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My "Dear John" letter to the ___ and 2.


Views expressed to "the public at large” and "of public concern"

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Abbreviations used: Wildland Firefighters (WFs) - Firefighters (FFs).


Every time I went to add more records or fix areas on My "Dear John" letter to the ___ and why... ( it just vanished the entire post so I will add and make corrections here.

I have so far four posts in drafts of the Summer 2022 journal, and I will publish it in the Fall 2022 ---

Been a different Summer...I never imagined Idaho to have someone say something bad is gonna happen to me the Holy Spirit said to them then see/feel the stand-offish manners I did by a few then be getting punched then later the cops called on me???? Weird. I am so over it.

However, I live with integrity so my deepest apologies for anyone I offended in Idaho Summer 2022.

This Summer 2022 just unfolded odd. I know they are trying to run a good deal over there. I just am too traumatized that anyone would link up with the red slurry folks in any manner --- maybe I need to gain more knowledge so that was why I asked for any public records on that area. I buried too many, and I have done my continued research, so I humbly want zero association to any area tied to that slurry companies so that is bottom line as to why I resigned from WFF.

I did it ASAP because I felt unheard by B__ from last Summer and I wanted to fact check if any financial incentive happened in the past year- I think it would hurt me after stuff I showed him and asked for his help. Felt so disregarded. It is a huge pain for me.

I just need to resign and unwilling to show support in any fashion until more data is presented --- I could have just walked away quietly which my text showed such was my intent 7-18-22 but when the cops were called- that was confusing/uncalled for and to have it as HIGH PRIORITY over simply asking for a public record. ???

That was why the post was made. I have zero clue if it is a game but after the Central Yavapai attempting to use Legislative measures and Yarnell and Bob Brandon, etc. I am sorry to all if asking for public records seems uncool but I also am trying to document why I almost died by 11 minutes on YHF 2013 and why I buried so much wildlife and locals over time.

I am unable to control what others do or say but all I can do is go forward being straight forward and to protect my time and light and immediate space and I am willing to share/give to folks who really appreciate such. Calling cops feels like not...I am avoiding the breadcrumbs to life.


I can state these four photos I wanted to fix in part one but it kept deleting on last link: My "Dear John" letter to the W__and why... (

here is the fix here:

I like the views - unsure how the current politics are there though...


the reset on one is soon and weeks on the other.

On part one - TOO MANY glitches- so frustrating. I go to EDIT and it vanishes it all ...I am not playing that game of rebuilding just to edit so part 2 post was made

so part one post is locked and never opening it again --- so on part one I had a paragraph that I typed stating do you see the arrows to the left down below- if you click on it --- it opens a collapsible list to the actual documents, videos and photographs.

Below in image (it is a snippet to part one not a collapsible list in this post) the word ANNUAL did have B__ M__ but these glitches just change words and it not allowing me to edit properly- I gave up. However, for legal purposes - please fact check and verify with me on anything from YHFR blog because something frustratingly weird is happening.


When I was looking for some audio files--I started thinking I bet many did not know that CBS Paramount producers interviewed, my hiking pal, Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny), back in 2013 before all the Yarnell Hill Fire - I even at one point was going to screenplay our 2011-2017 Pioneering moments in a Modern world. Then Yarnell Fire happened. That is one area I refuse to document into a book or movie. I get sick thinking how people did any made for profit area even organizations until they LOOK at the companies who lay that red stuff down and do a proper analysis and or investigation on many fires and for many reasons, I can state why to investigate besides our health matters. Right. Right?


Lizzy the lizard almost got chewed by Cole the kitty 8-2-22 evening - Sonny's ol' cat 'Sylvetser'-

Snapchat fun:



I am looking at old photos and videos of the immediate aftermath of the YHF and I saw some of Morgan Loew's old footage where it shows our way, Ryan.

It shows what they name GMHS Memorial Trail nowadays was the way we went out that 6-30-13 and Morgan was the only person who went the full distance then Fernanda Santos --- but here you go Ryan...thank you again for 8-1-22 conversation and do your best to let the man you volunteer know I say "Happy 83rd Birthday" to him. Thank him for his Military and Hotshot service for me. Thank you for being there with him.


If any person knows me, family or friends- if you are in my immediate space - I usually bridge, you to all the people around me - I am all for connecting togetherness...when I met Sonny- I introduced him to the locals and even added him for the walking permits for State Land to Private Lands and Sonny still believes he is "Grand-fathered" in...yet behind the scene I made sure to get him legal. See:

I did that for the areas here locally and all through any areas we travelled to...


In part one I mentioned Tommy Maiden - "Snakeman"- here was a local write up on him--- we both loved educating the locals especially kids on Snakes and skunks and wildlife:


Funny, we get this flyer today, but they won't touch the topic of the red slurry that hits our grounds and wetlands --- like our cattle ponds and etc...


My community is my everything--- and preserving our history in true form is what I am doing freely over the decades...

Dan is one of my favorite people I ever met--- and we know that has to be Kenny- same clothes- same blue truck as he uses to this day:

I sure miss Mona Jacobs:


I did use my hydration pack in Idaho wearing it but never used it yet:


I donated TaaLuma and Life is Good totes to the school kids going back to school this year:


Fred, I am unsure when you plan to do your part 2 post, but I am logging out until the 11th ---it is 8-3-22 12:50am...this is the current business bandwidth... they gave us some just so we can do that post and I can get medical related emails only- I refuse to open any other emails until I heal up more.

I want to apologize if any of these recent two posts offend anyone. I have to be me and share, and it was a difficult past few week --- bewildered.

Be back when bandwidth to finish uploading the needed documents that are too large to do right now due to lack of bandwidth.

Fred, he tends to share to others I have "triggers" in our knowing but listen to one of those documented moments and it has zip to do with me and more on areas he rather not discuss...I can state I have fully been evaluated by the medical folks and the only "trigger" I have is when Fred says leave the past there but how many of you Hotshots called me where that is all Fred does is bring up the past...Right...just sayin'...I know he has his stance on the Underground movement but we share views differently...I am trying to bridge areas. Yes, I call out areas too. The difference is he worked with these folks a long time and I almost died because some people are still keeping things internal and back channel and I along with many others deserve the TRUTHS to be to the Public at Large so I am just trying to get the documents to the forefront.

I am pretty sure had 19 men still been alive, Fred would not be doing all this --- here is the difference for me --- had 19 lived I still would be doing this because this was never about 19 for me but us all including Donut.

Brendan had so many in his ears early on along with so many others that the norm was not allowed and or refuse to talk on it...I want you to call me anytime and TALK on it even if this event was your 'John F Kennedy' moment to your life....I am here. I am not in this to get this into the media or for books or movies or agendas or projects or healing buildings--- yet I am in it to see in real time why I almost died June 30, 2013. That's all. Donut, I know too many were in your ear so early on--- my hope and prayer are you get to live your own life -- vs what others want or expect from you. I will pick on you in a little while though as I always do like a lil' brother because Ryan and I have been reading your book together. I am taken back in just the first three chapters.

question, Donut- what happened to this project:


I knew early on that the aftermath of the Yarnell Hill Fire 2013, it was going to be narrated when Kaja never reached me. Photo was taken when we worked together in the early 90's in New Jersey. We spent social time outside work, and we had sleep overs- so when she did not reach me, I knew something was off...


And again, the kids and elders are my everything:

Lois will be 97 on Oct 12 - Anyone over 90 is my heart and soul. The kids right now growing up also are old souls ... that is why most all my energy goes there. Togetherness is everything to me.


To wrap up my last year:

(July 2021- July 2022)



here is your chance

go pull some of these fish from the water

test it for Phos chek will ya...good start...let's get a true case study started vs blaming floods...

get a professional analysis began...can't hurt---right...

credit to you know who for alerting me today


Please note, I am off until September 2022 but meanwhile those orchestrating drama behind the scenes to someone I know...remember that your site goes on to so many peoples' pages as "sponsored" so not all go to your site directly and because if your sponsored on our timeline then sometimes one can peak so if you do not want people to look then remember to stop being on our timeline---it is being forced and manipulated to our social media timelines though. God bless you. I can state I hit the like button because it was supporting Bob Power and as well the fire orders and zip to do with any part to ya---that is my take on the issue. Now I move on to better topics. I doubt the person with intent went to cause anything but speak about the 10 and 18 and Human Factors. Just as I do...I want a real study done on slurry drops just like so many of us here locally thanks to Sonny Gilligan teaches us the bad it does to our enviroment.

I know more than I speak -- and may you remember I am waiting to see since John N MacLean announced in 2022 he is not doing the book on Yarnell- I still await to see what Holly Snyder Henderson Neill's book intentions are--still waiting if their material is up for sale---







sneak peek to one of my pending Draft posts and what we will go over ---were the GMHS even qualified that Season in documentation:

some documents I showed to the City...


Remembering you cousin, Lynn...praying for you kids always---one of your songs:



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G   O   D



6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 

Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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