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  • Writer's pictureJOY A COLLURA

Back to Genealogy- September 6, 2024- the rabbit hole I delved in

9-10-24 9pm: I am tired...I am going to crash- there were a few external Mississippi (MS) families plus my MS families who told me we owned a huge portion of Marshall County but so far, I am finding plantation data but on family like my grandpa married the daughter of a Slave Owner so I have to fact check those areas still.

  I will have to look deeper another day, my eyes hurt from looking at the screen.

it does show my 4th great grandpa owning a lot of land and it seems the stories of my family may be is weird because this was one of the generational wealth side I think...

I do not like slavery of any kind and my whole life has been about freedom and individualism...I know some there in MS told me it was just the times, but it is uncool...

I also feel no matter who you are, what level with different devils you live your life, God is watching it all...I know He has shown me a very unusual health path yet I am digging and learning about my lineage and the people married into it and how they died to see if it is genetics or environment or the unknowns shown to each decade to our areas.

I am deeply sorry that any of my ancestors married into family that ever did any part to slavery in any state, and I will look into my family's history and state it as a living person that I am so sorry anyone of any race or color ever faced entrapment of slavery of any kind. Sickens me. 

All we can do -us living- is make sure we do our part to never see that again and if we can assist and hope and pray God showed His path for each of us and I follow God's guidance. Let me pray right now:

 Dear God,

As I reflect on the history of my family, I am burdened by the knowledge that my ancestors (married into) were once slave owners. I cannot change the past, but I come before you with a heavy heart, seeking forgiveness.

I pray for the souls of those who were enslaved by my family, and I ask for your mercy and comfort for their descendants. Help me to understand the pain and suffering that my family's actions possibly may have caused and guide me towards Your Will be done.

Lord, please help me to use my path to fight against all forms of injustice and to stand up for the oppressed. May I learn from the past and work towards a future where all people are treated as equals, regardless of race or background.

I humbly ask for your grace and forgiveness of my family's' life choices, and I pray for the strength to break the cycle of injustice that had been passed down through generations. Let your love and peace guide me in this journey.


I can see if a family want to equally work a farm --- but I ain't for ownership of any person of any I am sure people have people in their family they are in awe or sigh about...I don't know these folks, but I plan to delve into and learn is what I know so far from other family I never met, writing/posting on it:

I already have emails in with historians and people I know to the fact check this data---I knew my family married the daughter of a Slave Owner yet I was always told they educated some to have a more prestige living - some even higher education so now that I am piecing the family tree together- I can also see if it is true they did all that...I also want to see how everyone lived besides farming cotton.


9-11-24 7am: I was excited to log on today to a family member I never knew about...a cousin...reached out to me...I am excited ---the message was "on 10 Sep 2024 Edward Roe

"Hi, there! We are cousins! I know a great deal about Edward Roe. Get in touch!" - I get to learn now about my great grandpa's side possibly which was always a side we were not allowed to mention...not the Hamptons...or any part as if it never existed and hopefully now I can...

meanwhile, let me look who in the family is tied to the "slave owner" information I left off at last, it is who my great grandpa married - her side of the family. So, let me look there and fact check and verify...

the online thread shows this:

Mc Alexander married to Martha (8 years younger than William) and their kids: William, Bettie A. or a "H"---have to get more data to know (not Papa's twin, another "Betty A", and Ella who is my second grandma.

I find it odd there is only one census for my 2nd great grandma.

She died as a young mother at age 25.

I would hope to see her in the local level census in 1875, 1885 and Federal Census 1880, 1890.

 in 1870 Census it had my 2nd great grandpa being age 43 and Martha 35.

So, let me see...yeah, 1870-1835=35.

Let's peak:

1850: My 3rd great grandfather was 24 and My 3rd great grandmother Martha Emily Rook was not yet in the picture on this Census, but they married on November 19, 1850, when she was 15 years old.

Sad to think, ten years later after two kids - one being my great grandpa ...she passes on at age 25.

It shifted my 2nd and 3rd great grandpas' lives

as my great grandpa helped worked the cotton farm on another family's farm area as well as it shows on the Census---

that family is how my mother was named after---

I know the ones who were once enslaved, I heard only kind words from their family's mouths as they would tell me they were blessed to have our family help educate them and give them a nice life because they saw how some Southern folks were during those times

and I remember asking two, did my family ever mistreat anyone- they both said "no, Miss Joy...but it did happen to others in the Southern states."

They said they learned to read and write and some even went to school/college because of my family...I would like to learn that in documentation vs verbal accounts.

...they said back when their family grew up, they all figured they had such a small window frame to farm the cotton...

 so, they all just felt it was business and like an ell on the back wing of a plantation home is how they felt they all needed another to live.

They all felt like extended family, and they all worked the farm. All intertwined & interconnected.

I did meet one unusual person in my times I visited Mississippi, so I am curious how he fits in all the lineage. Okay, back to learning.


I know 1890 Census are hard to find. I know when she died- around those Census my great grandpa lived on the plantation but on a section where my grandpa lived and actually same area, that he died...

I find it interesting how sleepy I feel...I am wanting to delve deeper, but it is like I so sleepy. I feel a head cold coming on.

My great grandma Ella married someone with the same name as her father except her husband my 2nd great grandpa had the E last name my family asked me to redact for the ones still alive with the name that are researching the ownership claim on Manhattan NY/Central Park that is actively being done by others... William Calvin Alexander E_____

This is sad ...

I went down the rabbit hole


staying focused to keep placing the generations out...

reminds how I organize the YHFR2013 and other fires...I just get distracted...I guess because it is boring to do is intriguing as well to learn my roots.

this makes sense- my "E_____-" family lived next door to the McAlexander family.

I can see how my second great grandpa dated and married the girl next door, Ella.

She married about age 20 then died at age 25. I also can see why the "E_____-" family named their kid the same name as this prestige plantation owner. He owned most the county.

but I remember it was Grandpa Joe for my second grandpa and the confusion began there on this link and I know there was family switching when a family member died young but I am not TRUSTING "AI" online tools so I know slavery existed as I have heard that but I am like my lineage married a daughter of a Slave Owner for the record- it was not my direct lineage but married far we have established my grandfather's father lost his mom at age 25...we will do this tomorrow---someone hacked in here illegally, see:


The above image is from when I began this journey (Grandpa (Maternal) - Long history in America (great grandpa's side)-Part 2 ( but when I go to the same tree now, it shows: ???????????? What is all this---

In image below we see the family member who married the daughter of a Slave Owner he also died young, so it appears that is when 2nd great grandpa Joe began to father my great grandpa--- let us go see all the Census for William, Joe and Willie Lonnie...

let me re-look at his 1900 Census since 1890 one they say was burned ---and he was born in 1889--- let me see who he lived with at age 11.

I know my mother was named after this Nancy who took care of my great grandpa Willie Lonnie...Let me look at their records to see how they fit in.

I have to keep looking....I am going to rule out some areas---this death certificate may be his but may not...keep looking

I am going go back to my Vital Check Birth and Death Certificates to fact check once we get to second and third grandparents.

So, I am trying to piece how my second grandma - the one tied to the daughter of a slave owner-

how she met my second great grandpa

30 years before this may be the same person who had my great grandpa with him and Nancy...

because to me Joseph is my 2nd great grandpa but it is showing a family member with same last name as my family so could be kin of some sort because someone died but they show William married Ella not Joseph...let me get Joseph's Census here.

in link above- I figured the confusion- I typed 3rd GGpa vs 2nd---he was the one who visited his daughter and was killed---now I is snippet from that link:

I am going to stay at this rabbit hole of this family area

because I want to look at William and the connection to when he married the daughter of a Slave Owner...I am just unwell 9-12-24 to 9-14-24 and worked on this area:

so been walking and resting...changed the camera angles back to the pool areas vs all other areas focused to the Weaver Mountains for that Cellar 2 Fire 08/30/24 1232 AZPNF-1297 Wildfire Cellar Cellar Basin Fire -34.244950, -112.48203334°,14.7 x 112°,28.92 DIV-93, WZ E-933 15 Acres Open Incident 08/30/24 04:12:58 PM ( since it is out. I am setting the template 9-14 7pm and God willing fill in the blanks 9 15 24

9 15 24 11am- I did not get up at 3:33am as I normally do- I got up sometime between 7-8 to want to sleep more so when I got up...walked, exercise, laundry, ate some pizza and watched my Mom's team (Vikings) and now finally here with seeing someone from Congress AZ is visiting the site..."hello"...

  • Foreman for the Railroad.

  • he is 50 here while his wife is 53.

  •  She is my 2nd great grand aunt? Family through marriage of Ella and my grandpa's blood line.

  • Rent $22.50

  • 215 West Illinois Memphis TN

Louis 23- Biscuit Co, Albert 21- Painter, Cora 19- Biscuit Co, Edward

18- Biscuit Co

age 71, he is now retired. ...the sons are contractor painters...Louie (47)(separated) and Albert (45)(single, never married)

1880 Census: 9 months old- his father was a Farmer:

1910 Census: Superintendent- County Farm- age 31- Madison county Alcoa home community Mississippi with a Servant Louie Allen (22)

1940 Census:

They were all Contractor Painters- each, 48 hours a week.

I think I found an ownership list- slave schedule but I do not know which W Alexander it belongs to...but again, this is not my family, but my family (maternal side---grandpa's blood line) did marry the daughter of a Slave Owner, and she died at age 25. She married about age 20 then died at age 25.

I cringe those schedules existed ---ownership of people??? I could see if someone wanted to be personally employed as a service, but I wish I could go back in time and ask some questions or be an advocate for this injustice(s)- people that knew this generation... told me my blood line wanted to help this daughter get away from this family, the Slave Owner...but I am curious whatever the people on this list...Heavenly Father, We come before You with heavy hearts, seeking understanding and healing for the wounds of the past of 164 years ago. As we reflect on the names that exist only in age and gender, we pray for the stories and identities that remain lost. May we honor those who suffered in silence, acknowledging their humanity and the lives they led. Grant us the wisdom to learn from history and the compassion to advocate for justice. Help us to remember, restore, and respect the dignity of every individual, ensuring that no name is forgotten, and no life is unacknowledged. In Your infinite mercy, guide us to build a future where freedom and equality reign, and may we always strive to uplift the voices of the marginalized. Amen.

