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How Many Lives Does One Man Have? I Always Thought It Was Two. The Second One Began When One Realize

Arizona Desert Walker Joy A. Collura and

How Many Lives Does One Man Have? I Always Thought It Was Two. The Second One Began When One Realized They Only Have One Life. Not For Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny). This Is His Medical Status Update Post. Tex Being On The Weaver Mountains June 30, 2013 Was Very Important To The Wildland Fire Industry. Too Many Times He Has Been Thanked For His Fire Knowledge & Experience. Let This Post Honor The Fallen By Sharing About "Sonny"... Who Is On A Road To Recovery ...

2018-11-03 | Arizona Desert Walker Joy A. Collura and contributing other(s)

Views expressed to "the public at largeand "of public concern"

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please fact check with me - thank you

11-7-18 5:55pm (Sonny wanted me to represent him to Brittany Kraus of CBS Inside Edition so at 3:50pm I spoke 14:44 minutes with her trying to figure the best way to get the interview direct of Sonny at home with Charlie the dog that shot him. On Wednesday, November 7, 2018 4:06 PM working via cell to help Sonny Skype for an interview with Inside Edition with reporter Jim Moret and when Sonny sent me pics of the dog and him at Nov 7, 2018, 4:51 PM. I decided I want no part in assisting on this interview - "broken hearted" - both Charlie and Sonny are in no condition to do an interview in my humble opinion and I have known him since 8.23.11 - I shared to Sonny since his son is off tomorrow they (Sonny and his son) can reach Brittany or Rachel Ahn or Jim Moret but I will post updates here and when I see an uplifting photo even lil' wee better than tonight's than I will post it here but I will never post the photos I got today - not right. It would be wrong for me to do that. Also in talking to him I caught the long pauses in breathing and the hearing capacity difficulties and more and I am just praying. I will in the next 24 hours place his audio on here. ). Sonny, rest well. I cannot erase that images you shared tonight ... Sorry, you know .. really, people do not get how rough you have it because you always seem so tough ... Sonny stated he heard the skit they did on himself on Saturday Night Live. I have not yet seen it. Anyone? have the skit? - email link to me.

at 1:24 marker Saturday Night Live talks about Sonny last Saturday:

Jim Moret, I think it would be very enlightening if you took the travel time to meet Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and tell him your personal story ... that dark path ... I think in meeting and knowing Sonny you will see a bridged message in your interview. God Bless you. I think your interview should be about you and Sonny and the bridging inspirational message it can offer the world.

11-7-18 7:54pm Inside Edition, like I told Brittany Kraus today - you feel free to use my blog site and its content as long as you understand I am still working out glitches on certain pages... so please fact check with me but yeah feel free to use the content just make sure you know I have only got to Figure 43 in my updating the glitches on this page.

11-3-18 10:48am: My apologies to Bopha of ABC News. I do not know if it is bandwidth or WIX glitch but having concerns in the content below so if you use any content here because this page has been a "headache"

please fact check with me .

It added more pics when I never did. It removed comments. It changed captions to some general one.

THIS IS A "LIVE" DRAFT VIEWING...since you have deadlines but again if you pick an area "snip it" and fact check it with me because this page has been squirrelly. I will remove this section once I have proof read and corrected all spots.

Any "quotes" from Sonny will be highlighted in green. SO to make it easier on media folks just scroll for the "Irish" green highlights down below.

To know Sonny - you will live and have an adventurous trail ... never a dull moment.

You will feel the breezes and feel the many heightened howls of the winds or the whizzing noise of bullets passing by 25 feet away from the Cartel (2011) ... you will never experience under the moonlit evening skies the same ... when he closes his days with his classic "cowboy" campfires and plays old tunes of yesterdays on his guitar always dedicating it to his 4 kids and the 19 even Donut the survivor and thankful for his family. To watch him play is like watching into an ancestral time of long agos. The most enjoyable moments were when he played Oh My Darling, Clementine for his daughter. He loves all his children yet there is really something so beautiful and soothing when you get the chance to spend time with his daughter. Other great hits he plays are his originals "Cookie Cutter Cowboy" and "Green Back Dollar, Won't You Come Back Home."

Figure 1. Tex playing guitar next to a tiny cowboy campfire Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 2. Sonny's Cowboy Campfires are unlike any other; colorful like him Source: Joy A. Collura

He will teach you about the terrain and what foods you can consume and where to find your water supply and how to take the natural Earth to make your own utensils and dishes so you do not have to live by modern ways or how to make ammunition from desert finds ... Very creative and productive from 4am until noon then he relaxes however he sees fit for that day - never the same.

When "cookie cutter" men have "man caves" in their homes, which usually contains a game room or TV room to watch football or a bar, he literally builds a cave on his property calling it his "man cave." (a real cave) ... when I am moody I called it the "sot spot" and I had to learn a lot about life because here he was being free and here I was thinking why are we mucking? We could be doing something else even if it was nothing. Different generation.

I never met a more unique individual. His facial expressions are a way of reading his thoughts. The innate quality to this man comes from a deeper nature.

What I always felt as "sufferings" in knowing him and pioneering from August 2011 to August 2017 he always gave me the sense of I was resistant to the experience. I never was in bars all my life. My father, William Richard Zylstra Jr., did that with such a fashion as I grew up that I definitely did have a resistance in my trails with Sonny on that topic because I was there to pioneer, not hang in bars every ten days. He did it because he liked to meet people and talk life. In my life time if I went to a bar it was a high scale place with high quality folks "networking" not some back alley dive or rugged out of sorts one. This was a new one for me. However, had we not been at those bars we would not know a lot of the T R U T H S to the Yarnell Hill Fire. I took those WFs/FFs accounts and went and fact checked and pulled public records and FOIAs and documented their stories. It is there I learned a lot about Willis and Steinbrink.

How much time do we waste thinking about the life we should have been given versus making the changes in the current way and that is my only purpose is to ensure the Wildland Fire Industry is making the right changes.

So many "suffer" because they crave a different life versus just living the life God gave them. I am not a traditional person. My family and friends know this and support my paths yet at times do not understand it yet nor do I.

I could be way past this Yarnell Hill Fire, however; I will not until the ones "SPEAK UP." It really does matter to speak up with the truths. Stop believing the PIOs and other folks in the industry about why you should remain silent.

To know Sonny, is to realize I do not have to stop the resistance and start living the experiences. I can be a very hard-headed stubborn person at times. Yep, me. He is not there to water that seed or watch it grow or tug at it to ensure it grows faster or slower and not even one to talk at it. The flow of conditioning is our own journey not dependent on another but with Him.

For some of us, it is so easy to blame others; isn't it. I have thought over time the way Sonny lives a rancher rugged style life seems horrible to these animals in our time knowing another and I always went and got more items for the dogs trying to make him feel he was not doing enough. That was MY take and my perception yet all along these pets loyally loved Sonny as he would take them out and the boys always knew a certain time of the day when Sonny headed to the vehicle they were heading on a driving adventure to get them a rabbit. I have been there when cows or deer cross the horizon, the dogs would get excited trying to follow the window trail of the best view of the wild life. I will always have my own views of his life with the dogs and maybe I am too "cookie cutter" for my own good even though I am glazed locally and labelled the Arizona Desert Walker/Hiker and Annie Oakley of today's times I still think my take on pets will always differ than the next person. I have seen and judged Sonny over time no different than some of these YouTube comments and News Media folks. We all lead and live life differently. I feel he has led a multiple of lifestyles over the decades yet never conformed to the ways of this world. God wants us to love one another not break another down.

Sonny really believed he had the safety "on" on the Shotgun. I tend to think men and women in general think they did this or that but they are not always as mindful as one thinks. Just life. Sonny is an old miner, logger, cowboy and has never conformed to our modern world and to know him is truly like stepping into an old Zane Grey novel and he will be 75 years old December 10th and as he would state if the Irish Gods give him that much more time I know he will celebrate it with a chuckle that his loyal dog "Charlie" had his piece of the prison planet life we all are a part of as we drive to our beehives and work for the nectar all day for the Queen Bee. Sonny represents a natural rhythm that has always bewildered me. I have been guilty to judge him as he has judged me too. We are two people who God led to another's path to "condition" us for our times ahead. We all have our own seasons yet we also have to be willing for change through those and realize some stuff ripens in the Spring and some in the Fall so if we all just embraced we are all His Creation and we all learn and comprehend and perceive differently. Or then there is Sonny's belief that stems to the Zecharia Sitchin books and he was born to be a miner...a logger and a bad mother f'.....r.

Sonny has a PHd from New Mexico. He studied Geology and Psychology and Religion.

I am soon to post about the "Yavapai County Dozer operation(s) in the Sesame Street to Shrine Corridor area and Paul Morin," but the next one has to be on this below WFLLC video's content and the dangers that I believe it poses.

I want you to know and understand, Curtis Heaton - the men who were at the YH Fire on June 30, 2013, and who are your friends and are still alive ... and remember in your supposed "leadership" position that you should be totally focused on the "lessons learned" and "truth" - not your personal opinions nor your "protection of information" because it might hurt your "friends." I am putting out the documents. You can only imagine the data I have on this fire beyond just being the eyewitness. Maybe you should have contacted me to help you with "lessons learned." What are you achieving besides a lot of lip smack? Let me guess just by body language of this video and my sleuth skills that you all read off cue cards, am I correct? Are you trying to indoctrinate anyone in particular who will listen or just those "Team Players" - too weak to think for themselves, not rock the boat and love to go along to get along?

The subtitle to the "Honor the Fallen" video is "This video was captured on site of the Yarnell Hill Fire in January 2014. The participants spent the day walking the ground and discussing the challenges facing the wildland fire service as a whole." (emphasis added)

There were NO "discussing the challenges facing the wildland fire service as a whole" (emphasis added) that I heard - only your opinions.

The Honor the Fallen video begins with these valuable insights streaming across the screen: "Students of Fire - Hallowed Ground - Sense Making - Self Reflection - Learning."

However, I feel that you completely avoid addressing and/or confronting the "challenges facing the wildland fire service as a whole" issue.

There is so much more to the YH Fire story - what really happened and why and who was involved.

When Wildland Fire Investigators are from the top down being told to first establish a "conclusion" and then get the "facts" to fit that pre-established "conclusion" and to have Wildland Fire Instructors remove content from their teaching packages that do not square with the Agency version of what actually happened and why ... then what are we really teaching our WFs and FFs? Certainly NOT the truth! And then the respective Staff Rides are based on these lies and cover-ups and whitewashes, so then it is obvious what messages are our WFs and FFs are getting.

Read Dr. Ted Putnam's Paper ( 30-page "Accidents, accident guides, stories and the truth" ) below, the one that the WF LLC refuses to publish and refuses to acknowledge why in FOIA requests:

I am attending the WF Academy only because I am currently training and gaining education to later be a law and fire investigator to work with a retired sheriff and be a part of his board so I get to soon "first hand" learn HOW these instructors are teaching the current WFs/FFs.

I am placing documents out to the world freely. Where are your documents to come to your conclusions?

Figure 3. Fire Fighting Receipt Source: Proton Mail

I am heading to the Academy to be trained to be a firefighter, not for a book or movie, like some did for their books. I do it because I want to see how they are training in the current ways and how it will help in my end goal to be a law and fire investigator and to be on the member board, with my good friend, the retired sheriff and his mining company.

Figure 4. Wildland Fire LLC Published on Oct 23, 2018 Source: YouTube

If I can sum up Sonny to describe him in one word - always it will be in action format versus a noun - LIBERATING -

sums up what I saw on the trails with him 2011-2017. I will always be a better shot with a pistol than him but he is a better shot with a rifle for sure but we know he is not teaching Charlie any shooting lessons...I can confirm in the longevity of knowing this man that this was an avoidable accident had the weapon been unloaded yet Sonny does not live his life with an unloaded weapon when his whole point to the drive is to try and locate a rabbit for the dogs and was a common event to his life. So for the haters who are using this event for political or jokes or whatever...Sonny; in logic, must have hit a eroded spot in the road because his focus was to the rabbits and the truck bounced and the dog slipped and he got hit is my guess. I know the Sheriff were inquisitive if anyone else was with him and would anyone wants harm for him? Yeah, some heavy hitters and not so heavy hitters in this Fire Industry who wish the hikers were not on the Weaver Mountains that fateful day where 19 Firefighters died. I will keep persevering for those 19. I get the sensitivity of this. I get the small town I live in. Yet I also am not just the eyewitness but someone who for over five years gathered information and the documents and the time is here to keep presenting it to the world. I also know too many who are very close to the 19 and thank me and Sonny always for pushing the facts to the forefront.

Figure 5. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Graduating Photo at Lordsburg New Mexico High School Source: Sonny's Archival (Joy took photo of them in 2012)

Figure 5. photo was just before he was drafted into the Vietnam War. He didn't think he needed much physical training after daily busting boulders with a sledgehammer (mining with his dad since age 9) and he was in top shape physically. Killing rabbits and deer and birds to feed the family. Country Boy didn't know the city ways at all in those days. The graduation photo happened by chance because he walked out of school three months before graduating because of the principal didn't like his horse shoe taps so he was expelled because he refuse to remove them. Tex never went back because by that time they had plowed their home and belongings out west of Lordsburg to build the highway and he was actually on a roof they were rebuilding a shack out of what the state had pushed down with the dozers so the family would have a shelter. When the truant officer came up he said - we decided we let Tex graduate anyway because he had been an honor student so he did graduated with the others. - This was the time the interstate system was being put and by Eisenhower where nobody stood in the way; eminent domain. 2 D 9 cat's destroyed everything his dad had including his Rock Shop is his home and and almost finished Trading Post with pumps out front. They offered him $2,500 for the property and he refused and they told him he wouldn't get a dime. He didn't despite hiring a lawyer. They declared his mining claims null and void and therefore said they would not pay a cent. He actually had a good mineral claim and considering that he was a machine gunner in World War 1 what was the government thinking. In those days you could live on a mining claim and eventually yes a patented mining property. That was his intent and the mineral is still there plus all their stuff they had plus the stuff that the Indians traded with the Gilligan Klan Family. Alot of history under that highway ( Highway 80 that became Interstate 10 exactly 7 miles west of Lordsburg New Mexico ) buried by the Government.

Figure 6. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Sonny's Archival (Joy took photo of them in 2012)

The above photo is Tex squatting by the some old possible Pontiac about 67' not sure what he has in his hand. At that time he was busting Granite boulders so they would be small enough to go through a Grizzly to a Crusher. A d 8 cat would push the material to the over the grizzly which would go down into the crusher and he would run out and hammer on Boulders that wouldn't go through. That place is in front of a shack that they were renting at Mogollon, New Mexico where he would ride a motorcycle or that car in photo up the mountain to Beaver head about some 30 miles. I think that's the same car his brother missed the road on with his wife and slid off a Bluff and wound up on a pine tree about 50 foot down they got out and climbed down the tree and found a ride home Beaverhead, New Mexico.

I would like you to take note that first photo; the graduation one ... he was a Country boy but then due to shoe concern at school and the Government destroying their livelihood ... look at his facial expressions in second photo. I truly believe that event changed him. Hurt him. I have never believed as well as Sonny that was his graduation photo as we have picked it apart over time except the ears in both are his. He does look different at different physical weights. Especially in the face/chin areas. He looked so happy in pic. (Nov 4, 2018, 10:11 AM A family member believes it was a kid at his school; [they looked alike])

Figure 7. mother of Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) who is standing on the very land of Lordsburg, NM that was plowed under to make a highway Source: Sonny's Archival (Joy took photo of them in 2012)

Figure 8. father of Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Sonny's Archival (Joy took photo of them in 2012)

His dad was a banjo picker in a Travelin' Band in Texas and had met some famous bands such as Sons of the Pioneers and his dad was a long time miner and rock store/trading post/gas station owner. Tex is named after Tex Ritter. "Sonny" was a nickname his sister gave him. Yet over the years she has some new nicknames for him; quite colorful. Soft smiles. I think anyone who knows Sonny had some nick name for him over time. Quite the character. Yet aren't we all to some degree?

Figure 9. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny); New Mexico Logger Days Source: Sonny's Archival (Joy took photo of them in 2012)

Figure 9. photo above - that was a day's work at Pinon New Mexico from there he would haul it to either Roswell New Mexico or Alamogordo and sell it off the back of that truck and he never remembered having to spend the night anywhere because it would would sell quick. That is alligator Juniper which he would cut from dead trees and made the best wood. Smell good had a good burn value but made a lot of popping noise in fireplace. Pinion and Oak have a burn value above Juniper but Pinon wood smokes and creates creosote while Oak is the same burn value Burns clean go slower than Juniper.

Figure 10. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny); New Mexico Cowboy Days Source: Sonny's Archival (Joy took photo of them in 2012)

He stated to me: "Joy, in my younger years I took on a job as a cowboy for the Brock Cattle Company owned by Charlie and Grace Ray. The pay was $5 a day and long hours. But I had gotten thrown out of Bunkhouse and feed shed for shooting rats off the Raptor with my 22 pistol. But I didn't mind that cuz I didn't like sleeping next to rats anyway and I didn't mind the Open Spaces looking at the stars but at some point I found out from the illegals he had hired that they were getting $6 a day. When I queried Charlie as to why they got more money than me he said they are a hell of a lot better Cowboy than you are. Well I was young enough and the fact was those guys had been brought up on horses and they had the experience that I did not. Another day that I found myself working all day and then washing dishes after supper. But there came a Time the Charlie shot Frank McCauley off the horse. I was working there but all hell broke loose and fortunately I wasn't present when this incident happened over McCauley's bull breaking the barbed wire fence and going into Charlie's dirt water tank. Those heavy cattle would get in there sometimes and get stuck in the mud so that we would have to rope them and pull them out with Charlie's 4 wheel drive Scout. Well this time Charlie and Grace met Frank at the Watering Hole and a heated discussion about his bull breaking fencers came up. Charlie told me that Frank had lunged at Grace with his horse. So Charlie put a bullet in him of his slide action $15 worn out Gallery 22 but it kept only 22 shorts in period in those days shorts were cheaper than long or long rifle ammunition. After he shot Frank off the horse, Charlie grabbed Frank by the hair and loaded them into the back of that Scout. He told me that Frank cussed him all the way during the ride for the 17 Mile in to Lordsburg Hospital. But the result was that Frank sued winning the whole Ranch worth a million. Frank did live for another 10 years confined to a wheelchair since his lower extremities were paralyzed from the bullet lodged on his spine. Meantime I had to find a another job and I went went back to mining, this time is a contract underground Miner. My first day's pay was $9 an hour so I never went back to being a cowboy."

Now with that said, I was at the Congress Arizona Arrowhead bar and Sonny was telling a crowd in there the story of New Mexico shoot outs and this man said that is my cousin you are talking about. I own that land now. I am Diamond Jim; cousin to who you are talking about. The ranch had trout pond 19 sections of grazing land forest and mine beautiful property lot of deer lot of fish and Canyon you want up following and going out gold Gulch towards Silver City and Diamond Jim owned it and Sonny said Diamond Jim and his klan were known to have whipped out a bar in a hurry. Two of them followed Sonny into a bathroom up by Cliff New Mexico where their Ranch extended. The only thing that saved him is a pocket knife handy hold them off till he go get out of the bathroom. Diamond Jim told me the Gilligan klan were known to get pretty rowdy. Diamond Jim was one of the casualties of so many after the YH Fire aftermath. Here is a photo to that areas:

Figure 11.The Big "Bur-rough" Mountains in New Mexico where Sonny grew up Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 12. The Big "Bur-rough" Mountains in New Mexico where Sonny grew up Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 13. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny); the photo he shared to me when we decided to pioneer for a bit (Fire Author John MacLean was inappropriate to all you who heard otherwise at his conferences about the hikers - shame on him - we use humor and say "old married couple"; he is old and I am married but he took it to a smoke and mirror distraction level and did not have to be stated in such a manner. Yet we know his focus is more to June 29, 2013 vs why engines sat where they did during crucial hours taking videos and picture but never made it to the report ???) Source: Sonny's Archival (Joy took photo of them in 2012)

His sister is an amazing lady who when Sonny lost his son, it was she that helped him with process of the pulling through. Angelically, she did so much over time and the photo above is on her land that Sonny received and he planted a garden and it was near a opal mine and I had some very nice hikes in this area West of the Grand Canyon. Sonny has not be the same person once his son passed on and the reason he has tried to educate the world about the chemicals and how they work on firefighting and the retardant drops. I hope people read his writings on InvestigativeMEDIA. He goes by Sonny or Charlie or Tex on that site.

Figure 14a/b. son of Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny); died from injuries later from an underwater welding incident Source: Sonny's Archival (Joy took photo of them in 2012)

Sonny walked all you folks after the Yarnell Hill Fire on the Weaver Mountains because he knows the pains of losing a loved one. He is forever heart broken losing his son. In next photo, when we hiked you all where we last saw the men, it forever has affected him and he had to due to health walk away from the YH Fire aftermath and fresh start his life but he was a huge contributor to T R U T H from June 30, 2013 until August 2nd, 2017. He has had seven heart attacks and six stents but he figured it had to do with having seven wives...a heart attack for each one.

Willis and Duane Steinbrink, I hope you hear about this blog. Really at night reflect at all the years and decades that have passed you by and all you have seen and begin to realize it is okay to be liberating and share your story purely. The true steps to how the whole idea of GMHS became a reality and how it will take a person like you both to share more in depth to June 30, 2013 versus what the movie glazed it to be...I have documented the facts and some day post on that areas.

Figure 15. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny); Currently at the last spot we saw the GMHS on June 30, 2013; our memorial marker we made that has many times been torn down by people of harm and we redo it each time. Ill minded harmful people out there. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 16. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and InvestigativeMEDIA journalist John Dougherty hike September 2013 Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 17. Holly Neill's husband, Wayne, hugs Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) when Sonny was going to collapse when we were at the memorial marker where we last saw the GMHS. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 18. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) placed another rock each time we went up there and someone kept knocking down our tribute Source: Joy A. Collura

I have had 18 hours of troubles with this site adding areas...moving stuff and now below has 2 of the same pic...bear with me as I want to get this posted for Sonny and his stuff that he has going on. In time I will fix the errors. This page runs SO SLOW.

Here are a group below of photos of people Tex hiked with - just a few I found but so many more - and thank you Tex for taking the time out to do that for the Fallen men. Aftermath of YH Fire Hikes:

