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Part 3 Were Wildland Fire Fatality Staff Rides, based on revisiting Military Battlefields,

Arizona Desert Walker Joy A. Collura and

Were Wildland Fire Fatality Staff Rides, based on revisiting Military Battlefields, designed to be a unique method to convey the "complete" lessons of the past to the present day Wildland Fire Leaders? ( Part Three )

2019-06-29 | Arizona Desert Walker Joy A. Collura and contributing other(s)

Views expressed to "the public at largeand "of public concern"

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Figure 1. Screenshot / Snippet of 89th Annual Conference of the Southern California Foresters and Fire Wardens website Source: Southern California Foresters and Fire Wardens

Thursday May 2nd, 2019 and May 3rd, 2019 I was attending one of my favorite conferences - the 89th Southern California Association of Foresters & Fire Wardens.

The Southern California Association of Foresters and Fire Wardens ( SCAFFW ) each year brings together close to two hundred people from different fire protection agencies for a two-day training and safety conference. This has proven to be of significant value because it helps to strengthen the bond among all wildland and as well structure (or hybrids) firefighters, regardless of jurisdiction. There have been countless stories about fire suppression personnel from different agencies working together on a fire more effectively because they knew each other from a Foresters and Fire Wardens gathering.

I was not a firefighter last year but all are welcome at the SCAFFW. This year I had people coming to me and apologizing for their takeaway of me based on listening to two of their 2018 Guest Speakers who spoke on 5 Years Later -Yarnell Hill Fire - and they said it is re-freshening to see my perseverance to the truth - one even gave me the information on his takeaway of the Yarnell Hill Fire as he was a part of the aftermath where he stated he never understood Tom Harbour and the Feds getting involved in the funding of the SAIT-SAIR- I am looking into that comment.

Please click on “Sign-Up Today!” button below to get your organization registered for the next conference.

Mark your calendars for the 90th ANNUAL CONFERENCE - May 7-8, 2020.

So I headed back to Arizona after this conference ---after I was at the 2019 Arizona Wildfire Academy (Embry Riddle; Prescott, Arizona) to become a certified Wildland Firefighter and enhance my education with their Mobile Fireline Tech class - then on to Sacramento Mountains Wildfire Academy (Cloudcroft, New Mexico) in March 2019 getting my Firefighting certifications.

Then I went to 2019 California Interagency Wildland Fire Risk Management Conference at Humphreys Half Moon Inn, San Diego, California in April 2019 where Mr. Brad Mayhew really did not want to hear what I had to state mumbling "do you want a restraining order" after he just disrespected publicly one of the longest serving United States Forest Service Hotshot Crew Boss / Superintendent in Wildland Fire history in this conference; check it out in video below:

( ) ( at the end of the conference - skip to 1:03:30/1:04:14 marker of the video where Mayhew disrespects a retired Wildland Firefighter Superintendent. Frisby's letter claiming “The human factors that day were off the charts" - that should be enough said - Frisby was there on the fire and I was there too.

Very sad for me to see this behaviors(s) existing especially from the same man, who at the Spring 2018 California Interagency Wildland Fire Risk Management Conference, at Humphreys Half Moon Inn, San Diego, California came up to me at the conference, and asked me to take him on the Weavers and hike and later get together and talk about the Yarnell Hill Fire.

Figure 2. April 11, 2019 1300 - 1400 - How Can We Make Firefighting Safer Presentation - Bret Butler, PhD, USFS Source: YOUTUBE

I also gave him a 'sneak peak' of what is to come this Summer 2019, being that he was the self-proclaimed 'lead investigator' on the SAIT - SAIR for the Yarnell Hill Fire; yet there lacked a human factors chapter insert in the SAIR.

Also in April, I met with a Mann Gulch fire editor, and I did present at two S-130 Refreshers as a guest speaker for the Yarnell Hill Fire as a SME/eyewitness showing the 'sneak peak' to what is to come out in Washington D.C. presentation. All during this people were reaching out to me and telling me about the March 2019 'attacks on Social Media' directed towards me and others. I provided information to legal teams to handle so I can remain focused.

I finally spent time with family and friends when my husband and my dog picked me up at the "Blog" Cabin, and by the time I was at my brother's home, they saw the most drained and haggard sister ever on April 28th, 2019.

Figure 3. Mae West (Hope Honor Justice the pet mascot I created for InvestigativeMEDIA when on trails with Sonny Gilligan- (born 5-5-15) ) Source: Joy A. Collura

Then to be picked up and head to California again, and then come back and drop in with Scottsdale Arizona Dr. Aeed May 9th, 2019 as she is our Blog Mediator because some of us here on the blog as contributors need her to help balance different style personalities; and some day possibly use her EMDR methods after I finish telling the Yarnell Hill Fire events. We came back to the "Blog" cabin from her office and the next day after a medical massage and chiropractor appt, I go to take a walk and in that walk I was seriously bit by a dog and went to the ER.

We already had bought the tickets to Montana for the Little Venus Staff Ride in Meeteetse, WY after the Arizona State Fire Management Officer, John Truett phone conversation (below) to prove that I can get on a State Staff Ride pretty simple in WYOMING, but not the one Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and I eye-witnessed. I did the 8 mile arduous, very muddy Little Venus Staff Ride hike with about 7 or 8 pounds of mud on my boots in bad weather with this serious leg injury. I was slow, but the point is I accomplished it. The photos are within this post from that week.

Monday, ‎May ‎06, ‎2019, ‏‎8:25:56 AM, Arizona State Fire Management Officer, John Truett, left me a voice mail that said "This is John Truett calling. (uh) I believe I am in contact with Joy. (um) Yeah, I work for the Arizona State Forestry. (and uh) The (uh) message that was left is very hard to read or understand so I believe its the same (uh) message was left to me about 3 or 4 weeks ago and having a hard time with the (uh) just the audible for it (um uh) it's very ...very broken very low quality so I kinda played it a few times and finally picked out ...the number and your name so if you can give me a call back (um) I will (uh) answer...(and um) answer any questions you have. Alright thanks."

Tuesday, ‎May ‎07, ‎2019 9:20:42 AM, I am calling John Truett with Arizona State Forestry ( Department of Forestry and Fire Management ) in regards of the Staff Rides - going over and answer some questions. He returned my call and now let me go over some key areas from that 30 minute phone call (minus his uhs and ums and pauses and minor areas because there was so many of them):

Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura: ...I am calling about the Staff Rides that OMNA from Judd Baker that forwarded [my inquiry] to Stu Rodeffer [Saturday, April 20, 2019 3:38 AM] and to get a group together and you only do 4 a year- do you do outside 4?...

John Truett's exact words yet minus the 'ums' and 'uhs' and minor areas: We only do 4 a year...2 a year because of the logistical and other things that takes to put on the staff ride.

Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura: He [Judd Baker] said Arizona State is in control of this Staff Ride...I stated I am trying to match public records and I spoke about the USDA Contract...I just want to get on the roster to get on a Yarnell Hill Fire Staff Ride that I eye-witnessed on the Weaver Mountains of my backyard areas...due to mixed not complimentary takeaways from prior Staff Rides from others. I am a certified Wildland Firefighter and current Student of Fire to be a Fire and Law and Forensic Weather Independent Investigator.

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: I am the State Fire Manager Officer and that is how I am involved with the staff ride- what it is...since it is such a high demand staff ride...we have consulted with the lessons learned center and Forest Service..a group of folks just not coming out of the State Forestry office...when we get the inquiries from the groups...came up with a game is evolving...ever-changing program...I don't think we will ever be in a box just like most staff is a committee- at the ground work to format that committee just now --- the thought is to have those committees to review those groups to see where they fit in on priority on learning - local...regional...national level...then when it comes to the open registration for the staff rides which means that everyone can put in for it and those will be vetted through the NWCG and Regional office through a nomination process. That is to be fair and non-biased on the again the selection of because it is just a staff ride in such demand...

Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura: How many experts and groups did it take to come to the final Staff Ride product?

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: ...OMNA is just a contract company that works for the Forest Service. The original group of us 7-10 of us - most of us experienced in writing staff rides...My exact words: [I mentioned the Tom Harbor and Jeff Whitney emails and the receipts I have who was there (appx 40) but originally was a handful.]

