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My "Dear John" letter to the W__ and 4


Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern" DISCLAIMER: Please fully read the front page of the website (link below) before reading any of the posts ( ). The authors and the blog are not responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others. The content even though we are presenting it public if being reused must get written permission in doing so due to copyrighted material. Thank you. Abbreviations used: Wildland Firefighters (WFs) - Firefighters (FFs).


Thank you to our youth and young adults.

Ryan, thank you for the many many hours you and your family and friends and girlfriend have delved into Yarnell Hill Fire 2013 after watching the fillum 'Only the Brave'.

After many hours last night, we noted you were unable to correctly view post one, so I am going to attempt to break them into sections for you.


Snippet from post one:

when you are on post one if you click on ">" it should expand the content:

it should show this, but Ryan was having difficulty seeing the above on his page so placing it here:

Under this Collapsible List -

"Resigning from the W__ as a Lifetime Member 7-18-22 and why...check my emails out...":

So, here is the times I spent with WFF then:

  1. Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 at 2:42 PM - the video the Canadian shared to me, and I commented to Burk Minor - Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 at 7:38 PM Burk replied: "Hi Joy, I appreciate your words! And always I’m looking for a another pillar of income lol I can smell the onions from here.. We have been international for a couple years now taking care of all Australias fatalities in the last two years. And have touched a lot of life’s in Canada already let along what we have going on in the states...Burk" and I replied shoot me a call vs typing and we talked for many hours even pulled Scottie Briggs on when Burk wanted me to go over there and meet his mom and do the WFF tour and crash at his home. It was all chill and just real hyped good energy. Scott has work stuff happening (Monsoons) and he predicted Sept/Oct. 2021 for a visit but Burk already had the ticket in action and asked if I can still come and I said let me ask my hubby- probably not because of the ride to airport and his schedule and Scott usually would drive but he was busy. Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 at 11:49 PM My husband replied he could take me right after his 12 hour shift. I was with Burk Minor by the very next morning. Real chill casual moment. I looked around. I never saw the Memorial at NIFC as he said he would take me or the tower upstairs area. Wednesday, July 21st, 2021 at 12:50 AM I told him to buy this stuff that I got for Scott.


Email Thread:Thursday, July 22nd, 2021, at 8:03 AM when on his patio with him, I emailed Burk the image below of a Fallen Firefighter and my very deep trauma because of his story/background and how locally we are seeing wherever slurry drops are dropped on "live" fire and the horrific ways people are dying locally since YHF 2013/2016. Burk stated he could not look at the image but glanced quick. I said I need mental health counseling on this area. I keep burying folks with horrific endings. He would say he would help but did not know how. He never addressed this topic again with me. I was left unheard. Scott stated Burk is busy and with much deadlines and stresses. I just need someone from the Fire Community to wake up and we should make it mandatory to have the Retardant / Slurry Drops / Phos Chek companies do a full studies--- in the Missoula labs or something--- it will more than likely need to happen with the C-19 phase and the unknowns there and then this chemical being dropped on watersheds (CAPLES RX FIRE), Marsh/Wetlands (BEAVER CREEK FIRE - IDAHO - 2013)- YHF 2013 and etc. I explained to Burk the depth of my trauma on this topic very much so. When Burk plopped me in front of his mom I also stated I needed to be heard. However, I saw 'retirement' in her eyes and well deserved. I never heard again from her in 2021-2022 until recently she landed a friend on my FB Scottie Briggs made for me July 17, 2021, because Fred/I shared his page because YHFR page was interconnected to his account, and it bothered GMHS loved one, Jenn Ashcraft, because she did not know who was on- problem solved. I listen to Scott- forgave the issues and moved on and my blog and Facebook proves I was always positive and even did multiple fundraisers for WFF- gifted them all; professional and personal the past annual. I just will never be associated and or affiliated unless this Retardant companies does for the Public at Large something that should have been done years ago---and that is a factual pure case studies. This was the reason I asked for a PUBLIC RECORDS FORM 7-20-22 and the cops were called, and it was a shock after a year of giving and caring. I just am floored that Burk Minor failed to remember my deep trauma, but I will challenge the fact that he has been shared by someone(s) that I have harassed the Wildland Firefighter Community like Burk said to Officer Nohl 7-20-2022 and I say SPEAK UP and share WHO...WHEN...etc...I also found it odd that one of WFF Staff Member's warned me and said the Holy Spirit warned her to have me not go to my interview and saw bodily harm then on 7-20-22 the person who hit me said "Do not go to your interview, Friday"


The Next area you had concern to was here:

Originally it stated B__ M___ not Annual....Wix glitches and so many issues were happening when trying to get post up- got frustrating so no more opening that post.

Here is what was Under this Collapsible List -

go to a new post so due to size / videos.



The authors and the blog are not to be held responsible for misuse, reuse, recycled and cited and/or uncited copies of content within this blog by others.

By you entering my site- you are wavering any liability our way that this site's content may cause on you and yours- Mentally, Physically and Spiritually.  This is our online area to express our views. If it bothers you, refrain from coming here.
This site is for in-depth discussion and education, (e.g. Lessons Learned, Entrapment Avoidance) for adults 18 years and older. Anyone under 18 should have parental approval to be on this site. We are unable to govern who comes to the site. We can gather analytics to protect the integrity of the site.


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6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 

Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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This site is for in-depth discussion and education, (e.g. Lessons Learned, Entrapment Avoidance) for adults 18 years and older. Anyone under 18 should have parental approval to be on this site. We are unable to govern who comes to the site. We can gather analytics to protect the integrity of the site.

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