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  • Arizona Desert Walker Joy A. Collura and thank you

What Are We Missing Here? How Can It Possibly Be Only These Wildfires Ended Up Archived March 2013

What Are We Missing Here? How Can It Possibly Be Only These Wildfires Ended Up Archived March 2013 In The Entire History Of Arizona State Forestry Division? Why Were These Specifically Chosen And What Made Them Archive-able? Do Any Of You Think Any Other Wildfires Should Belong In The Archives? What Makes It A Historical Event Or A Disaster?

January 28, 2020 | Arizona Desert Walker Joy A. Collura and thank you WTKTT for your help

Views expressed to "the public at largeand "of public concern"

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I am looking forward to the Yarnell Hill Fire ( YHF ) being archived - it is about time - almost seven years later -

I am still awaiting for such moment to happen where Arizona State Forestry ( ASF ) ( now called the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management ( AZ-DFFM ) ) completes one of these ARCH-TF forms and moves the Historical Significant fire that I was an eye-witness to an transfers them to the Arizona State Archives.

My intentions are to review all the records provided to what was shown to me in the Federal Freedom Of Information Act ( FOIA ) and Public Record Request ( PRR ) to what was sitting there at the Arizona State Archives.

Let us pray this is the year they make such transfer of records.

I have been told numerous times that it is sad that - a common housewife - who has some formal education is the one brilliantly pointing out these areas that should have been done by the investigators, lawyers of those affected that had suits, the media, and / or politicians.

Arizona State Forestry, here are the "official" forms you need to do your second transfer ever. We, the eager public, are all here waiting-

Figure 1. Form ARCH-TF Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 1a. Form ARCH-TF Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 1b. Guidelines For Preparing Boxes To Transfer To The State Archives. Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 1c. Guidelines For Preparing Boxes To Transfer To The State Archives (cont.). Source: Arizona State Archives

Let me walk you through this ... I am getting less than proper treatment since I began pulling FOIAs and Public Records ( PRRs ) since 2014.

It is NOT up to any public official's whims to pick and chose who or what to redact. I have seen that over and over.

There are RULES and LAWS about that.

Whether or not the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire was both a 'disaster' AND ( hence ) a "Historical Fire" it not a matter of opinion.

Let me show you...

It has been CODIFIED as such.

It has been LEGALLY declared and codified as such at every level that matters... by County, State and Federal agencies.

On the morning of July 1, 2013... Arizona State Governor Jan Brewer SIGNED a 'Declaration of Disaster' for the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire... and at 10:30 AM that same morning she ANNOUNCED this fact in her first public press conference following the tragic loss of the GM Hotshots.

The same day... the Yavapai County Board of Commissioners officially issued their OWN "Declaration of Disaster" for Yavapai County and the community of Yarnell. This Yavapai County "Declaration of Disaster" was then RATIFIED at the Yavapai County Board of Commissioners meeting on August 5, 2013.

On September 12, 2013... the FEDERAL U.S. Small Business Agency issued their own official "Declaration of Disaster" for the June 30, 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire and the community became immediately available to access funds from their own Federal level Disaster Relief Funds.

So that's the 'full monty' on the Official "Disaster Declarations" at the County, State and FEDERAL levels.

So ALL RECORDS that pertain to the "Historic" Disaster known as the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire are now ( and have always been ) REQUIRED BY LAW to have a RETENTION PERIOD of PERMANENT ( FOREVER ).

The destruction, tampering or obfuscation of any/all public records related to this Historic disaster would be ILLEGAL.

Consider now, the Arizona State and Local Agencies Retention Schedule for "Firefighting and Prevention" Records GS-1024 Rev 1. which specifically deals with how to preserve "Wildfire Report Records - Historical":

Figure 2. Firefighting and Prevention Records GS-1024 Rev 1. "Wildfire Report Records - Historical and Non-Historical" Source: Arizona State Archives


With one specific entity I am researching with my PRRs, the total redactions of ALL the names of the persons who RECEIVED an email from John MacLean's Researcher, Holly Neill, is clearly ILLEGAL, based on the fact that "they" are NOT allowing me to see WHO ( which government employee or employees ) RECEIVED that specific email.


NOTE: As you already know very well... when it mentions 'retention period' in these rules and regulations that ALSO means that for ANYTHING related to the Historic Yarnell Hill Fire... that "retention period" is required by LAW to be PERMANENT ( FOREVER ).


E-mail records that have permanent retention periods must be transferred from the e-mail system and stored in either an electronic record-keeping system or another proper record-keeping system. And we already confirmed the CITY OF PRESCOTT has not transferred records to State Archival Records since the 1970s. What I have for them is RG 127 with Lot Books and Dockets and nothing on Historical Significant Fires.

If someone there tries to argue with me that they think it's okay to even fail to show the NAMES of people who don't work for Prescott... then why are we even seeing SOME of the non-Prescott employee names ( like Nowicki and Neill and Pginfston, etc. )... but not ALL of the non-Prescott employee names. You understand?

That looks like BIAS and illegal decision making with regards to who or what to redact.


I will try and add more here before I head out to the Academy yet for now I am closing with the ONLY Accession Number showing all the transfer history of Arizona State Forestry Division being done one time ever - and their very first time was months before the Yarnell Hill Fire.

What you will read below is accession number A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE and I confirmed the date ( photo of email thread below ) and they were transferred with Arizona State Archives and it was one week before they met with politicians at an Arizona Academy with Emergency Mgmt and Fire Industry Folks and APS. I want that noted for the Public Records. I have the physical photos yet excluding them for "safe keeping."

Did the SAIT SAIR document that in their note-taking? Did ADOSH? or Craig Knapp or McGroder? In the entire HISTORY of the Arizona State Forestry months before the BIGGEST blunder they archived these records. I find that fact peculiar, but even more so the VIP meeting that occurred one week later.


Figure 3. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3a. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3b. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3c. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3d. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3e. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3f. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3g. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3h. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3i. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3j. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3k. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3l. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3m. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 3n. A-2013-079 Creator Arizona State Forestry Division RG 195 SG 1 FIRE Source: Arizona State Archives

Figure 4. Collura Email With Laura Blandford Arizona State Archives Source: Arizona State Archives email thread (partial)

I have notified the White House:

Figure 5. Collura Email To President Trump Source: Proton Email

So these two entrapment fires made it to the State Archives:

Horseshoe 2 Fire Entrapment (2011)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/07/2011 [Incident Type]: Entrapment

Nuttall Fire Entrapment (2004)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 07/02/2004 [Incident Type]: Entrapment​​

Why are the following Historical Entrapment Wildfires excluded in the transfer from Arizona State Forestry to Arizona Archive Records?

Cedar Fire Shelter Deployments (2016)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/28/2016 [Incident Type]: Entrapment

Hochderffer Hills Entrapment (1996)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/21/1996 [Incident Type]: Entrapment

Coyote Prescribed Fire Entrapment (2017)

​[State]: Arizona [Date]: 10/26/2017 [Incident Type]: Entrapment Sawtooth Rx Entrapment Fatality (2003)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/14/2003 [Incident Type]: Entrapment

Bull Fire Entrapment FLA (2011)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 04/29/2011 [Incident Type]: Entrapment

Dude Fire Entrapment Fatalities (1990)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/26/1990 [Incident Type]: Entrapment

A-Bar (2003)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/11/2003 [Incident Type]: Entrapment

Yarnell Hill Fire Entrapment Fatalities (2013)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/03/1994 [Incident Type]: Entrapment

Mackenzie Fire Entrapment (1994)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/01/1994 [Incident Type]: Entrapment

Smoke Grenade (2013)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 10/14/2013 [Incident Type]: Entrapment

Shultz Fire (2010)
San Juan Fire Fuel Treatment Effectiveness Report (2014)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/26/2014 [Incident Type]: Large Fire

Bowie Fire Radio Cloning Issues (2017)

​[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/10/2017 [Incident Type]: Large Fire

Cherry Escaped RX Fire Review (2003)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 07/17/2003 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire

Mitchell and Hot Air (2004)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/18/2004 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire

Nugget Prescribed Fire (2009)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/04/2009 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire

Greer Escaped RX Review (2010)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 12/07/2010 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire

Frye / Whitmire Escaped RX (2008)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 04/01/2008 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire

Twin Prescribed Fire (2009)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 11/16/2009 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire

Island Lake Escaped RX Burn (2004)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 02/04/2004 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire

Long Jim III Escaped Prescribed Fire (2004)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/05/2004 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire​

EB-3 Escaped Prescribed Fire (2000)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 04/13/2000 [Incident Type]: Escaped Prescribed Fire

Chitty Prescribed Fire (2008)
Agua Fria Grassland Rx (1994)
Noon Fire Hit by Lightning (2004)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 06/24/2004 [Incident Type]: Hit by Lightning​​

Clark Peak Fire Safety Concern (1996)

[State]: Arizona [Date]: 05/03/1996 [Incident Type]: Firing Operation

added 8-9-23: This proves that these records are to be permanent records and there are missing records ... an audit should be enforced in 2023.


The Lord detests lying lips,

but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

Proverbs 12:22

Post 38

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