Have a safe and peaceful Summer 2022. I am going to be away from technology. I will do next post recapping my Summer 2022 when Fall arrives....Farewell for now...
archiving FB post -20-22 11am:
I refreshed the page on FB---found more comments so if it seems redundant I am putting it on:
this is the wash we saw Eric come out of :
I approved this reshare of my post with the copyrighted images to Chamberlin --- one of the best --- She made my CA visit this year while ill nice.
still there---thought it would be gone---I am unwilling at this point to unlock/unblock and I am very much in quiet mode but just been a weird whistleblowing week and GLAD it is Sunday----me on IMDB is funny as heck:
good night.
5-22-22 3:15pm- right before my eyes I saw this post when I did not post it:
and it said it was posted at this time:
and I saw my post vanish but here was the blueprint link to it: Facebook
then it came back on when I started placing the information to WIX-- weird folks.
see- even FB notified someone logged on--- why play games and screw me up on my email though...ugh...see:
I just changed my password --- now I just have to figure how to do the proton account
pics off my cell:
I am so looking forward to seeing these three this Summer 2022:
Have a beautiful blessed day.
side view of tumor/lipoma 5-26-22:
Snapchat fun on my walking break:
kinda creepy these 2 apps here:
Thank you, Mom, for my 50th birthday gift --- I will wear it on my birthday July 1st ;) and ALL Summer
I guess that means Summer 2022, I am getting Chicken Wings in Idaho :) if I am getting big dreams to finally come true - soft smiles. hee hee.
I did not like the colors below and then I liked them all in their own setting but blue is always my go to color and greys and white. Yet I like orange and green too.
Dr Ted Putnam - you get me here --- another area I had zero involvement, yet it just so called "evolved" ???
Now it shows I am going to be in Times Square in New York this Summer ???? Wow, someone has my Summer 2022 all planned out...
I did 6.5 hours walking but the smoke layers has me in now--- so let me peak at what is going on locally:
05/27/2022 13:21CEA-220667 CEA // Big Chino RdSmoke CheckBig Chino Rd, Paulden34.9237, -112.5220
Makes sense --- the Arizona Desert Walker has more Neanderthal DNA than 96% of all the DNA studies clients:
When was there ever a case study back then to even know I have these two variants having the following:
5-30-22 8:18am- busy day today for me. Happy Memorial Day 2022 to all. In loving Memory to all Fallen -
Yesterday, I had requested my immediate folks to send a proton email and confirmation certain areas would be kept to just them --- the clarification email lacked in its return to me so I am going to share key points if what was discussed with the Department of Forestry and Fire Management May 19 2022 10-11am in regards to their prior entity 2013 Arizona State Forestry on the bottom of this link here: Calling all "Prayer Warriors"- JOY A COLLURA is officially in "whistleblowing" mode in 2022- (yarnellhillfirerevelations.com).
Oh yeah- recap my C-pap moments this past week:
Saturday April 30 89, 8.07 usage hours, adjust mask 9/20, 1.6 events per hour, 1 mask off
Sunday May 1 88, 7.58 usage hours, adjust mask 8/20, 2.2 events per hour, 1 mask off
Monday May 2 98, 9.55 usage hours, adjust mask 18/20, 2 events per hour, 2 mask off
Tuesday May 3 76, 5.16 usage hours, adjust mask 13/20, 1.3 events per hour, 2 mask off
Wednesday May 4 80, 6.09 usage hours, adjust mask 9/20, 1.6 events per hour, 1 mask off (travel mode)
Thursday May 5 83, 6.42 usage hours, adjust mask 6/20, .4 events per hour, 1 mask off (travel mode)
Friday May 6 91, 10.31 usage hours, adjust mask 15/20, .2 events per hour, 5 mask off (travel mode)
Saturday May 7 91, 11.12 usage hours, adjust mask 11/20, .5 events per hour, 2 mask off(travel mode) - now home.
Sunday May 8 68, 4.34 usage hours, adjust mask 12/20, 1.3 events per hour, 1 mask off
Monday May 9 93, 8 usage hours, adjust mask 15/20, 1.8 events per hour, 4 mask off
Tuesday May 10 91, 8.31 usage hours, adjust mask 13/20, 1.7 events per hour, 4 mask off
Wednesday May 11 96, 10.12 usage hours, adjust mask 20/20, 1.2 events per hour, 5 mask off
Thursday May 12 95, 13.40 usage hours, adjust mask 20/20, 1.4 events per hour, 9 mask off
Friday May 13 96, 9.12 usage hours, adjust mask 17/20, .7 events per hour, 3 mask off
Saturday May 14 67, 4.1 usage hours, adjust mask 20/20, 0 events per hour, 6 mask off
Sunday May 15 97, 10.22 usage hours, adjust mask 18/20, 1.6 events per hour, 3 mask off
Monday May 16 95, 8.43 usage hours, adjust mask 20/20, 2.2 events per hour, 7 mask off
Tuesday May 17 98, 13.06 usage hours, adjust mask 20/20, .9 events per hour, 4 mask off
Wednesday May 18 86, 8.19 usage hours, adjust mask 6/20, 1. events per hour, 2 mask off
Thursday May 19 66, 5.36 usage hours, adjust mask 0/20, 6.4 events per hour, 2 mask off
Friday May 20 90, 8.40 usage hours, adjust mask 10/20, .8 events per hour, 2 mask off
Saturday May 21 77, 4.48 usage hours, adjust mask 19/20, .8 events per hour, 1 mask off
Sunday May 22 92, 8.33 usage hours, adjust mask 12/20, 1.6 events per hour,1 mask off
Monday May 23 85, 9.10 usage hours, adjust mask 10/20, 1.6 events per hour, 6 mask off
Tuesday May 24 76, 5.37 usage hours, adjust mask 10/20, 1 events per hour, 2 mask off
Wednesday May 25 71, 4.45 usage hours, adjust mask 13/20, .8 events per hour, 1 mask off
Thursday May 26 81, 5.18 usage hours, adjust mask 20/20, 3.7 events per hour, 4 mask off
Friday May 27 75, 5.37 usage hours, adjust mask 9/20,1.4 events per hour, 2 mask off
Saturday May 28 92, 6.33 usage hours, adjust mask 20/20, 1 events per hour, 5 mask off
Sunday May 29 74, 4.28 usage hours, adjust mask 19/20, 2 events per hour, 1 mask off
Happy Summer you all--- be offline from June to September 2022 but will post a recap at end of Summer here.
2022 Monitoring Edema / Fluid Buildup (Lymphatic) Measurement Chart- 5-30-22
Ear to Ear: December 2021 - 10, 1/1/22 - 10, 1/16/22 - 11.5 (swelling) --> 7-7.5 is my normal, 2-4-22 - 12 (swelling), 2-24-22 11 (less swelling), 3/20/22 11.5 (swelling), 4-13-22 10 (less swelling), 5-8-22 7,5-30-22 11(swelling)
Temple to Temple: December 2021 - 7, 1/1/22 - 7, 1/16/22 - 7, 2-4-22 - 7 5-5.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 6 (less swelling),3/20/22 7(swelling), 4-13-22 6.5 (less swelling), 5-8-22 7,5-30-22 6 (less swelling)
Widows Peak to Chin: December 2021 - 8, 1/1/22 - 8, 1/16/22 - 8 with swelling 3d by chin area with fluid draining in T-Zone/ears, 2-4-22 -8 with swelling 3d by chin area with fluid draining in T-Zone/ears 6-6.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 8.5 (swelling in chin area no fluid draining), 3/20/22 9(swelling), 4-13-22 8 (less swelling), 5-8-22 8,5-30-22, 7.5 (less swelling)
Forehead all the way around: December 2021 - 24, 1/1/22 - 22.5( reduced swelling 1.5 inches), 1/16/22 - 21( reduced swelling 1.5 inches), 2-4-22 -21 18.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 23.5 (increased swelling with fever and heat felt). 3/20/22 23(swelling), 4-13-22 22.5 (less swelling), 5-8-22 23,5-30-22 23
Shoulder to Shoulder: December 2021 - 16, 1/1/22 - 16, 1/16/22 - 17.5 (swelling) 2-4-22 - 17 13-13.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 17 (heat tension felt) 3/20/22 18 (heat tension felt) (massager mentioned the heat and tension 2 times this month), 4-13-22 15.5 (less swelling), 5-8-22 15.25,5-30-22 15.25 (still in flabby arms mode but much less)
Upper Arm: December 2021- l13r14, 1/1/22 -l13r14, 1/16/22 -l15r14 (swelling l 2 inches r 1 inch), 2-4-22 - same 9-9.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 l13r14, 3/20/22 l15r15 (swelling), 4-13-22 l13r12.5 (less swelling), 5-8-22 l10 r10,5-30-22 l14 r14.5 --- much lymphatic congestion even into right armpit chest area as shown on the live journal the photos of the lipoma/tumor.
Wrist: December 2021 - 7, 1/1/22 - 7, 1/16/22 - 7, 2-4-22 - 6.5, 5-5.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 6 (less swelling), 3/20/22 l7,r6.5 (swelling), 4-13-22 l6.25,r6.25 , 5-8-22 l6.50,r6.25,5-30-22 l6.50,r6.25
Neck: December 2021 - 16, 1/1/22 - 16, 1/16/22 - 14.5 ( reduced swelling 1.5 inches) , 2-4-22 - 15, 11-12 is my normal, 2-24-22 16 (swelling and naseau and vomiting), 3/20/22 16 (swelling and naseau and vomiting),, 4-13-22 14 (less swelling), 5-8-22 15,5-30-22 15
Chest: (which all my young life was 34 :( (sad)December 2021 - 41, 1/1/22 - 43.5 (swelling), 1/16/22 - 40 ( reduced swelling 3.5 inches) 2-4-22 - 46 (much inflammation and swelling) 34 is my normal, 2-24-22 41.5 (tightness in scapula less swelling in chest), 3/20/22 47(much inflammation and swelling), 4-13-22 40 ( 7 inches - much less swelling), 5-8-22 41,5-30-22 46 with tender to touch much swelling and much lymphatic congestion (much inflammation and swelling)
Upper Thigh: December 2021 - 24l24r, 1/1/22 - 24l23.5r,( reduced swelling .5 inch r) 1/16/22 - 22l25r( reduced L 2/increased R 1- swelling ), 2-4-22 - 23.5l23r, 16.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 22l23r (reduced swelling in left leg), 3/20/22 25l25r (swelling), 4-13-22 25l23r, 5-8-22 23.5l23r,5-30-22 24.l23r
Fattest area of stomach: December 2020 I was almost 70in. and dangerously congested all over December 2021 - 46 but was 36in Sept 2021 (a concern but I also had 3 seizures into unconscious state, medical delays/babysit bs with ins./pcp/specialists, 7DJ/Lee/Pat/Ashby/Basden BS, DJ over by me and her cease bs on an area I have been solid with DCJ for decades- very agenda feel and uncool, and my head pain bilateral ear infection which I am still not over that ), 1/1/22 -42, 1/16/22 - 51(swelling), 2-4-22 -40 (swelling going down) 30-31 is my normal, 2-24-22 47(swelling), 3/20/22 54 (7 inches increased swelling), 4-13-22 43 ( 9 inches - much less swelling), 5-8-22 43, 5-30-22 40 ( reduced swelling 2-2.5 inches)
Calves: December 2021 - l17r17, 1/1/22 - l16r17, 1/16/22 - l15r15.5 ( reduced swelling 2-2.5 inches), 2-4-22 -l15.5r1710-11.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 l16r16 (left increased, right decreased), 3/20/22 l17r17 (swelling), 4-13-22 l16.5r16.5, 5-8-22 l16.5r17,5-30-22 l17r17 (swelling/sore)
Feet: December 2021 - l 8 r 10 , 1/1/22 - 9.5both, 1/16/22 - l almost 10 r 10 (swelling), 2-4-22 - l almost 11 (much painful swelling),r 10, 7-7.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 r 9 l 10+(fluctuating), 3/20/22 l almost 10 r 10 (much painful swelling), 4-13-22 l almost 10 r 10 (much painful swelling), 5-8-22 10 r/l,5-30-22 10 r/l(much painful swelling)(able to walk 4-12 hours in a day though --- left foot neuroma sore to the weight bearing walking but able---right foot ganglion cyst able but at times sore)
Ankles: December 2021 - 10, 1/1/22 - 9, 1/16/22 - r 9 l 10 (fluctuating), 2-4-22 - r 9 l 9 5-5.5 is my normal, 2-24-22 r 9 l 9, 3/20/22 r 9 l 9, 4-13-22 r 8.5 l 8.5, 5-8-22 r 9 l 9.25,5-30-22 r 9 l 9
current weight 5-30-22: 189 but have seen the past week 181 and yes, I was 242# at the Dozer Class in Prescott and Eric Marsh Tribute Hike with Steve Mani/Scottie Briggs/ and the 3 ladies photos is why I began to get my booty moving--- and the Loop Staff ride back in March/April 2022. I got it off with much work and determination and self care and avoiding other external's rubbish.
Bob use to work with my brother Paul and also rode bikes together-- thanks Bob--- right back atcha too.