Figure 19. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and the son of Fire Author Norman MacLean who as well carried on that legacy and writes fire books; John MacLean who focuses on a Fall 2017 podcast a lot of attention to Saturday June 29, 2013 when he should be talking about the many Engines in and out of the Helms - Sesame - Shrine - Miners Camp areas those crucial hours that those people have a story to tell and that have photos and videos but never made it to the report. ... "Just saying" Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 20. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) enjoyed his hike and time with CBS investigative reporter Morgan Loew and me. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 21. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) with Arizona Republic Shaun McKinnon and his camera guy hike (Shaun never corrected false statements he made in print.) Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 22. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) with much facts and passion and emotion shared to Morgan Loew and his camera guy Patrick our way on June 30, 2013 along with the GMHS way and guess what the GMHS Memorial State Park Trail was our way from DZ to Marker #11 Anthony Rose. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 23. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) took the Weather Channel out to show them the trails and ex GMHS Phil M. and me Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 24. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and Rolling Stones Magazine editor Josh Eells hike Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 25. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and Weather Channel Shawn Efran and ex GMHS Phil M. and the camera crew John and Joe Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 26. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and Dr. Ted Putnam and Wayne and Holly Neill hike Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 27. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and Weather Channel folks Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 28. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and contributing editor at Outside magazine Brian Mockenhaupt ( nonfiction editor at the Journal of Military Experience, writes regularly for The Atlantic, and his work has appeared in Esquire, Pacific Standard, Backpacker, The New York Times Magazine and Chicago) Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 29. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) asked me to share my gloves to camera man who was unprepared for December late day cold Weather Channel hike Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 30. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) took pic of me sad thinking about the GMHS and right behind me is where they died (this was hike with Stephen Pyne) Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 31. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) hike with photographer Brian Frank ( ) Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 32. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and Documentary Photographer Brian Frank Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 33. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and Brett Steurer and Bruce Hannah from ADOSH hike. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 34. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and I on Sesame Street with ADOSH hike Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 35. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) ADOSH hike Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 36. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and Wayne Neill holding the Shrimp that Holly Neill found. Did they determine "officially" this was the lunch spot area based on this shrimp she found? Did they interview all the Lewis crew to rule them out. Can someone tell me HOW THEY DETERMINED THE LUNCH SPOT AREA which was different than what I eye-witnessed. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 37. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) found this burnt roll of pink ribbon Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 38. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and Wayne Neill Source: Joy A. Collura

In Figure 38. PLEASE pay attention as I show in next photo the importance of this photo:

Figure 38a. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) and Wayne Neill indicating the GMHS Deployment Zone (DZ) and the alignment revealing only one of the two chutes (lower black line) that run upslope to the DZ from the Sesame Street to Shrine Corridor. (upper black line) The Helms property (Boulder Springs Ranch, BSR is in the far right) Source: Joy A. Collura

I am also adding some photos of the area of the Weaver Mountains from June 30, 2013, and some of our own hiking journey photos (photo rights are mine)

(Reminder: my blog is copyrighted and all content must have written permission and my acknowledgement to use elsewhere and so far That Murder Inc. is the only one who can be writing/talking/using photos 100% about Tex or this site - truly a respect/courtesy thing)

Figure 39. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) always on June 30, 2013 said take a pic of this and that. Source: Joy A. Collura

The above photo of mine matches Donut's fire behavior photos at 4pm as well THAT IS THE SESAME STREET TO SHRINE AREA that fire...Manzanita area...showing in the background. ( ) Chapter III post link with metadata details from WTKTT ( )

Figure 40. Sonny told me to take this photo because he said it will one day be historically important. Source: Joy A. Collura

Tex Gilligan is the one who told Joy A. Collura to get her camera out of her back pack and snap all these vehicles because he felt it would one day be very important.

Figure 41. Sonny told me to take this photo because he said it will one day be historically important. Source: Joy A. Collura

Joy A. Collura took photo of Blue Ridge Hotshot buggy in the Sesame to Shrine Corridor area.

Figure 42. Sonny told me to take this photo because he said it will one day be historically important. The background is the Sesame to Shrine Corridor areas on June 30, 2013. The home was Bob Kramer's. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 43. Stern Magazine hiked/interviewed us - NORBERT HÖFLER lets us photograph the paper Donut showed him where he was as a lookout Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 44. June 30, 2013 Joy A Collura's Tracfone photo of the Yarnell Hill Fire On The Weavers Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 45. June 30, 2013 Joy A Collura's Tracfone's Photo Properties that shows

Time we were on the Weavers with the GMHS...we had passed the men at this point. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 46. after the fire when they fenced the DZ (Helms to right) You can see Chutes in this photo and the Sesame to Shrine Corridor Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 47. Deployment Zone (Fenced) Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 48. Boulder Springs Ranch/Helms after the fire (burn scars) Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 49. View of DZ/Helm/Sesame to Shrine Corridor after the fire (burn scars) Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 50. The Old Grader after the fire (burn scars) Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 51. Gordon Acri's land over by the Lone Ocotillo Trail near #11 of Anthony Rose Marker on Arizona State Park Memorial Trail after the fire (burn scars) and I have one from June 30, 2013 afternoon when we were there. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 53. This was the very first person to alert the hikers something was not right about the YH Fire and this was in front of Joanna Dodders-Nellan's Daily Courier place July 2013 Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 54. We were both very exhausted from helping so many directly and UNITED WAY wanted us to speak at one of their presentations and what the world did not know we had worked 12 to 17 hours shifts seven days a week so to get to this presentation and no monies for gas and we were both very very sore and tired. We helped a lot with United Way that Summer as well. We did spread ourselves thin when I look back but we made it through. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 55. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) honoring the 19 --- to get the word out he carved the 19 on the back of his head Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 56. Where the men died and EXACTLY where Sonny and I fought June 30, 2013, early morning is the same GPS coordinates where the men died Source:Joy A. Collura

Figure 57. where the men died and EXACTLY where Sonny and I fought June 30, 2013 early morning is the same GPS coordinates where the men died Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 58. June 30, 2013 what we went through that morning - that box canyon area Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 59. This best represents the lunch spot that day Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 60. vehicles going through the Sesame to Shrine Corridor area Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 61. The Boulder Springs Ranch/Helms the very morning of June 30, 2013 where we were heading to the Weavers to alert prospectors in which is why we were on the Weavers that Friday and Saturday and Sunday... Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 62. just look at these June 30 2013 photos here of the box canyon areas Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 63. The hikers took photos of Wildland Firefighters Source: Joy A. Collura

The hikers took photos of Wildland Firefighters who later (Prescott Yavapai College evacuation phase) Joanna Dodder-Nellans of Prescott Daily Courier stated -did you know, you have the last photos of the GMHS? How does that make you feel?- and we thought how are we suppose to feel...We were on the Weavers to alert prospectors not be one of the last folks to have seen, watch and photograph these men's actions that fateful day. Yet since the YH Fire I have seen so much misinformation and bullying and down right disgusting behaviors shown towards the hikers for trying to fact check this tragedy that we eye-witnessed and it is continually wrong. Why is it so many engines were not even added to this investigation reports but some of the people who were in crucial areas...their family members participated in the fillum. Yet the film never even touch the Helms/Sesame/Shrine areas and that is the most important area to June 30, 2013

Figure 64. Glen Ilah on fire June 30, 2013 5:10pm Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 65. This about 5 to 530pm June 30 2013 the fire behavior Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 66. the old grader on June 30 2013 where Frisby picked up Donut Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 67. June 30 2013 Dozer on the Sesame To Shrine Corridor Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 68. After the YH Fire we buried so many wildlife but here a few scorched yet alive Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 70. I was very much attached to the wildlife to this area and it is still to this day the hardest part in this for me. They were like family to me so to actually bury them after the fire - that was hard for me. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 71. just look at these June 30 2013 photos here of the box canyon areas Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 72. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) placed another rock each time we went up there and someone kept knocking down our tribute Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 73. where the men died and EXACTLY where Sonny and I fought June 30, 2013 early morning is the same GPS coordinates where the men died Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 74. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) placed another rock each time we went up there and someone kept knocking down our tribute Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 75. where the men died and EXACTLY where Sonny and I fought June 30, 2013 early morning is the same GPS coordinates where the men died Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 76. Tex Harold Eldon Gilligan (Sonny) Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 77. November 29th the Helms will present at the college and tell their side of the YH Fire on that weekend Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 78. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 79. Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 80. Looking down from ridgeline to deployment / fatality site . Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 81. Fire behavior between 4 and 5 PM Sesame Street and Shrine area Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 82. Blow-up fire behavior between 5 and 6 PM in Glen Ilah area Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 83. Fire behavior from off Crestview Sesame Street on far left about 4:30 to 5 PM Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 84. Old grader site Source: Joy A. Collura

Figure 74. Bulldozer improving road and / or building dozer line along Sesame Street Source: Joy A. Collura

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6-22-13 1:29pm Chris MacKenzie IMG_0869 

Source: Yavapai County Records/SAIT Report/Documents.

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