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: Staff Rides are more of a learning not a fact finding ... and I can speak to how and why we developed it as a learning not a fact finding or accusation or anything like that- to answer your original question to get in on the staff ride- follow the process like everyone else of the NWCG nomination form and they vet through the forms and that is pretty well standard for all staff rides across the country [yet I went on Little Venus Staff ride without the NWCG committee]

Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura: How do I get that NWCG form?

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: Once we get it on there with the course will just go into NWCG and LESSONS LEARNED CENTER and it will be the nominations forms for Yarnell Hill Fire Staff Ride then it goes to the committee for review on who goes and there is limitations (capacity - 48 students per staff ride) That is just for the logistical and time frames that have to be met and equality learning and if we go over that then it becomes too large for the intent.

Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura: Why is this staff ride different than say another staff ride- this State is different than say Wyoming where you can get on a roster- without NWCG nomination process- Just curious why the selective process and committee picks names on the one in my own backyard that I eye-witnessed? Why I have not been able to get on the one I eye-witnessed to?

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: For us we are still developing the staff ride and still not a finished product and we are still vetting through now and we did not bump it down to 2 Staff Rides just 4 max - with flexibility depended on availability and weather and it's an unique staff ride because it is an arduous staff ride so again it is still in the developmental stage and I believe it will be established and routine in a year or 2 - remaining flexible.

Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura:

So my question is if you are still in the developmental stage then wouldn't you want the eyewitness input? I have fact based documents that can help build a true pure product with photos and videos and accounts - air to ground to homeowners to firefighters who were there.

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: Well again it's a learning staff ride not a factual look at or you know...the opinion of - we want to get away from the fact that trying to - it is just such a difficult thing to do - review of the learning objectives in there - we can put any situation in that - it does not have to be that particular crew - that particular person' (pause) - it is the moment and the time - the fire environment and atmosphere and other related things and you were probably were not reached out to because these are a learning type versus and not a fact based or try to find...

[I interrupt and speak over him and say:]

Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura:

So I get it you...Here I am taking this personal and yet you are looking at this Universally-speaking - does not matter what crew or what's what - you are looking at time of day -you are putting any type of crew yet my concern is when it is being stated that it is the big bad fire on Harper Canyon and the weather changed and then it turned around [my voice with depth of sigh tone] - you got people still alive that know more and it is really sad the mental health on those people and it's like I am the one getting the blunt of it because I am the eyewitness and I am like what am I to do with this [choked up in throat] *nah now I have to hold on to that * that's so wrong...I am glad they have felt comfortable to express it but what am I supp..{choked up} what I am I suppose to do with that kind of stuff. It's too much stuff over my head to understand and I have nobody truly to talk to.... direct in person to talk to about YH Fire ...due to its sensitivities locally, county, Prescott, State and Federal...especially one widow's not's sad.

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: Yeah well, I can understand. I have been in this business a long time ... unfortunate, this is not my first run at something this severe but by just being here, there is a lot of folks in the fire community and the civilian world that still do not have closure for this and that's not what the staff ride is for - it is not to bring closure. It's to our up and coming, our mid-management and even our advanced management folks to kind of get a sense of - again another slide- in their tool box - to talk out strategy - tactics - environment - conditions that could be similar on a different incident. That is where we are at and where I can point it to.

Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura: OMNA is just a product and not involved with staff rides - so then who is Stu Rodeffer?

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: He is our state safety officer.

In closing to John...Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura: Those people are still alive...let's bridge and build versus breaking people down falsely. Some of the leaders have to stop spewing ' it was good until it wasn't' - that's not right...not good to put out to our young firefighters. thank you for your time, John."

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: Yeah I know- Yeah I get it. There is a lot of things that um we can say and do but I appreciate the passion you have and the good you want to come out of this but again I just kinda have to go back that you know sometimes you have to throw trust in us- you know that um this is a learning staff ride and its not like we want to hide anything - it is just not what we use in our industry - I know exactly what you are saying -we want our folks to know and we want to train the kids the right way - I would not say the the right way- but give them as much knowledge and many tools as they can - that they can put it together and this is a very fluid ever-changing environment that we work in and um it's not in a box - it's not black and white so as many tools as we can give our up and coming - we are dedicated to do that -

added to my closing...Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura: I will wait for that NWCG form link...and that's what it is...I have hiked those Weavers over a 1000 times and I will not get it when others claim they are on a staff ride when it is a site visit - which is different than a staff ride. They need to learn their verbiage there. You will know the difference. Some get walked in and some get driven in. Does it vary in the staff rides you have been on?

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: Everyone goes in the same way.

added and chimed in...Yarnell Hill Fire Eyewitness Joy A Collura: Some people put out they were on a staff ride but it is obvious it was a site visit. I am not in this to cause any harm - I could be throwing many areas under the bus -it is not even my character -I just want the people still alive to not commit suicide - and thru this that is where some of them struggle - So if I do not help in the best way I can - I want to ensure I did my best for those firefighters ( FFs ) to get their account out there. Once you hear the firefighters you almost wish you did not hear some things - it is nice to know - and then you learn and now ya know - but then on the other hand - nah not easy to know and try to get this out to the world - hey thanks for taking this time out John, I know it is not an easy thing for you too - you go out there - it's not easy - I really appreciate it.

John Truett's exact words yet minus the ums and uhs and minor areas: Also kinda be aware too that we - there are other groups out there that are not associated with us - that access that - area so yeah you are right that some may be going in under Prescott Fire or whoever but we only have the sanctions - the official staff ride - and there are multiple folks out there even the family members that actually take people into the site so that maybe will help kinda in deciphering who you are talking to - if there is anything else we can do and I encourage you to put your form through the nomination process and look out for your application and again that is what we can do and I said thank you John and have a beautiful day and he stated you too. Call ended.

I was so excited to get a return call versus just getting Public Records after Public Records and sitting with headsets on my head listening to so many 1000s of radio channel data, and the repetitiveness, so it was truly refreshing to have a human reach out - the call back - good pleasant tones between us both - a very relaxed moment.

I really am 'old school' and I am not a chat person, but recently my time spent with Gary (PA) and the Canadian fella on the human factors in general and their perceptions truly has been a nice blessing. Very rare to see that in my life. So thank you for our visit. I encourage you to write on InvestigativeMEDIA.

For years, this Yarnell Hill Fire focus went to the ones left behind - the loved ones who faced the loss - and very minimal focus went to the people who died in Yarnell and its surrounding towns or the people still alive ( WFs, FFs, and everyone else affected tied in directly or indirectly) and who want to share their true accounts and takeaways. That is why this blog was born.

After my call with Arizona State Fire Management Officer, John Truett I decided to pack my backpack and go to Little Venus Staff Ride in Meeteetse, Wyoming.

To my complete surprise, the Little Venus Staff Ride Facilitator Guide host was the brother to the deceased Granite Mountain Hotshots (GMHS), Dustin DeFord. When I heard my Little Venus Staff Ride hiking partner on the phone confirming our arrival and to find out more details where to meet. When he hung up I said "Did you just state 'Ryan DeFord' - the man who was to be a Granite Mountain Hotshot himself because he is in my records showing he did a pack test for the GMHS and he tried to get on the crew so his brother and a few of his friends were on that team. Is this the same man?" The reply I got was it is "crew" not "team" and he did not know and I would have to wait until we saw him in person.

So the photos that are to follow are my time on my very first Staff Ride -

Figure 4. Joy A. Collura at the Little Venus Staff Ride (with serious dog bite injury) May 16th-17th, 2019 Source: Joy A. Collura

We need to minister to others and humble ourselves and have a Servant's heart and have our circumstances and hope on God. We need to be grateful in Him rather than fighting with one another. We need to be an example. We need truths.

Let people see my trials as the Yarnell Hill Eyewitness and the discords and disconnects and may He use me to Glorify God. Let us be more depending on Him. The ones locked in on reforming by telling the world false realities about me and the Yarnell Hill Fire. Stop playing the victim to the circumstances you naysayers created.

Guard us from trusting in ourselves and to trust in Him and pray. May we be a tool for His Purpose. Apostle Paul was allowed the environment he was given. God chooses our paths - all of them - All of this is displayed through the cross what He did for us all. Some of us have seen false religions or a horrible life of sins, yet God brings us to that place where we recognize His Grace. God allows everything to happen. Look how unique Apostle Paul was and how God worked in his life. My hope is that we find Grace in the information that comes out this Summer 2019 on the Yarnell Hill Fire. He works in each of our lives so differently.

If you are currently in any area of the Fire Industry, these are a must attendance to these conferences listed at the end that I enjoy going to every year, including this Little Venus Staff Ride. This is my second year as a member for all except International Association of Wildland Fire

( IAWF ) (Dec. 2018). I will list all my current Wildland Fire memberships at the end of this post and current Fire Industry credentials since someone is out in Social Media stating I have zero credentials in the Fire Industry. I am a - "Student of Fire" - currently and my end goal is to hopefully be trained as a Fire and Law and Forensic Weather Independent Investigator.

Here is the download for Little Venus Fire Shelter Deployment July 24, 2006 Shoshone National Forest Peer Review Report: ( )

Figure 5. few pages from the Little Venus Fire Shelter Deployment July 24, 2006 Shoshone National Forest Peer Review Report showing Fire Behavior progressions Source: Wild Fire

Figure 6. Flight 588 12:34pm May 13th, 2019 out of Mesa, Arizona to final destination - Cody, Wyoming Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 7. Arrived safely in Montana Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 8. Arrived safely in Cody and Meeteetse Wyoming Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 9. Arrived safely in Cody and Meeteetse Wyoming Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 10. Arrived safely and scoping out the hike before we take the Staff Ride Source: Joy A. Collura

Taking what I learned in my firefighter class this year as well from my time on the Yarnell Hill Fire as the eyewitness, and just my normal Arizona Desert Walker "way of trailing" I then went out practicing in the field:

Ten Standard Orders

Identify escape routes and safety zones and make them known.

18 Watchout Situations

Fire not scouted and sized up.

I spoke to locals and the Forest Service Ranger and his buddy out there to ask about weather, fuels, topography, air to ground hazards, hazard trees (aka- snags), last Wildfire knowledge of the locals and archival burn scar data, and the local Ranger of the current wildlife and people sightings and the weather for that area.

Now, I will quiz you ... what Watch Out Situation did I experience in doing that?

That is right. I got "familiar" which Number Four is - 'Unfamiliar with weather and local factors influencing fire behavior ..."

So I went out with my gear to size up if I could do this event with the current leg injury. I alerted the Little Venus Staff Ride Facilitator Guide host, Ryan DeFord of my situation - I felt it may slow down the event time schedule.

I have enclosed photos of the metadata when we began and when we ended and arrived at the vehicles. I was the last to arrive back to the vehicle and the Little Venus Staff Ride Facilitator Guide host, Ryan DeFord stayed with me the entire time. No man (or woman) left behind.

Figure 11. Arrived safely and scoping out the hike before we take the Staff Ride Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 12. Arrived safely and scoping out the hike before we take the Staff Ride Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 13. Arrived safely and scoping out the hike before we take the Staff Ride Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 14. My Kestrel Reading Source: Joy A. Collura

Few days before the hike- my Kestrel Reading: Temperature: 70.2F, Relative Humility (RH) 25.7%...I mean Relative Humidity, Probability of Ignition- 40%

I won it in drawing from Chris Vugrincic (Voo-grin-sick) (KESTREL) at a 2019 AMS conference.

Figure 15. My Kestrel Reading Source: Joy A. Collura

Few days before the hike- my Kestrel Reading: Barometric Pressure (inHg | hPA | psi | mb)- 770.5, Altitude(m | ft ) 7376ft, Density Altitude (m | ft) 9898ft

Figure 16. My Kestrel statements from the Yarnell Hill Fire on Wildfire Today Source: Snipping Tool

Figure 17. My Kestrel statements from the Yarnell Hill Fire on Wildfire Today Source: John Dougherty InvestigativeMEDIA YOUTUBE

Figure 18. Arrived safely and scoping out the hike before we take the Staff Ride Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 19. Arrived safely and scoping out the hike before we take the Staff Ride Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 20. Where we all met up at the Meeteetse Fire Department May 16, 2019 evening for a "meet and greet" briefing Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 21. Where we all met up at the Meeteetse Fire Department May 16, 2019 evening (#33- my number) Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 22. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 23. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 24. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 (time we took off on trail for Staff Ride from vehicles: 8:19am) Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 25. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 26. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 27. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 28. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 29. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 30. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 31. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 32. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 33. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 34. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 35. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: YouTube, Joy A Collura

Figure 36. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 37. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 38. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 39. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 40. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 41. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 42. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 (Time arrived back at vehicles; 3:34pm) Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 43. Heads side of the Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 challenge coin Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 44. Tails side of the Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 challenge coin in Figure 43 Source: Joy A Collura

Sunday, June 9, 2019 3:54 PM I asked for the Little Venus Staff Ride Evaluation and Ryan sent it Monday, June 10, 2019 8:12 AM and I filled it out Saturday, June 22, 2019 2:23pm.

Figure 45. Little Venus Staff Ride May 17, 2019 evaluation Source: Joy A Collura

Figure 46. Packed up my gear and headed home to Arizona on Saturday May 18th, 2019. Source: Joy A. Collura

When in Montana on Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 6:26:17 PM MDT, An Evening Honoring the Brave 19 - 6/19/19 Event Ticket invite was emailed to me.

I immediately emailed Karen Norris where the receipt came from to confirm as well as the other person attending on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 9:18 AM to confirm. The GMIHC19 's Certified Mail Letter stated June 14, 2019, (below in yellow highlight/green font) and arrived days later, but meanwhile an email also was sent Sunday, June 16, 2019 9:08 PM stating false allegations and very inappropriate to not only him but to cancel me as well.

This group should have scheduled a board meeting or conference call with us so this could be resolved.

The GMIHCLTC lists "disruptive behavior at other Granite Mountain Hotshot and wildland firefighting events, your published materials criticizing the Granite Mountain Hotshot crew, as well as your harassment of Granite Mountain Hotshot family members, ..." On the contrary, all of our published material is for human factors, leadership and safety in its real form, and I have not harassed members nor has the other person. If anything, this year's Social Media shows who's perception is encouraging that disruptive mannerisms to create an audience.

We stand on the 'higher ground' and never engaged as maybe they hoped for in their false allegations yet we are open and willing to still address it.

GMIHC19 stated:

We have been made aware that you have purchased 2 tickets to the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (GMIHC) Learning and Tribute Center movie fundraiser on June 19, 2019. These tickets are for yourself and Joy Collura. Due to your history of disruptive behavior at other Granite Mountain Hotshot and wildland firefighting events, your published materials criticizing the Granite Mountain Hotshot crew, as well as your harassment of Granite Mountain Hotshot family members, we are refunding your ticket fees in full and are informing you that you and/or Joy may not attend the private showing of the movie or the fundraising event that follows.

A copy of this letter is also being sent to Joy Collura. If you have any questions, you may contact the GMIHC Learning and Tribute Center board through

Kindest regards,

GMIHC Learning and Tribute Center Board


My Current Fire Industry Memberships:

Paid Member Since March 2018

Attended 2018 Conference. Arizona Wildfire Academy Schedule Made It Difficult To Get To 2019 Event

*Plus Unhealthy Behaviors Layered In (A Separate Foundation That Has Been Doing False Allegations Was Present - Avoided That Area.

My Account there does not allow me to update or edit since I joined and has been addressed many times to tech support.

(This Blog has Donated $333.33 For U.S. HOTSHOTS ASSOCIATION's Facebook Needs (2018))

- a brotherhood type feel conference with lots of good stories and loads of drinking type conference-

Paid Member Since March 2018

-there are so many good presentations at this conference-

Paid Member Since March 2018

-there are so many good presentations at this conference-

I like the raffles and attendees as well as the presenters

Paid Member Since March 2019 (guest in Idaho 2018)

-there are so many good presentations at this conference-

I like the vendors/drawings and attendees as well as the presenters

Chris Vugrincic (Voo-grin-sick) (KESTREL) - I won Tuesday, January 15, 2019 12:44 PM a KESTREL FW a K5500 (mine was stolen in the Yarnell Hill Fire)

Member Since December 10, 2018

(Barter/Trade Gift- Mikel Robinson)

-there are so many good presentations at this conference-

I like the vendors and attendees as well as the presenters

but MOST of all Mikel Robinson and her side kick Kim :)


My Current List Of Wildfire Training and/or Wildfire Academies I Trained At

IS-00029 Public Information Officer Awareness 10/11/18, IS-00800.c National Response Framework 10/10/18, IS-00700.b 10/10/18 National Incident Management, IS-00100.c Intro to Incident Command System 10/09/18, IS-00042 Social Media in Emergency Management 10/11/18

Fire Behavior Course Certification 2/18/19

Attended AZ Wildfire and Incident Management Academy in 2018 and 2019

Social Media 3/10-3/11/18, 3/9/19, Fireline Mobile Technology 3/10-14/19, S-130/190B Wildland Firefighting and Fire Behavior - (FF2)

This Was My Firefighter 2 S-130/190B Wildland Firefighting and Fire Behavior Graduation Class Photo 3/14/19

Storm Hit Cloudcroft NM (FF1) (Rescheduled) and S-215 Certification 3/22/19

Privately currently being or already trained by Retired Military/Forensic Weather/NIFC ArcGis/NASA Products/ NOOA/PS MANET system/ATAK/Private Sectors/Etc./Independent Fire Weather Sectors ---

International Fire Chiefs Association (Mark Light and Lisa Yonkers) Sent me A Certificate of Attendance unfortunately I was doing WUI in Cloudcroft, NM then- (March 23-28, 2019)

A Product We Hope To Test This 2019: (IAWF member)

We need a new solution for wildfires.

At PN Solutions Co, they have a new way to protect our forests.

I am building case studies for Yarnell Hill Fire ( Forensic Weather and Health)

Always Remember our beginnings - first report we read on Yarnell Hill Fire (

Achieving Forest Health In Arizona- What is Sustainable and Executable and Reducing Reckless Retardant (Slurry ) Drops

I have done four S-130 refresher course guest speaking for the Yarnell Hill Fire as a SME.


If you right click and click "print" and save as PDF-43 pages.

#Douglas Fir #Fred J Schoeffler #TRUTH MATTERS #Lessons Learned #Joy A. Collura #Wildland Fire Fatality Staff Rides #Military Battlefields #Wildland Fire Leaders #June 30, 2013 #Dr. Ted Putnam, a psychologist and former USFS lead human factors investigator #Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center (LLC) #Wildland Fire Safety Strategy Meeting #89th Annual Conference of the Southern California Foresters and Fire Wardens #California Interagency Wildland Fire Risk Management Conference, at Humphreys Half Moon Inn, San Diego, California (hashtag) #Wildland Fire Leadership #Mae West (Hope Honor Justice) #NWCG Leadership Toolbox # Arizona State Fire Management Officer, John Truett # Little Venus Staff Ride in Meeteetse, Wyoming #Ryan DeFord'#NWCG # Chris Vugrincic (Voo-grin-sick) (KESTREL) # InvestigativeMEDIA #Daily Courier #Ten Standard Firefighting Orders

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Update October 19th 12:44am- Fred J. Schoeffler has my full permission to use any and all content from "Were Wildland Fire Fatality Staff Rides, based on revisiting Military Battlefields, designed to be a unique method to convey the "complete" wildland fire lessons learned of the past to the present day Wildland Fire Leaders? ( Part Two ) 2019-06-29 " on his new "Project 10 and 18 United" / "Project 10 and 18 International" blog he is creating.- Joy A. Collura

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6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 

Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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This site is for in-depth discussion and education, (e.g. Lessons Learned, Entrapment Avoidance) for adults 18 years and older. Anyone under 18 should have parental approval to be on this site. We are unable to govern who comes to the site. We can gather analytics to protect the integrity of the site.

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