I am going to list the Gender and Age in hopes to one day get the full names and hope they get restitution under God's Will and Ways even if 164 years went by. Prayers to the families of: {even if it was not my direct lineage who owned slaves, and it was just my blood line married a daughter of a Slave Owner...I wish our world never would have seen such injustices. Makes my stomach knot up. } Lifting up the Unknown Names---and their families to you God...

  1. Age 15 - Male

2. Age 30 - Male

3. 11 month-old Female

4. Age 40- Female

5. Age19- Female.

6. age 27- Male

7. one year, 5 months - female

8. Age 27- Male

9. Age 25- Female

10. Age 13- Male

11. Age 12- Female

12. Age 7- Male

13. Age 3- Female

14. Age 40- Male

15. Age 26 - Female

16. Age 25 - Female

17. Age 12 - Female

18. Age 9- Male

19. Age 5- Female

20. Age 3- Female

21. Age 46 - Male

22. Whomever you are- my PC was acting up and did not want you to be here... hope to learn who you were versus an unknown on a schedule. Age 40- Male

23. Age 26- Male

24. Age 30- Female

25. Age 33- Female

26. Age 17- Male

27. Age 15- Male

28. Age 11/12?- Male

29. Age 12- Female

30. Age 11- Female

31. Age 9- Female

32. Age 4- Male

33. Age 4- Male

34. Age 2- Male

35. Age 4- Female

36. Age 6- Female

37. Age 3- Male

38. Age 2- Female

39. Age 2- Male

40. Age 1- Female

21 females- 19 males.

You all will remain in my prayers and heart for God's Grace and Will be done. I placed the above like such so I could pray individually for you all before going to the next file...this may be a schedule from 164 years ago yet now that I all and your family(ies) will be in my prayers until I pass on. Just like the omissions on DONNA vs YCSO 8-26-22 and Wildland Fire omissions throughout its existence...I will always lead with integrity and do my best to make sure injustices are made right no matter how long it takes...I also hope it is as my family told me that back then to have a cotton farm and not many family members, people hired them - back then some did not label them slaves on the plantation...I will delve and learn what is facts or not. I am meaning on all areas that comes my way...I think of some who told me of deaths never even spoken about that happened during a fire incident. I pray for you all too. I was about to log out and some voice said all that above is not all---keep hitting forward to a different district---same name owned more...I will post the snippet but I am tired, sleep time. Same township, but Range 4:

Bear with me- another rabbit hole-see, this Census shows how I was explained so I am interested in learning more on these boarders: 1900 Census- Arkansas Craighead Jonesboro

  1. John W Severs Timber Dealer age 421910 United States Federal Census

    1870 Census:

Arkansas Poinsett Bolivar District 0110 1910: (52) House Carpenter- son is now a grocery salesman age 16.



Hattie 35 Laundress



Arkansas, Hot Springs, 1946, Hot Springs, Arkansas, City Directory, 1946


2. Bennie Severs (wife to John)

3. Hugh Severs (6)

4. William M Roberts - (32) Machinist married 1 years

1900: (32) Machinist

1920: (52) commercial farm- wholesale house

1930: (61) Farmer:

5. Maud D Roberts (26)

6. James Clarence (28) Machinist married 2 years

7. Alice Clarence (21)

8. Ellen Ryan (48) Divorced. Nurse.

9. James S Voss (28) Day Laborer married 4 years

10. Gertrude Voss (23)

11. Charles Laffidy (24) Carpenter

12. Thomas Joyce (38) Painter

13. George W Goodman (40) RR Brakeman

14. Charles Williams (40) Fruit Agent


  1.  Freeman Wallace (28) RR Carpenter

  2. Claud Wicker (40) House Carpenter

  3. Margaret Wicker (7)

  4. George Gause (19) Band Sawyer at a Screen Factory

brother-in-law of 2nd great-granduncle

remember this is not my blood line---just a brother to the person my 2nd great grandpa married- ---I want to learn not just my direct line but the people around them all--who would be associated or considered family via marriages.

brother-in-law of 2nd great-granduncle was here a long time...wonder if there is any online stuff about the place:

Florence's husband is a doctor and his brother too...interesting ...and so let me go see where he was practicing because Florence's brother lived a long time at a nervous related (lunatic asylum) state hospital. Gertrude Awford (black-15) was the Home's cook. Chas Bishop (black-21) and Jessie Davis (black-23) were the home's servants/farm laborer:


4th Great Grandparents Parent's Siblings:

Paternal- (Papa's side)

4th Great Grandparents Parent's Siblings:

Paternal- (Mama's side)

4th Great Grandparents Parent's Siblings:

Maternal- (grandpa)

4th Great Grandparents Parent's Siblings:

Maternal- (grandma)


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