Hey mom-
Thanking God for the blessing that I went past the time someone(s) (medical professionals) "timestamped" me for late December 2023...as you know I let them go in 2023 ... we have a new plan ...
Medical appts are my main focus in 2024 ...
Monday through Friday are my walks 7-4pm and polar plunges-
Weekends- paused all areas until I gained more strength.
When stronger- would like to go back to regimen with RR...if he is cool with it...
yet right now just too weak to think of anything but my rest, walks, polar plunges, Club Line dancing [ maybe not footloose ;)] if that...[kidding on doing the line dancing but yeah did check out at local library a DVD on topic line dancing to see where my mobility is and even checked out Senior Yoga]
no social schedule for a bit...no areas taking me off path...I am disciplined to work through this odd unwell phase....
Still being a warrior for God.
This will not fit in April Journal or this link:
How Is It Possible That The June 30, 2013, Yarnell Hill Fire Human Factors Perspective Is Exploited To Restrict Our First Amendment Rights of Free Association and Free Speech? (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com) so adding it here,
audio overview of this post:
took 12 hours to upload this and there are two other recordings uploading.
I have the recordings, but it took all day just to have it upload and said too large and I am not going to break it down into more videos today- maybe some other day- it is a waste of my time and energy--- I never got to do my walk today and that is important to me.
Different approach: uploading second video to YouTube:
https://youtu.be/D2kI8mtV-j4 and see if that is successful.
23: 12:43am: I am still up almost 24 hours now awaiting the upload ...
Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 7 6pm: / p 4am, 3c Wormwood, 3 times a day 3 Cap Cloves am, 153/98 93p..it has been over two weeks since Harry passed on in my arms...Sonny's cat that we took in- it is his Bday so Happy Bday Cole and his RiP brother Duncan...I slept in ___ ---
also was working on upload to YouTube project---let me show you I am not even half way ever since 3 something yesterday morning, see:
I finally dozed off one hour ago due to lack of sleep but I naturally awoke at 6 to take Cloves and Wormwood. Put a fan on while working on a project...warm already.
Google alert:
Archival Section.
Fire Location: Yarnell
Year: 2013
Any public records available where BLM transferred, destroyed, stored for this archived Wildland Fire "Yarnell Hill Fire" which is deemed a permanent record. Looking to see what BLM deemed to consider public records as their permanent record.
Any public record (electronic and paper included and any other source) showing the current area YARNELL FIRE 2013 is being stored for BLM.
April 24:Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 8 6pm: / p 4am, 3c Wormwood, 3 times a day 3 Cap Cloves
NEW FILTER WORKS GREAT: Spring Backyard Blooms:
met 1988. dated 91. married 93.
whatttt hhhhapppppeneddd 2021.....right. Anyways, still being blessed living in truth...
living under God's Loving plan...
April 25:Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 9 6pm: / p 4am, 3c Wormwood, 3 times a day 3 Cap Cloves
very bad head pain - going to dinner with MM and Jim -
BAR 7 4:44pm.
April 26:Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 10 6pm: / p 4am, 3c Wormwood, 3 times a day 3 Cap Cloves
April 27:Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 11 6pm: / p 4am, 3c Wormwood, 3 times a day 3 Cap Cloves
no rr.
unwell. heavily draining on face/nose. weak.
April 28:Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 12 6pm: / p 4am, 3c Wormwood, 3 times a day 3 Cap Cloves
no rr.
April 29:Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 13 6pm: / p 4am, 3c Wormwood, 3 times a day 3 Cap Cloves. Walk / Pool / board games
owie... from an agave needle stab...
April 30: Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 14 6pm: / p 4am, 3c Wormwood, 3 times a day 3 Cap Cloves- changed the filter for pool
Walk / Pool / board games
Wednesday May 1:Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 15
Walk / Pool / board games
May 2:Happy Bday RR. I am sure I will forget to text this later because I feel unwell. Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 16
Walk / Pool / board games
May 3:Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 17
https://youtu.be/8td3Jb-klos?feature=shared 10:32 thru 10:37 courtesy credit needed.
May 4:Phase Two Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse Day 18 7 cloves
Another thing I want to point out --- how is it a Hollywood fillum with falsehood fillers... ONLY THE BRAVE has better analytics than any of us tied to YARNELL FIRE and how is it this new video a month ago has over 10,000 views yet the content is AI and even at times not reality to June 30, 2013...Incredible engagement as well yet the people placing documented facts hear cricket noises because we are professionally shadow banned, folks. ???
let's show some of the YouTube AI video's clips nonrelated to Yarnell Fire 2013: oh wait...it would better to REPHRASE it...out of the entire fillum they made let me post what belongs to Yarnell Fire 2013 and the rest toss to the side as non- related because most the clips are non-related yet has HOW MANY views in one month??? Scratching my head on that one, folks. some of the images from fillum:
some quick inserts of FOIAs/MEDIA inserted in fillum yet not wasting my space here to add them...but quick inserts like:
that is an almost hour video-- I saw enough that it is just an AI NARRATIVE and not enough areas are sourced in description or on video images and MUCH MUCH fillers added in especially the made for Hollywood fillum...and it is AI...so as the eyewitness for it being a recount of YHF13' over a decade later--- how it is over 10,000 views is beyond me...???
what is the top video for that name GMHS but the fillum...
then there is me-
who is shadow banned:
let's look at my name and what is the most viewed under my name:
I am professionally being puppeteer by the unknowns and shadow banned online and too many lies, omissions, slander and defamation in person done to my name
and my name still scores after almost a decade a higher rank, see:
My name alone or with adding Yarnell stays consistently the same, see:
then add GMHS as we were all on the Weavers that fateful day--- score goes up two, see:
That shows me, people want to know TRUTH
and I stand higher in rank even being SHADOW BANNED and all publicly on my full name alone and with the tragedy I eye witnessed versus the MEDIA who you can see their rank below only went up when the tragedy was added to their names .... ???
Now, let us look at some of the MADE FOR PROFIT folks and some that did not make a buck on the deaths but are a part of the topic...tied to the fire I almost died on and their current ranking:
Brendan McDonough (Donut):
So tell me analytic folks out there- how does a man who has 590k views rank lower than me on the scale???? Hmmm...
John Dougherty:
John's rank drops when one adds YARNELL, see:
Holly Henderson Snyder Neill
How many of you came to me letting me know what Holly said behind my back ----
and how are we to have faith in a person who if googled today shows no current events on Yarnell or the men that died... ???
I only see 2014 data, yet BING claims she played a significant role ???? Where is that book they planned to do???? Her and fire author John Norman MacLean????
John Norman MacLean
Interesting for John, his rank goes up when I add GMHS / YARNELL:
Brad Mayhew:
add YARNELL / GMHS to Brad's name and he also goes up in rank:
Fernanda Santos:
add YARNELL / GMHS to her name and she also goes up in rank:
Eric Marsh Foundation:
let me add "t-shirt sales" just for the curiosity factor and see if it changes: nope, it dropped...
let me add YARNELL:
let me add GMHS:
Wildland Firefighter Foundation - WFF/ Scottie Briggs: they teamed up in 2021...and unknown as of August 2023 ???
That brings an interest to me that WFF stays the same like I do/did in rank when adding Yarnell..I like that;
but it dropped when you add GMHS---maybe likely someone's control to go into TA's office and that pull may have an effect ??? who knows...who cares...they still have failed to do the difficult right thing according to me and Carol...My opinion, ____ should create his own ENTITY with his own mission (not the ___ thing- that is just an add-on thing) --- something BIG --- and bring his___ along with him and let ___ and ___run Boise Idaho WFF...I am sad by ___'s life choices that she felt she had to do what I saw in recent years---even in what I saw in 2024...who does that...put ___ on your social media ???...sigh...:
National Firefighter Foundation:
I liked the fact that the WFF and NFF stayed pretty close in rank when adding YHF/GMHS but EMF alone was pretty low in rank but adding the YHF / GMHS did not increase it too much.
Yarnell Hill Fire:
Fred J Schoeffler:
even Fred goes up in rank when adding the tragedy:
kyle dickman:
add the tragedy to his name, he goes up in rank:
LEE and DJ HELM- Boulder Springs Ranch:
very interesting that when I add the tragedy to HELM- they go down in rank, see:
From Tragedy to Recovery 2-Color: The Yarnell Hill Wildfire of 2013: Chamber of Commerce, Yarnell - Peeples Valley, Mohit, Emad, Kelso, Barbara, Florman, Kurt: 9781500260514: Amazon.com: Books
Amazon.com: Granite Mountain: The Firsthand Account of a Tragic Wildfire, Its Lone Survivor, and the Firefighters Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice (Audible Audio Edition): Brendan McDonough, John Glouchevitch, Stephan Talty - contributor, Hachette Audio: Audible Books & Originals
Fire On The Wind: A Personal Narrative of the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire and Early Prospecting History of Yavapai County, Arizona Territory / Black and White Version: Helm, Diane J.: 9781548267957: Amazon.com: Books
Amazon.com: The Fire Line: The Story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots (Audible Audio Edition): Fernanda Santos, Ari Fliakos, Macmillan Audio: Audible Books & Originals
Origins (Learning From Granite Mountain - Anchor Point 1): Mayhew, Brad: 9781953257017: Amazon.com: Books
Amazon.com: On the Burning Edge: A Fateful Fire and the Men Who Fought It (Audible Audio Edition): Kyle Dickman, Will Damron, Random House Audio: Audible Books & Originals
My Lost Brothers: The Untold Story by the Yarnell Hill Fires Lone Survivor: Mcdonough, Brendan: 9781478940043: Amazon.com: Books
Yarnell Hill Fire Serious Accident Investigation Report: US Forest Service, United States Government: 9781492918349: Amazon.com: Books
Darrell Willis:
Bill Gabbert (RiP) / Wildfire Today:
7:34am- four-minute call to Mary F (Florida) explaining the FB Likes and the back channel part--- she stated she was a "superfan" for Prescott Mall Museum in a FB area and then hit "how many" LIKES on my areas which are opposing areas...as they follow the glaze and I follow documents that lead to a conclusion...
add a tragedy to his name:
I still feel me and her (Pfingston) could have solved this long ago together--- but I hear cricket noises...plus the public records show she has a possible dislike for me ???
still wanna go over this area, world...
Someone rang my doorbell but I did not make it in time---
sorry but leave a note next time letting me know you came--- we only get UPS/FEDEX at our door-
I was changing out camera batteries --- normally I capture it all just happened you came when I was changing the batteries...
5:FENBEN PHASE TWO Day One PAUSED FENBEN DAY 1 because of my current pulse and blood pressure.
all the comment images were on the April YHF blog post so no need to add them again here.
neat bed, eh
Our area is reporting on NOAA
for this week winds 6-39 not 40-70.
I am reporting this here because some Fuel Mitigation is going on this week in a ten mile radius of my walking area and I want it known the type of Wildland Firefighters we have may not possibly be paying "close attention" to the "red flags" of wind and weather and Fire Weather data that should be a "situational awareness" for us residential and commercial folks living here.
Why are we mitigating actual fire on the ground on a windy week that reports the winds for this week as unstable and high, are we watching the Relative Humidity- RH, Haines Index, 20ft Wind, Atmospheric Dispersion Index, Turner Stability Index????
Just saying.
I pray my ten-mile radius is spared of any possible political play time so I can continue my daily healthy walks. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Just documenting the "RED FLAG" moments ...
doing my part to lessen Wildland Fire fatalities and lessen the potential of Residential/Commercial property losses. Hope they are thinking to that as they mitigate on predicted unstable wind week ... ????
What do I always teach....
Document, document, document...
Tort claim(s) with legal standing are tightly limiting must be filed ASAP and the more concrete the documentation from the beginning on all Fire Weather, Fire Personnel(s) , Fire Vehicles and aerial are crucial for Y O U to document as you see it happening...
then we are doing our part to lessen the possible political bs...
just saying...
Shakespeare’s As You Like It, Act 2, scene 1, 12-17: “Sweet are the uses of adversity, which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in his head; and this our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones and good in everything.”
I am tired of the body welts and body draining...
Sam S., I really am thankful because I learned about you on my timeline walking my yard in my earbuds and my timeline went on you when you had water in the walls from possibly upstairs neighbors. Then lost contact. I see you in recent times, shuffling, ??? and never looked into your history and I was told by God to stay and be in His Love and I did and am yet last night when I sent you something and it was cancelled rebuked by the host- that was odd. I do know I cut people out of my immediate space based on the topic so it is unusual the interaction on this topic. I sent God's Love / Prayer your way again because it was to be simple yet seems it is not. Pray you receive many blessings.
Gun Shot fired heard in the distance
king snake in the yard
APS increase rate SUCKS!
3:37pm gun shot heard in distance.
Be a GUIDE not a God....
Thank you Sam S. --- I have rebuked this area
yet you showed me under God's guidance to "listen" your way that there are some authentic folks who speak to share what we need to hear...you are one of life's blessings, Samantha.
May 10: Fenben off
May 11:Fenben off
this will be my third weekend not doing Dashboard Theater with RR. It is kinda strange.
Just been something I look forward to...
Glad he doesn't take stuff 'personal' because it ain't- I am just having hard time in some areas health wise and I really do not want to go the store - I know there is a need
but I also know my needs go first and strength wise if I was to have a seizure or something in the stores- he is not able to get me home ASAP before medical units came...
sorry but I want to refrain from what EMT SS did to my chest wall last time in the name of what she called it- an emergency...it took forever to recover from it and I am still with costochondritis. I tried to do Dashboard Theater a month ago, but it was like soft hints of the areas I was doing, and I am just not nowadays...
I am quite at ease with making my walks my main and pretty much only focus besides some board games...
Well, looks like the video was never given courtesy credit and the channel got a strike...asked me how to fix it so here is my reply:
SS: I am not on Facebook- that YHFR FB is a contributing authors branched from his main FB page. Yet, thank you for the recognition but you bet I am your SUPERFAN but I am in person not on technology- we have some dangerous naysayers out there and I am blessed I am still alive...Really, I am.
What those folks fail to see...God is watching them all... we are
at the point where everybody has their magnifying glasses... they are looking into it
and it's not looking good... it's not looking good for any of them...most likely all of them...
see this is the reason why God told me just be quiet and sit back ...don't seek revenge ...don't react to their gossip, lies and omissions...do not...don't get your hands dirty at all....
either some come to God and then there are the ones in big big trouble...I am good...I speak my flaws...I learn from my moments. The more those folks who projected / manipulated a false story about me, the more you will see God is watching...
I, for sure, did not deserve the many manners and actions and Spiritual Warfare and the manipulation of frequencies one can see on Scientific mapping tool areas to my areas.
Facebook recent marketing tools???
Amazon.com: Unveiling the Shadows Gang Stalking: Understanding Coping & Overcoming: 9798322051930: Sarg, Sam: Books
6MgYQhLVBq92QwaOYVW_ig / UC6MgYQhLVBq92QwaOYVW_ig
draining areas: