The title is about this Reshared photo to me- if anyone knows source- I will add it...unknown source but by looking at wheel hubcaps--- appx. 40 years ago...he has been in fire almost 50 really...
Praying for "common sense"
to be brought to the forefront...
Did you have the same kind of rain yesterday
over where you all were laying fire on the ground
with the documented social media images
of your outfit(s) lighting up the desert trails?
Yes, most likely
you did,
my images below
the area(s) possibly got rain
plus, I own videos too.
social media: reshares, of fire being placed on our desert here and some who claim to be on this fire:
so, with the air attack 886/887 ,
the water tenders, the WFs bladder bags,
and rain,
you want me to sit back
and watch you light up my desert trails, why????
and let it grow HOW big?
{Just curious.} -
{do we have the correct/proper available resources?}
Did you note the origin area, Willis?
Didn't it burn out?
How about playing on the "Windy Mesa" Fire instead...
oh wait- that is already greyed out...
and allow me the freedom to walk my area once again...
{We all watched the rain and documented it hit over out there...}
line of sight of image above shows there was loads of rain in area to be the Waterman Fire:
...the one fire, that stated 17 acres, with a relatively low heat point for the lightning strike origin and its aftermath
and in the desert would most likely burn itself out,
that origin...
but now last reported yesterday almost 2,000 acres?
I watch the progression from the original lightning strike- do you?
Hmmm...where is the updates today?
I mean besides you all are standing at our local elementary school, right Willis...
- social media reshare:
Open/Recent Incidents
07/27/24 08:32:55 PM
PN R4NC (1522)
34.344383, -112.9865 34°,
20.66 x 112°,59.19
COMMS 7-1-2,
CAPT 2-2,
DIV 7-1,
BAT 7-1,
DIV 5,
Phoenix 1,
CAPT 4-3
I want the slurry stuff not to end up on that desert that when it rains leads to the creeks that leads to my town.
Ya know.
Thank you.
Praying you all "mop up" and leave...
Update 7-27-24, 11pm
I am all for dozers-
just get a little concerned when slurry is brought in
or laying fire on the ground
just because we learned that is what firefighters do
even though that lightning strike is at
what true account vs. all the social media
of firefighters with drip torch(ing) images...
but that area is pretty rich in Indian artifacts-
Mormon old bibles and
artifacts and old Army artifacts---
so hope Willis resourced the archeologist
for the Waterman Fire for his dozer work.
Public reshare of Social Media shown to me:
supposed lightning strike area reported:
almost 9 miles from the Skull Rock:
almost 6 miles from the McCloud Mountains:
I know this area, I can tell you there are many waterways/creeks even your fire is probably named after a creek, see:
Thank you for sharing:
In closing, prayers to the Incident Commander who was reared to be in fire since he was appx 22 years old as his own father was a Kingman Volunteer firefighter
and so pretty neat to see Kingman WFs on this Waterman Fire, eh.
Must be neat for Willis.
Willis began his career as a Volunteer at Bullhead City Fire Department in 1976.
Interesting fact, he also worked for an electric company back then as well.
In 1978, he became a Mesa Firefighter.
Willis' profile has sat in DRAFT mode for years --- I have a lot of grit in that post ---
I say it as the documents show it ---
I will state this, I always got "heat" over at for I was kind of a cheerleader to him because what a great loss for him, Amanda and Marsha Collier {& many more too} was how I have read the Public Records / FOIAs...
I just wish they got to be in our shoes and attend as many funerals as we did {much more than the "19"}... maybe they would avoid ever taking any of this 'personal' ---
because it ain't...we almost died on that fire, and this is quite layered...
I mean I am more focused to when eating with the elite --- what was it --- eat from the outside in, for the forks- the real silverware? and where does that darn napkin go?
That was one of the creamier rumors that I wanted 'fame or fortune'. Anyone who knows me...I mean KNOWS me...I gotta be near water...lakes...pool...etc...and mountains preferred...not caviar moments. I need quiet times.
I have actually had that phase to my life in my younger life---rubbing elbows with the wealth --- I did it to network not to make a name for myself.
I already got a name Lois Porowski (RiP) gave me...
Arizona Desert Walker.
What I mean, is my life was set for great moments and they all after this fire (YHF13) just got to see me 'gather and document' in a way I was taught by a retired CIA fella how to do this...
I am still at it "back channel"...took a break... to look into my roots for a family member.
but yeah, the truth is not my truth "SG"...the truth is hard though, and I am doing my best to gracefully get it out, so change is/are made.
Less sterilizing and poisoning of the soil...less crap done to our creek areas, please.
