many levels?

Current training (red book classes) is simply a matter of checking boxes in order to get qualified. The knowledge gained in a red book class is truly dependent on the quality and passion of the instructor.

I've heard comments from some 130/190 students that they barely dug any line. And what about hose lays? Where are these skills to be acquired? 

I don't think I have enough time left to develop a "custom" training program, but have thought about it for years. Then I wonder if there is enough interest.

Well, just my thoughts as I reflect on things."


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