God Bless All-
I am going to put DFFM's email where they say it is lightning next to areas online that stated "Undetermined"
as you read above- they said lightning caused --- so then why does it today say this update: ?????????????? "Undetermined"
7-28-24 7:35pm:
Fire Name Waterman
Protecting Agency DFFM
Jurisdictional Agency DFFM
General Location 4.5 miles Northwest of Date, Arizona
Incident Acres 3059.000000 {7-28-24 8:22pm}
Unique ID 2024-AZA5S-241318
Wildland Fire Decision Support System
WFDSS Decision Status No Decision
Start Date 7/25/2024, 8:01 AM
20 ICS-209(s) currently open for 80872 acre(s).
2 new ICS-209(s) initialized over the past 24-hrs: Sand Stone (AZ-TNF) - Summit (AZ-SCA) - .
3 finalized ICS-209(s) over the past 24-hrs: - Butcher (AZ-A5S) Paramount (NM-GNF) -Lolo (NM-GNF)
Locals: if you are on 62- Date Ck. - you will look to your left if headed to Hillside- near Sunflower Flat- Traveler Way / Otoe Way / Waterman Creek areas...out by old Murphey's spot (RiP) {OX RANCH} / Cottonwood Canyon...we are all watching if it will reach Black Canyon wash by Malpais Mesa/Hwy 93 on its own or ??? Definitely watching the "progression" since the origin is ???
34.32618 | -112.98997 | 2024-07-26 12:42:00 |
Thank you, Jesus :)
Soon, I can walk again...and less concern to slurry drops to our watering areas...
Awesome news:
2024-07-28 02:24:00 was my last look at what was happening out there...I told Willis Oct 15, 2022. that I know more than I speak, and I got many tools but right now I know the people --- thanks to my father (RiP)...this was his area...
P E R,
Thank you.
Billy and the boys / guys are back in town:
Let's see HOW LONG the winds remain out there- 19mph SSW----
I am gonna look for another wind map- said 19 for my yard--- nothing is blowing --- not even worth getting my kestrel for a reading but for sure NOT 19.
even in my yard it says 16---no bushes would be moving and they are still---
FJS sent me:
Daily data will be watched on my end for the next few weeks to make sure it stays a final update.
zero hot areas showing:
Manually updated to Archive areas online: Aza5S Waterman Information | InciWeb (
I already requested the Incident Action Plans:
ICS-209 - OPEN |
Waterman AZS - Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management - Northwest District (AZ-A5S). Started: 07/25/24. Undetermined caused. 3059 acres. |
other fires happening:
INITIAL ATTACK - 07/30/24 |
None reported. |
INITIAL ATTACK - 07/29/24 |
OAK USFS (AZCNF). Discovered: 07/29-16:21. Natural caused. 8.7 acre(s) |
ACTIVITY - 07/23/24 - 07/28/24 |
CURTIS USFS (NMLNF). Discovered: 07/28-17:21. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Komatke BIA (AZPMA). Discovered: 07/28-17:13. Human caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Maverick USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/28-17:11. Natural caused. 1 acre(s). |
Storm BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/28-16:49. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
BIG FOOT NMS (NMN6S). Discovered: 07/28-16:33. Natural caused. 3 acre(s). |
MILE MARKER 24 NMS (NMN6S). Discovered: 07/28-16:29. Human caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Bargaman USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/28-15:44. Natural caused. 7 acre(s). |
Reiley AZS (AZA3S). Discovered: 07/28-15:00. Undetermined caused. 9 acre(s). |
Skunk Spring USFS (AZASF). Discovered: 07/28-12:09. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Stump USFS (NMSNF). Discovered: 07/27-18:53. Human caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Brushy BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/27-17:29. Natural caused. 6959 acre(s). |
ZUNI CANYON USFS (NMCIF). Discovered: 07/27-16:58. Natural caused. 1.4 acre(s). |
Antelope USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/27-16:38. Natural caused. 64.5 acre(s). |
Willow USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/27-16:20. Natural caused. 51 acre(s). |
Oak Creek BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/27-15:30. Natural caused. 41 acre(s). |
Bear Cienega BIA (AZFTA). Discovered: 07/27-15:26. Undetermined caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Mesculero NPS (AZGCP). Discovered: 07/27-15:06. Undetermined caused. 1 acre(s). |
WEST TIMBER BIA (NMSPA). Discovered: 07/27-14:44. Natural caused. 0.25 acre(s). |
Cedar BIA (AZSRA). Discovered: 07/27-13:22. Human caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Dog BIA (AZPMA). Discovered: 07/27-13:16. Human caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Observatory AZS (AZA1S). Discovered: 07/27-13:04. Undetermined caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Frog USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/27-11:53. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Daven USFS (AZKNF). Discovered: 07/27-11:49. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Pile BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/27-06:28. Human caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Gleason BIA (AZFTA). Discovered: 07/26-17:30. Natural caused. 45 acre(s). |
Gray Goose USFS (AZPNF). Discovered: 07/26-17:27. Natural caused. 11 acre(s). |
Chrome BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/26-17:12. Natural caused. 80 acre(s). |
North USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/26-17:01. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Summit BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/26-16:49. Natural caused. 3159 acre(s). |
Upper Canyon BIA (AZFTA). Discovered: 07/26-16:48. Undetermined caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Rain BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/26-16:28. Natural caused. 0.23 acre(s). |
Hulls USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/26-14:58. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Ash BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/26-14:21. Natural caused. 3 acre(s). |
Powerline BIA (AZPMA). Discovered: 07/26-13:12. Human caused. 0.64 acre(s). |
Dome BLM (AZCRD). Discovered: 07/26-11:59. Undetermined caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Turkey USFS (NMGNF). Discovered: 07/26-10:56. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Kachina USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/26-08:58. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Teacher USFS (NMGNF). Discovered: 07/26-08:26. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
GATE USFS (NMGNF). Discovered: 07/26-08:10. Undetermined caused. 0.43 acre(s). |
GOOSE USFS (NMCIF). Discovered: 07/26-07:55. Undetermined caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Starkweather USFS (NMGNF). Discovered: 07/26-07:39. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Rolls USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/25-20:22. Natural caused. 10 acre(s). |
Berry BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/25-19:05. Natural caused. 105 acre(s). |
Sand Stone USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/25-19:04. Natural caused. 23405 acre(s). |
Ridgetop USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/25-19:02. Natural caused. 3.8 acre(s). |
James USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/25-18:12. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Vinyard USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/25-18:00. Natural caused. 16.7 acre(s). |
Claw BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/25-17:47. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Clarendon BIA (AZSRA). Discovered: 07/25-17:27. Human caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Loop USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/25-17:10. Undetermined caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Wild Horse USFS (AZKNF). Discovered: 07/25-17:08. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Blue BIA (AZTCA). Discovered: 07/25-17:02. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Christmas USFS (NMGNF). Discovered: 07/25-16:26. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Bell USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/25-16:19. Natural caused. 8.9 acre(s). |
Sims 527 BLM (NMFAD). Discovered: 07/25-15:43. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Rousensock USFS (AZASF). Discovered: 07/25-14:19. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
OJITOS USFS (NMCIF). Discovered: 07/25-13:52. Natural caused. 0.21 acre(s). |
TREASURE USFS (AZCNF). Discovered: 07/25-13:06. Undetermined caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Foxtrot USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/25-12:53. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Riggs Rd BIA (AZPMA). Discovered: 07/25-12:29. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Waterman AZS (AZA5S). Discovered: 07/25-09:01. Undetermined caused. 3059 acre(s). |
Little USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/25-08:24. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
TRANSEPT NPS (AZGCP). Discovered: 07/24-20:36. Undetermined caused. 0.25 acre(s). |
Cordes Peak BLM (AZPHD). Discovered: 07/24-20:05. Natural caused. 5.5 acre(s). |
SCD - RICKY AZS (AZA4S). Discovered: 07/24-19:57. Undetermined caused. 10 acre(s). |
Rapid BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/24-19:31. Human caused. 3 acre(s). |
Grey USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/24-19:28. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Grant USFS (NMCAF). Discovered: 07/24-19:02. Natural caused. 1.5 acre(s). |
Culvert BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/24-18:59. Human caused. 2 acre(s). |
Adessa USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/24-17:52. Natural caused. 1424 acre(s). |
Skill BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/24-17:44. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Mud USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/24-17:10. Natural caused. 1.5 acre(s). |
Heart USFS (AZTNF). Discovered: 07/24-16:52. Natural caused. 0.25 acre(s). |
Rudd USFS (AZCOF). Discovered: 07/24-16:31. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
LAGUNA BIA (AZTCA). Discovered: 07/24-15:47. Natural caused. 2.5 acre(s). |
Cotton BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/24-10:32. Human caused. 1 acre(s). |
MUDERS TANK USFS (AZKNF). Discovered: 07/23-21:25. Undetermined caused. 374 acre(s). |
Snake Spring BLM (AZCRD). Discovered: 07/23-19:58. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). [I am watching this one] |
CHEVY BLM (AZGID). Discovered: 07/23-19:44. Undetermined caused. 0.3 acre(s). |
KUNDE KNOLL USFS (AZKNF). Discovered: 07/23-19:32. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
JUMPUP USFS (AZKNF). Discovered: 07/23-16:19. Natural caused. 41.69 acre(s). |
Vigil Mesa NMS (NMN1S). Discovered: 07/23-12:44. Natural caused. 0.25 acre(s). |
Pyramids BIA (AZFTA). Discovered: 07/23-09:53. Natural caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
Bumba BIA (AZSCA). Discovered: 07/23-09:44. Human caused. 0.1 acre(s). |
I wonder what time it will transition to a type 4? Same people were resourced back
7-30-24 4:06pm:
attempted to walk--- hazy and smoky - came in real quick to check the smoke maps: